phytools: phylogenetic tools in R development page

This page is for the beta version distribution of various functions that I am developing for a phylogenetic method package written in the flexible scientific computing language, R. If you have questions about using these functions please don't hesitate to contact me: In fact, if you find any problems or errors with the functions, or if you have suggestions about how they might be improved, please send me an email or post a comment to my development blog. Thanks!

Please check out the article describing phytools here. This article should be cited if the phytools package or any of the functions of this page (including modifications thereof) are used in publication.

Package versions

All of the following package versions should be considered "beta" as I am constantly updating, expanding, and fixing bugs in phytools. For source code of the most recent "minor" (i.e. non-CRAN) phytools build, click here and select the most recent version. Feedback welcome.

Latest major phytools release (minor releases):

Older major phytools versions (minor versions):


Package installation

CRAN installation: For R in Mac OS or Linux, or for R>=2.13 in Windows to install phytools from CRAN simply type:
> install.packages("phytools")
and then select a repository.

Windows installation: Navigate to the directory containing the binary file, and, substituting version # for a.b-c, type:
> install.packages("",repos=NULL)

Installation from source (Mac OS, Linux, Unix):
> install.packages("phytools_a.b-c.tar.gz",repos=NULL,type="source")

Function list

My contact information is as follows:

Liam J. Revell
University of Massachusetts, Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston MA 02127
Wheatley Hall W-03-15

webpage  development blog
Last modified June 26, 2013.