Spinoza's Delayed Influence
Lessing: "There is no other philosophy than the philosophy of Spinoza."
Jacobi: Admirer and Critic of Spinoza
Mendelssohn: The Ambivalent Spinozist
Goethe: Spinoza and Nature Mysticism
Schiller: "All perfections in the universe are united in God. God and Nature are two quantities which are exactly equal to each other."
Herder: "The conception of God with Spinoza has become so present, so immediate, so intimate, that I should regard him rather as an enthusiast for the existence of God than as a doubter or denier."
Schleiermacher: "The Eternal was his beginning and end, the Universe his one and everlasting love."
Novalis: Spinoza as the Man Drunken with God
Schelling: Spinoza and Absolute Idealism
Heine: "There is a certain breath in the writings of Spinoza which is inexplicable."
Emerson: Spinoza and Transcendentalism
Nietzsche's Spinoza: Beyond Good and Evil
The First Line of this Poem by Einstein titled "On Spinoza's Ethics" Reads
Wie lieb ich diesen edlen Mann, mehr als ich mit Worten
sagen kann.
How much do I love that noble man, more than I
could say with words.
Einstein on Spinoza's God
Singer: The Spinoza of Market Street