# function takes a tree and adds a tip in all possible places # returns the set of unrooted trees without branch lengths # written by Liam J. Revell 2011 add.everywhere<-function(tree,tip.name){ if(!require(ape)) stop("function needs 'ape' package.") if(class(tree)!="phylo") stop("tree should be an object of class 'phylo.'") tree<-unroot(tree) # unroot tree tree$edge.length<-rep(1,nrow(tree$edge)) # set all edge lengths to 1.0 # create new tip new.tip<-list(edge=matrix(c(2L,1L),1,2),tip.label=tip.name,edge.length=1,Nnode=1L) class(new.tip)<-"phylo" # add the new tip to all edges of the tree trees<-list(); class(trees)<-"multiPhylo" for(i in 1:nrow(tree$edge)){ trees[[i]]<-bind.tree(tree,new.tip,where=tree$edge[i,2],position=0.5) trees[[i]]$edge.length<-NULL } return(trees) }