Resources for the Study of SpinozaThis
website is an attempt to bring together resources for the study of
Spinoza, including images, primary texts, commentaries, historical
sources, and expository and critical articles. The emphasis throughout
is on Spinoza as an analyst of the forces that make people's lives
oppressive, damaged, sad, and hateful, and as a philosopher who points
the way from our current bondage to genuine freedom. I have tried to
bring images and text together in mutually illuminating ways,
especially in illustrating Spinoza's Ethics as well as his Theological-Politcal Treatise.
Spinoza usually characterizes the imaginary as the lowest level of
knowledge, and shows that the production of images often occurs in the
service of a distorted view of life, a view that ties us to the very
forces that seek our slavery and destruction. But, according to him,
the imaginary can function as one of our own powers as well, provided
that we use it in clear-sighted and life affirmative ways. I hope that
I have been able to do that here, even if only in limited fashion.
Ethics (Illustrated)
Ethics - Scholia
Theological-Political Treatise (Illustrated)
The Rise of Dutch Capitalism
Dutch Wars of Liberation From Spanish Rule
Religious Struggles Within the Dutch Reformation
Political Struggles Within the Dutch Republic
Portraits of Spinoza
Scenes of the Portuguese Synagogue
Spinoza's House in Rinjsburg
The Hague
Teachers, Friends, and Associates
Sources of Spinoza's Metaphyics
Spinoza's Metaphysics
Spinoza On The Emotions
The Eternity of the Mind
Spinoza's Writings
Secondary Sources
Spinoza's Delayed Influence
Radical SpinozaFrom Bondage to Freedom