# function reads Newick style tree with branch lengths into memory as an {ape} "phylo" object # written by Liam J. Revell 2011 read.newick<-function(file="",text){ # check to see if reading from file if(file!=""){ text<-scan(file,sep="\n",what="character") # read from file } tree<-unlist(strsplit(text, NULL)) # split string 'text' Ntip<-1; Nnode<-0 for(i in 1:length(tree)){ if(tree[i]==",") Ntip<-Ntip+1 # count tips if(tree[i]=="(") Nnode<-Nnode+1 # count nodes } tip.label<-vector(mode="character") # create tip label vector edge<-matrix(data=0,Nnode+Ntip-1,2) # create edge matrix edge.length<-rep(0,Nnode+Ntip-1) # create edge.length vector ntip<-vector(mode="numeric") currnode<-Ntip+1; nodecount<-currnode # start with root node i<-1; j<-1; k<-1 while(tree[i]!=";"){ if(tree[i]=="("){ edge[j,1]<-currnode; i<-i+1 # is the next element a label? if(is.na(match(tree[i],c("(",")",",",":",";")))){ l<-1; temp<-vector() while(is.na(match(tree[i],c(",",":",")")))){ temp[l]<-tree[i]; l<-l+1; i<-i+1 } tip.label[k]<-paste(temp,collapse=""); edge[j,2]<-k; k<-k+1 # create tip label ntip[j]<-1 # count of the number of descendants (one in this case, for a tip) # is there a branch length? if(tree[i]==":"){ i<-i+1; l<-1; temp<-vector() while(is.na(match(tree[i],c(",",")")))){ temp[l]<-tree[i]; l<-l+1; i<-i+1 } branch<-as.numeric(paste(temp,collapse="")); edge.length[j]<-branch # create branch length } } else if(tree[i]=="("){ nodecount<-nodecount+1 # creating a new internal node currnode<-nodecount; edge[j,2]<-currnode; # move to new internal node } j<-j+1; } else if(tree[i]==")"){ i<-i+1 # is there a branch length? if(tree[i]==":"){ i<-i+1; l<-1; temp<-vector() while(is.na(match(tree[i],c(",",")")))){ temp[l]<-tree[i]; l<-l+1; i<-i+1 } branch<-as.numeric(paste(temp,collapse="")); edge.length[match(currnode,edge[,2])]<-branch # assign branch length } ntip[match(currnode,edge[,2])]<-sum(ntip[which(edge[,1]==currnode)]) currnode<-edge[match(currnode,edge[,2]),1] # move down the tree } else if(tree[i]==","){ edge[j,1]<-currnode; i<-i+1 # is the next element a label? if(is.na(match(tree[i],c("(",")",",",":",";")))){ l<-1; temp<-vector() while(is.na(match(tree[i],c(",",":",")")))){ temp[l]<-tree[i]; l<-l+1; i<-i+1 } tip.label[k]<-paste(temp,collapse=""); edge[j,2]<-k; k<-k+1 # create tip label ntip[j]<-1 # count of the number of descendants (one in this case, for a tip) # is there a branch length? if(tree[i]==":"){ i<-i+1; l<-1; temp<-vector() while(is.na(match(tree[i],c(",",")")))){ temp[l]<-tree[i]; l<-l+1; i<-i+1 } branch<-as.numeric(paste(temp,collapse="")); edge.length[j]<-branch # create branch length } } else if(tree[i]=="("){ nodecount<-nodecount+1 # creating a new internal node currnode<-nodecount; edge[j,2]<-currnode; # move to internal node } j<-j+1 } } # assemble into "phylo" object if(sum(edge.length)>1e-8) phy<-list(edge=edge,Nnode=as.integer(Nnode),tip.label=tip.label,edge.length=edge.length,Ndesc=ntip) # with branch lengths else phy<-list(edge=edge,Nnode=as.integer(Nnode),tip.label=tip.label,Ndesc=ntip) # without branch lengths class(phy)<-"phylo" # assign class return(phy) # return object }