Research in the Revell Lab


  1. Revell, L. J. and L. J. Harmon. 2022. Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R. Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ. 440 pp. link

    1. Published & In press Articles or Book Chapters

      1. Revell, L. J., L. J. Harmon, and R. E. Glor. 2005. Underparameterized model of sequence evolution leads to bias in the estimation of diversification rates from molecular phylogenies. Systematic Biology 54: 973-983. PDF
      2. Revell, L. J., L. J. Harmon, R. B. Langerhans, and J. J. Kolbe. 2007. A phylogenetic approach to determining the importance of constraint on phenotypic evolution in the neotropical lizard, Anolis cristatellus. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 261-282. PDF
      3. Revell, L. J. 2007. The G matrix under fluctuating correlational mutation and selection. Evolution 61: 1857-1872. PDF
      4. Revell, L. J. 2007. Testing the genetic constraint hypothesis in a phylogenetic context: A simulation study. Evolution 61: 2720-2727. PDF supplementary material
      5. Revell, L. J., M. A. Johnson, J. A. Schulte II, J. J. Kolbe, and J. B. Losos. 2007. A phylogenetic test for adaptive convergence in rock-dwelling lizards. Evolution 61: 2898-2912. PDF supplementary material
      6. Johnson, M. A., M. Leal, L. Rodríguez Schettino, A. Chamizo Lara, L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. 2008. A phylogenetic perspective on foraging mode evolution in West Indian Anolis lizards. Animal Behaviour 75: 555-563. PDF
      7. Revell, L. J. and A. S. Harrison. 2008. PCCA: A program for phylogenetic canonical correlation analysis. Bioinformatics 24: 1018-1020. PDF
      8. Revell, L. J. and L. J. Harmon. 2008. Testing quantitative genetic hypotheses about the evolutionary rate matrix for continuous characters. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10: 311-321. PDF
      9. Revell, L. J. 2008. On the analysis of evolutionary change along single branches in a phylogeny. American Naturalist 172: 140-147. PDF supplementary appendix
      10. Revell, L. J., L. J. Harmon, and D. C. Collar. 2008. Phylogenetic signal, evolutionary process, and rate. Systematic Biology 57: 591-601. PDF
      11. Revell, L. J., and D. C. Collar. 2009. Phylogenetic analysis of the evolutionary correlation using likelihood. Evolution 63: 1090-1100. PDF
      12. Revell, L. J. 2009. Size-correction and principal components for interspecific comparative studies. Evolution 63: 3258-3268. PDF supplementary appendix
      13. Revell, L. J., D. L. Mahler, J. R. Sweeney, M. Sobotka, V. E. Fancher, and J. B. Losos. 2010. Nonlinear selection and the evolution of variances and covariances for continuous characters in an anole. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 407-421. PDF supplementary appendix
      14. Lovely, K. R., D. L. Mahler, and L. J. Revell. 2010. The rate and pattern of tail autotomy in five species of Puerto Rican anoles. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12: 67-88. PDF
      15. Johnson, M. A., L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. 2010. Behavioral convergence and adaptive radiation: Effects of habitat use on territorial behavior in Anolis lizards. Evolution 64: 1151-1159. PDF
      16. Lindenfors, P., L. J. Revell, and C. L. Nunn. 2010. Sexual dimorphism in primate aerobic capacity: A phylogenetic test. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1183-1194. PDF supplementary appendix
      17. Mahler, D. L., L. J. Revell, R. E. Glor, and J. B. Losos. 2010. Ecological opportunity and the rate of morphological evolution in the diversification of Greater Antillean anoles. Evolution 64: 2731-2745. PDF supplementary appendix cover (photo by L. Mahler)
      18. Revell, L. J. 2010. Phylogenetic signal and linear regression on species data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1: 319-329. PDF supplementary appendix
      19. Kolbe, J. J., L. J. Revell, B. Szekely, E. D. Brodie III, and J. B. Losos. 2011. Convergent evolution of phenotypic integration and its alignment with morphological diversification in Caribbean Anolis ecomorphs. Evolution 65: 3608-3624. PDF
      20. Revell, L. J., D. L. Mahler, P. R. Peres-Neto, and B. D. Redelings. 2012. A new method for identifying exceptional phenotypic diversification. Evolution 66: 135-146. PDF supplementary appendix
      21. Sanger, T. J., L. J. Revell, J. J. Gibson-Brown, and J. B. Losos. 2012. Repeated modification of early limb morphogenesis programs underlies the evolution of relative long bone length variation among Anolis lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 279: 739-748. PDF
      22. Slater, G. J., L. J. Harmon, D. Wegmann, P. Joyce, L. J. Revell, and M. E. Alfaro. 2012. Fitting models of continuous trait evolution to incompletely sampled comparative data using Approximate Bayesian Computation. Evolution 66: 752-762. PDF
      23. Revell, L. J. 2012. phytools: An R package for phylogenetic comparative biology (and other things). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 217-223. PDF
      24. Revell, L. J. and R. G. Reynolds. 2012. A new Bayesian method for fitting evolutionary models to comparative data with intraspecific variation. Evolution 66: 2697-2707. PDF
      25. Revell, L. J. 2013. A comment on the use of stochastic character maps to estimate evolutionary rate variation in a continuously valued trait. Systematic Biology 62: 339-345. PDF
      26. Reynolds, R. G., A. R. Puente-Rolón, R. N. Reed, and L. J. Revell. 2013. Genetic analysis of a novel invasion of Puerto Rico by an exotic constricting snake. Biological Invasions 15: 953-959. PDF
      27. Muñoz, M. M., N. G. Crawford, T. J. McGreevy, N. J. Messana, R. D. Tarvin, L. J. Revell, R. M. Zandvliet, J. M. Hopwood, E. Mock, A. L. Schneider, and C. J. Schneider. 2013. Divergence in coloration and the evolution of reproductive isolation in the Anolis marmoratus species complex. Molecular Ecology 22: 2668-2682. PDF
      28. Puente-Rolón, A. R., R. G. Reynolds, and L. J. Revell. 2013. Preliminary genetic analysis supports cave populations as targets for conservation in the endemic endangered Puerto Rican boa (Boidae: Epicrates inornatus). PLoS ONE 8: e63899. PDF
      29. Reynolds, R. G., M. L. Niemiller, S. B. Hedges, A. Dornburg, A. R. Puente-Rolón, and L. J. Revell. 2013. Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of West Indian boid snakes (Chilabothrus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68: 461-470. PDF
      30. Mahler, D. L., T. Ingram, L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. 2013. Exceptional convergence on the macroevolutionary landscape in island lizard radiations. Science 341: 292-295. PDF supplementary appendix
      31. Revell, L. J. 2013. Two new graphical methods for mapping trait evolution on phylogenies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 754-759. PDF
      32. Reynolds, R. G., M. L. Niemiller, and L. J. Revell. 2014. Toward a tree-of-life for the boas and pythons: Multilocus species-level phylogeny with unprecedented taxon sampling. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 201-213. PDF
      33. Revell, L. J. 2014. Ancestral character estimation under the threshold model from quantitative genetics. Evolution 68: 743-759. PDF
      34. Reynolds, R. G., A. R. Puente-Rolón, M. Barandiaran, and L. J. Revell. 2014. Hispaniolan boa (Chilabothrus striatus) on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico. Herpetology Notes 7: 121-122. PDF
      35. Revell, L. J. 2014. Graphical methods for visualizing comparative data on phylogenies. Chapter 4 in Modern phylogenetic comparative methods and their application in evolutionary biology: Concepts and practice (L. Z. Garamszegi ed.). PDF
      36. Revell, L. J. and S. A. Chamberlain. 2014. Rphylip: An R interface for PHYLIP. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 976-981. PDF
      37. Stuart, Y. E., T. S. Campbell, R. G. Reynolds, P. A. Hohenlohe, L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. 2014. Rapid evolution of a native species following invasion by a congener. Science 346: 463-466. PDF supplementary appendix.
      38. Collar, D. C., P. C. Wainwright, M. E. Alfaro, L. J. Revell, and R. S. Mehta. 2014. Biting disrupts evolutionary integration of the skull in eels. Nature Communications 5: 5505. PDF supplementary appendix
      39. Reynolds, R. G., A. R. Puente-Rolón, R. Platenberg, K. Tyler, P. J. Tolson, and L. J. Revell. 2015. Large divergence and low diversity suggest genetically informed conservation strategies for the endangered Virgin Islands Boa (Chilabothrus monensis). Global Ecology and Conservation 3: 487-502. PDF
      40. Revell, L. J., D. L. Mahler, R. G. Reynolds, and G. J. Slater. 2015. Placing cryptic, recently extinct, or hypothesized taxa into an ultrametric phylogeny using continuous character data: A case study with the lizard Anolis roosevelti. Evolution 69: 1027-1035. PDF
      41. Harrison, A. S., L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. 2015. Correlated evolution of microhabitat, morphology, and behavior in West Indian Anolis lizards: A test of the habitat matrix model. Behavior 152: 1187-1207. PDF
      42. Winchell, K. M., R. G. Reynolds, S. Prado-Irwin, A. R. Puente-Rolón, and L. J. Revell. 2016. Phenotypic shifts in urban areas in the tropical lizard, Anolis cristatellus. Evolution 70: 1009-1022. PDF supplementary appendix
      43. Reynolds, R. G., D. C. Collar, S. A. Pasachnik, M. L. Niemiller, A. R. Puente-Rolón, and L. J. Revell. 2016. Ecological specialization and morphological diversification in Greater Antillean boas. Evolution 70: 1882-1895. PDF
      44. Tyler, R. K., K. M. Winchell, and L. J. Revell. 2016. Tails of the city: Caudal autotomy in the tropical lizard, Anolis cristatellus, in urban and natural areas of Puerto Rico. Journal of Herpetology 50: 435-441. PDF
      45. Arcila, D., G. Ortí, R. Vari, J. W. Armbruster, M. L. J. Stiassny, K. D. Ko, M. H. Sabaj, J. Lundberg, L. J. Revell, and R. Betancur-R. 2017. Genome-wide interrogation advances resolution of recalcitrant groups in the tree of life. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1:0020. PDF supplementary appendix
      46. Reynolds, R. G., T. R. Strickland, J. J. Kolbe, B. G. Falk, G. Perry, L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. 2017. Archipelagic genetics in a widespread Caribbean anole. Journal of Biogeography 44: 2631-2647. PDF
      47. Winchell, K. M., E. J. Carlen, A. R. Puente-Rolón, and L. J. Revell. 2018. Divergent habitat use of two urban lizard species. Ecology and Evolution 8: 25-35. PDF
      48. Revell, L. J., L. E. González-Valenzuela, A. Alfonso, L. A. Castellanos-García, C. E. Guarnizo, and A. J. Crawford. 2018. Comparing evolutionary rates between trees, clades, and traits. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 994-1005. PDF
      49. Revell, L. J. 2018. Comparing the rates of speciation and extinction between phylogenetic trees. Ecology and Evolution 8: 5303-5312. PDF supplementary appendix
      50. Winchell, K. M., I. Maayan, J. R. Fredette, and L. J. Revell. 2018. Linking locomotor performance to morphological shifts in urban lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 285: 20180229. PDF supplementary appendix
      51. Revell, L. J., K. Schliep, E. Valderrama, and J. E. Richardson. 2018. Graphs in phylogenetic comparative analysis: Anscombe’s quartet revisited. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 2145-2154. PDF supplementary appendix
      52. Winchell, K. M., D. Briggs, and L. J. Revell. 2019. Perils of city life: Patterns of injury and fluctuating asymmetry in urban lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126: 276-288. PDF
      53. Bawa, K. S., T. Ingty, L. J. Revell, and K. N. Shivaprakash. 2019. Correlated evolution of flower size and seed number in flowering plants (monocotyledons). Annals of Botany 123: 181-190. PDF
      54. Revell, L. J. 2019. learnPopGen: an R package for population genetic simulation and numerical analysis. Ecology and Evolution 9: 7896-7902. PDF
      55. Prado-Irwin, S. R., L. J. Revell, and K. M. Winchell. 2019. Variation in tail morphology across urban and forest populations of the crested anole (Anolis cristatellus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128: 632-644. PDF
      56. Quach, Q. N., R. G. Reynolds, and L. J. Revell. 2020. Historical allopatry and secondary contact or primary intergradation in the Puerto Rican Crested Anole, Anolis cristatellus, on Vieques Island in the Caribbean. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 129: 114-127. PDF
      57. Reynolds, R. G., J. J. Kolbe, R. E. Glor, M. López-Darias, C. V., Gómez Pourroy, A. S. Harrison, K. de Queiroz, L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. 2020. Phylogeographic and phenotypic outcomes of brown anole colonization across the Caribbean provide insight into the beginning stages of an adaptive radiation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 468-494. PDF
      58. Winchell, K. M., K. P. Schliep, D. L. Mahler, and L. J. Revell. 2020. Phylogenetic signal and evolutionary correlates of urban tolerance in a widespread neotropical lizard clade. Evolution 74: 1274-1288. PDF
      59. Zhu, Z.-X., F. J. Escobedo, L. J. Revell, T. Brandeis, J. Xie, and H.-F. Wang. 2021. Using phylogenetic diversity to explore the socioeconomic and ecological drivers of a tropical, coastal urban forest. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. PDF
      60. Avilés-Rodríguez, K. J., K. M. Winchell, L. F. De León, and L. J. Revell. 2021. Phenotypic response to a major hurricane in Anolis lizards in urban and forest habitats. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133: 880-895. PDF
      61. Revell, L. J. 2021. A variable-rate quantitative trait evolution model using penalized-likelihood. PeerJ 9: e11997. PDF
      62. Revell, L. J. 2021. covid19.Explorer : A web application and R package to explore United States COVID-19 data. PeerJ 9: e11489. PDF
      63. Sander, P. M., E. M. Griebeler, N. Klein, J. Velez Juarbe, T. Wintrich, L. J. Revell, and L. Schmitz. 2021. Early giant reveals faster evolution of large body size in ichthyosaurs than in cetaceans. Science 374: eabf5787. PDF
      64. López-Córdova, D. A., J. Avaria-Llautureo, P. M. Ulloa, H. E. Braid, L. J. Revell, D. Fuchs, and C. M. Ibáñez. 2022. Mesozoic origin of coleoid cephalopods and their abrupt shifts of diversification patterns. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 166: 107331. PDF
      65. Revell, L. J., K. S. Toyama, and D. L. Mahler. 2022. A simple hierarchical model for heterogeneity in the evolutionary correlation a phylogenetic tree. PeerJ 10: e13910. PDF
      66. Gunderson, A. R. and L. J. Revell. 2022. Testing for genetic assimilation with phylogenetic comparative analysis: Conceptual, methodological, and statistical considerations. Evolution 76: 1942-1952. PDF
      67. Winchell, K. M., S. C. Campbell-Staton, J. B. Losos, L. J. Revell, B. C. Verelli, and A. J. Geneva. 2023. Genome-wide parallelism underlies contemporary adaptation in urban lizards. PNAS 120: e2216789120. PDF
      68. Avilés-Rodríguez, K. J., L. F. De León, and L. J. Revell. 2023. Population density of the tropical lizard Anolis cristatellus in urban and forested habitats after a major hurricane. Tropical Ecology 64: 122-132. PDF
      69. Thurman, T. J., T. M. Palmer, J. J. Kolbe, A. M. Askary, K. M. Gotanda, O. Lapiedra, T. R. Kartzinel, N. Man in't Veld, L. J. Revell, J. E. Wegener, T. W. Schoener, D. A. Spiller, J. B. Losos, R. M. Pringle, and R. D. H. Barrett. 2023. The difficulty of predicting evolutionary change in response to novel ecological interactions: A field experiment with Anolis lizards. American Naturalist 201: 537-556. PDF
      70. Michaud, R., T. J. Hagey, L. F. De León, L. J. Revell, and K. J. Avilés-Rodríguez. 2023. Geometric morphometric assessment of toe shape in forest and urban lizards following hurricane disturbances. Integrative Organismal Biology 5: obad025. PDF
      71. Revell, L. J. 2024. phytools 2.0: An updated R ecosystem for phylogenetic comparative methods (and other things). PeerJ 12: e16505. PDF
      72. Revell, L. J., K. P. Schliep, D. L. Mahler, and T. Ingram. 2024. Testing for heterogeneous rates of discrete character evolution on phylogenies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 37: 1591-1602. PDF
      73. Revell, L. J. 2025. Ancestral state reconstruction of phenotypic characters. Evolutionary Biology 52: 1-25. PDF
      74. Revell, L. J. In press. Ancestral reconstruction: Theory and practice. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, 2nd edition. link
      75. Drake, A. G., L. J. Revell, C. P. Klingenberg, J. C. Lattimer, N. C. Nelson, M. J. Schmidt, A. L. Zwingenberger, J. K. Moyer, and J. B. Losos. In press. Copy-cat evolution: Divergence and convergence within and between cat and dog breeds. PNAS.

        1. Submitted Articles & Pre-prints

          1. Revell, L. J. and M. Leal. Submitted. Reproductive character displacement in an ecological community.
          2. Reynolds, R. G., A. H. Miller, A. Ríos-Franceschi, C. Huffine, J. Fredette, N. F. Angeli, S. I. Vega-Castillo, L. J. Revell, and A. R. Puente-Rolón. Submitted. Molecular phylogeny of Puerto Rico Bank dwarf geckos (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae: Sphaerodactylus) with redescription of S. macrolepis. (bioRxiv pre-print)
          3. Cummings, C. O., P. Sebastini, L. J. Revell, J. Runstadler, and N. J. Hill. Submitted. Migratory behavior in wild birds is associated with reduced prevalence of influenza A virus.
          4. Revell, L. J. and L. J. Harmon. Submitted. A discrete character evolution model for phylogenetic comparative biology with Γ-distributed rate heterogeneity among branches of the tree. (bioRxiv pre-print)
          5. Harmon, L. J., and L. J. Revell. Submitted. A semiparametric method to test for correlated evolution in a phylogenetic context. (bioRxiv pre-print)

This page contains information about the laboratory and research of Dr. Liam J. Revell, Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts Boston.