The annotations below provide an entry point to the items listed. Phases in which items are introduced are indicated in parentheses. Full definitions and descriptions are given in separate entries that follow this list except, when the tools or processes correspond to a whole phase or framework, details can be found in Part 1, Phases, Cycles, Habits, and Spaces.
Active Digestion
To ensure that what you read becomes part of your own thinking (Phase B)
Alternatives Thinking
Inquiry informed by a strong sense of how things could be otherwise; Synonym for critical thinking that avoids the connotations of cutting down another person's position
Annotated Bibliography
To check the significance of what you are reading against your current project definition and priorities (Phase B)
Ways to read and prepare annotations and points for discussion of readings (Phase B)
Appreciation that Empowers Others
Elicit appreciation from others about your influences on them
Assessment that Keeps the Attention Away from Grades
Helps teaching and learning interactions focused on the student's process of developing through the semester
Autobiographical Introductions
Each participant takes the same amount of time to describe how they came to be a person who would join the workshop, discussion group, etc.
Background Information (=Phase B)
Finding out what others have done that informs and connects with your project
An opportunity for every participant to begin to participate and have their voice heard
Clarification Through Communication (=Phase G)
Overall progression or argument underlying your research and the written reports
Closing Circle (Check-Out)
An opportunity for every participant to take stock of the session or their plan for the time ahead and to have this heard (witnessed) by the rest of the group
Collaborative Exploration
Structured interactions in small groups over a delimited period of time designed to sustain the face-to-face PBL experience of re-engagement with yourself as an avid learner and inquirer
Compelling Communication (=Phase H)
Drafting and revising writing so the result grabs the attention of the readers, orients them, and moves them along in steps so they appreciate the position you have led them to
Component Propositions (=Phase D); Component Propositions—Teasing Out
Identify the propositions that your project depends on and the research needed to support those propositions (Phase D)
CPR (Connecting-Puzzling-Reflecting) Space
Workshop or learning activity that fosters carryover of outcomes into your work and life by allowing you to explore a topic in relation to your individual interests, aspirations, and situations
CPR Workshop
A CPR Space created by moving through the 4Rs over a single day or several days
Connections and Extensions Feedback
Feedback from listeners on intersections with themselves and areas that spark interest or curiosity
Creative Habits for Synthesis of Theory and Practice
Framework to establish a structure of support to find your voice, clarify and develop thoughts, and express that voice in a completed written product
Critical Incident Questionnaire
Five minute feedback that can be fitted in at the end of almost any session
Cycles and Epicycles of Action Research
Framework that emphasizes reflection and dialogue through which you revisit and revise the ideas you have about what action is needed and about how to build a constituency to implement the change
Daily Writing
A practice of writing 15-30 minutes 5-7 days per week from the very start of a project
Definitional Ceremony
Help a person or a group acknowledge multiple past allies, aspirations for their lives, significant discoveries, problem-solving practices
Design of Further Research and Engagement (=Phase E)
Clear objectives with respect to product and process, in sequence of steps
Dialogue around Written Work
Written and spoken comments on each installment of a project and successive revision in response facilitates generative interactions between researcher and advisor
Dialogue Hour
(see Five-Phase Format)
Dialogue Process
Shared and personal meaning that emerges within a group discussion through listening, inquiry, and reflection
Direct Information, Models, and Experience (=Phase F)
Information, models, and experience not readily available from other sources
Direct Writing and Quick Revising
Split the time you have available into two: write complete sentences, then put what you have in order (Phase H)
Drafts (Narrative, Complete, Final)
building on a narrative outline, proceed directly to a complete draft of your report (or through the intermediate step of a narrative draft) then revise in response to comments to produce a final report
Guidelines for our email-mediated interactions
Engagement with Others (=Phase I)
Facilitating new avenues of classroom, workplace, and public participation
Evaluation Clock (to plan evaluations)
A framework to design your own evaluation or systematic study, working both sequentially and recursively
Evaluation Clock (to review completed evaluations)
Learn to plan evaluations by using the Clock to and identify the steps taken in a completed evaluation
Five F's
Background research involves a continuing interplay among Find, Focus, Filter, Face Fears, and File (Phase B)
Five-Phase Format
Through listening, writing, and speaking, participants move through five phases to reflect on a shared topic
Focused Conversation
A series of questions that begin with concrete things you observed and move through feelings and associations, on to interpretations and finally get to the overall implications
Four Rs (4Rs)
Employ group processes that begin by emphasizing Respect, which enhances Risk taking and consequent insights or Revelations, which leads to Re-engagement
Write non-stop for seven to ten minutes to expose thoughts about the topic that had been below the surface of your attention
Future Ideal Retrospective
Collaboratively contribute to each participant generating a practical vision for future developments
Gallery Walk
Activity for a group's first meeting that introduces participants to each other and acknowledges that they already know a lot about the topic at hand
GOSP (Grab->Orient->Steps->Position)
Grab the attention of the readers or audience, Orient them, move them along in Steps, so they appreciate the Position you've led them to (Phase H)
Governing Question
Focuses you on what you need to find out that you do not already know or cannot yet demonstrate to someone else

Historical Scan
Review a group's progress or set the scene in which a project is to be undertaken
Initial Guide
Someone to guide your inquiries in their early unformed stage (Phase B)
Intersecting Processes
the development of scientific-social phenomena in terms of linkages among processes of different kinds and scales that build up over time
Interview Guide
So you set the scene clearly, do not forget essential things, and have a checklist of items you wanted to cover
Jigsaw Discussion of Texts
Allows all members of a group to get up to steam on issues raised by a set of readings without everyone having read every reading in depth
Identify what you need to Find out by examining the interplay between Knowledge, Questions for inquiry, and ideas about possible Actions
Key Article
Points to many other publications and so moves you towards the goal of knowing what others have done that informs and connects with your project (Phase B)
Learning Road Trip
A series of visits to people whose work you want to learn more about or, by their responses to you presenting your own work, learn from
Making and Taking Time
Acknowledge each of the different personas you have and assign time for each every day (Phase E)
A synthesis of elements from a course or workshop, selected and organized so as to inspire as well as inform your efforts in extending the topic further (Phase J)
Tease out connections from the central issue that concerns you (Phase C)
Models from the Past
Review reports from previous projects to get a sense of their scope and the look of the final products (Phase A)
Narrative Outline
Outline with explanatory sentences that indicate the point of each section and interconnections among sections (Phase G)
One-on-One Consultations within a Group that Meets over an Extended Period
Opportunities to solicit advice one on one during a meeting or workshop when there is 45-60 minutes to spare
One-on-One Session
Discussions between researcher and advisors are typically free-form, but can be given a more mindful structure
Online Mindfulness
Envisage any online forum as a space that you enter and leave mindfully
Online Synchronous Teaching
Structure discussion and small group interactions so that students from a distance feel as included as students in the room
Overall Argument—Clarification
What are the steps or progression that leads your audience to the position you want them at least to appreciate? (Phase G)
Paragraph Overview
A single paragraph to orient readers to your project as a whole (Phase A)
Personal and Professional Development Workbook
An organized compilation of materials to facilitate review of and later re-engagement with your thinking and processes of development
Phases of Research and Engagement
Framework of ten phases that researchers move through and, in a process of iterative development, revisit in light of other people's responses to their work and of what they learn during the other
Plan for Practice
How you will put into practice the tools, processes, and knowledge being learned and how you will practice putting them into practice (Phase J)
Plus-Delta Feedback
Feedback in the form of an appreciation (plus) and a suggestion for change (delta)
Possible Directions and Priorities (=Phase C)
Expose possible new directions and clarify direction and scope within the larger set of issues
Process Review
Selected examples with annotations that capture the process of development of your work and thinking about the subject of the project/course (Phase J)
Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Learners bring diverse interests into their inquiries around problems raised in open-ended scenarios
Pyramid of Questions
A compilation of questions arising during your research, with later questions building on earlier ones (Phase C)
Questions for Opening Wide and for Probing
Where? Who is implicated? Tease open arguments, categories, definitions, holes, and ambiguities (Phase C)
Reflective Practitioner Goals
Emphasizing taking initiative in and through relationships (Phase J)
Refractive Practice
Pausing to take stock and identify alternative paths (“refract”) before leaving one phase/project and moving to a new one
Research Design
To end up with a sequence of achievable steps begin with reflection on your wider vision and obstacles to realizing that vision (Phase E)
Research Organization
Keep your ears and eyes open to good ideas, but customize the development of your research organization to your own situation and foibles
Different kinds of responses to ask for your writing
Response to Shared Reading
Each participant, except the author, takes equal time to convey how the reading intersects with or stimulates their own thinking
Reverse Outlining
After making a note on the topic(s) or thesis(theses) of each paragraph, see how these can be rearranged, streamlined, discarded, combined, split, so that each paragraph makes a distinct contribution to a definite GOSPing path (Phase H)
You should not expect to work out your ideas in one attempt—everyone needs to revise!
Self-Assessment, at Mid-Project
What you like about your work so far. What you plan to do differently. Support you need for this (Phase J)
Self-Assessment, at the End
Describe for each pre-specified goal (e.g., the goals of the Phases) one thing that reflects what you have achieved well related to this goal and one thing that you have struggled with or need more help on or want to work further on (Phase J)
Sense-Making Contextualization
Form of contextualization that teases out what has helped you and what has hindered you (Phase B)
Sense-Making Response
An approach to Active Digestion of what you are reading based on Sense-Making Contextualization (Phase B)
Sense of Place Map
A picture that addresses: Where are you? Where have you come from? Where are you going?
Sharing of Work to Elicit Responses
Sharing as giving so that responses be elicited and offered from a place of mutual respect
Small-Group Roles
Roles that do not divert anyone from participating in a small-group activity and in which everyone has to reflect and synthesize what happened
Statistical Thinking
A simple chain of thinking to be understood before enlisting a statistician to analyze the data
Strategic Personal Planning
Acknowledging a wide range of factors and wishes that your work could take into account (Phase E)

Subject-Purpose-Audience (=Phase A)
Who you want to reach? What you want to convey to them? Why do you want to address them about that?
Support and Coaching Structure
Consider ways that the group can function as a support and coaching structure to get most participants (students) to finish their research and writing by the target date (Phase J)
Supportive Listening
Each person has half the time available to be listened to and simply paid attention to even if not talking
Taking Initiative In and Through Relationships
Focus on a few reflective practitioner goals at any given time, but keep the other considerations in mind and address any tensions among them
Taking Stock (=Phase J)
What has been working well and what needs changing—start early in the project and repeat often
Ten Questions, for Opening Wide then Focusing
Write down 10 questions then circle two that interest you the most. Take these two and list 10 questions under each (Phase C)
Prepare your thoughts on your own, share with a second person, then with group as a whole
Visual Aids
Aid your presentation, not duplicate it (Phase G)
Work-in-Progress Presentation
Through preparation, delivery, and feedback clarify your overall argument and plans for subsequent research (Phase G)
Writing Groups for Support and Feedback
A small group protects a regular meeting time and takes turns to give and receive feedback on the latest installment of writing
Writing Preferences
When you see your strengths you may keep that in mind as a resource. When you see your weakness, you may do remedial exercises to try to reduce that as a liability (Phases G and H)
Writing Workshop
Regular hour-long writing workshop to check in on progress and reflect on relevant topics
Written Evaluation, at End of a Project or Course
Starting with a quick self-evaluation and moving through steps towards composing a synthetic statement aimed at helping the advisor (or instructor) and some third party appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the process (or course) (Phase J)