Theological Political Treatise
Benedict de Spinoza

Ch 1: Preface
Ch 2: Of Prophets
Ch3: Of the Vocation of the Hebrews, and
Whether the Gift of Prophecy Was Peculiar to Them
Ch 4: Of
the Divine Law
5: Of the Ceremonial Law
6: Of Miracles
7: Of the Interpretation of
8: Of the
Authorship of the Pentateuch and the Other Historical Roots of the Old
Ch 9: Other Questions Concerning the Same Books:
Namely Whether They Were Completely Finished by Ezra, and, Further, Whether the
Marginal Notes Which Are Found in the Hebrew Texts Were Various
Ch 10: An Examination of the Remaining Books of
the Old Testament According to the Preceding Method
Ch 11: An Inquiry Whether the Apostles Wrote Their
Epistles as Apostles and Prophets, or Merely as Teachers; and an Explanation of
What is Meant by an Apostle
Ch 12: Of the True Original of the Divine Law, and
Wherefore Scripture Is Called Sacred, and the Word of God. How That, in so far
as It Contains the Word of God, It Has Come Down to Us
Ch 13: It Is Shown that Scripture Teaches Only
Very Simple Doctrines, Such as Suffice for Right Conduct
Ch 14:
Definitions of Faith, and the Foundations of Faith, Which Is Once and For All
Separated from Philosophy
Ch 15: Philosophy Is Shown Not To Be Subservient
to Theology: A Definition of Reason Which Enables Us To Accept the Authority of
the Bible
Ch 16:
Of the Foundations of a State: Of the Natural and Civil Rights of Individuals;
and Of the Rights of the Sovereign Power
17: It
is Shown that No One Can, or Need Transfer All His Rights to the Sovereign
Power. Of
the Hebrew Republic, As It Was During the Lifetime of Moses, and After His
Death, Till the Foundation of the Monarchy; and Of Its Excellence. Lastly.
Of the Causes Why the Theocratic Republic Fell, and Why It Could Hardly Have
Continued Without Dissension
Ch18: From the Commonwealth of the Hebrews, and
Their History, Certain Political Doctrines are Deduced
Ch 19: It Is Shown that the
Right Over Matters Spiritual Lies Wholly with the Sovereign, and that the
Outward Forms of Religion Should Be in Accordance with Public Peace, If We Would
Obey God Aright
20: That in a Free State Every Man May Think What He Likes, and Say What He
Denounced by the (Calvinist) Church Council of
Amsterdam as a "work forged in Hell by a renegade Jew and the Devil and issued
with the knowledge of Mynheer Jan de