University of Massachusetts Boston Esther Kingston-Mann



In Search of the True West: Culture, Economics and Problems of Russian Rural Development (Princeton University Press, l999)

Peasant Economy, Culture and Politics of European Russia, l800-l921 (Princeton University Press, l99l), co-edited with Timothy Mixter

Lenin and the Problem of Marxist Peasant Revolution, l893-l9l7 (Oxford University Press, l983)

Articles, Book Chapters

The Return of Pierre Proudhon: Privatization, Crime, and the Rules of Law, Focaal: Journal of European Anthropology, (Fall 2006)

Transforming Peasants: Dilemmas of Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Development, Cambridge Modern History of Russia and the Soviet Union, ed. Ronald Grigor Suny, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006)

The Romance of Privatization and Its Unheralded Challengers: Historical Case Studies from England, Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Republic, The Changing Properties of Property, eds. C.M. Hann and Franz von Benda-Beckmann (Berlin: Bergahn, 2006).

Claiming Property: The Soviet-era Private Plot as ‘Women’s Turf,’ The Borders of Socialism: The ‘Public’ and the ‘Private’ during the Soviet Era, ed Lewis Siegelbaum (NY: Palgrave, 2006)

Statistics, Social Change and Social Justice: The Zemstvo Statisticians of Pre-Revolutionary Russia, Russia in the European Context, 1789-1914: A Member of the Family, eds Michael Melancon and Susan McCaffray, (NY: Palgrave, 2005), pp.113-140.

Deconstructing the Romance of the Bourgeoisie: A Russian Marxist Path Not Taken, Review of International Political Economy, (February, 2003), pp.93-117

The Danger of Universal Principles: How Do We Understand Russia’s Crisis? Challenge: A Magazine of Economic Affairs, January, 1999.

Breaking the Silence: An Introduction, in Peasant Economy, Culture and Politics of European Russia , pp.l-21 (cited above)

Peasant Communes and Rural Innovation: A Preliminary Inquiry, in Peasant Economy, pp.22-55 (cited above)

In the Light and Shadow of the West: Pre-Emancipation Russian Economists Interpret Western Economic Theory, Comparative Studies in Society and History (January, l99l):86-105.

Scapegoating the Majority: Perestroika Goes Sour, Challenge: A Magazine of Economic Affairs (January, l99l):57-9.

In Search of the True West: Western Economic Models and Russian Rural Development, Journal of Historical Sociology (Spring, l990): 23-43.

Marxism and Russian Rural Development: Problems of Experience, Evidence and Culture, American Historical Review (October, l98l):731-752.

A Strategy for Marxist Bourgeois Revolution: Lenin and the Peasantry, l907-l9l6, Journal of Peasant Studies (January, l980):l3l-l57.

Lenin and the Challenge of Peasant Militance: From Bloody Sunday, l905 to the Dissolution of the First Duma, Russian Review (October, l979):434-455.

Problems of Order and Revolution, Russian History (Summer, l979):39-56.

Proletarian Theory and Peasant Practice: Lenin, l90l-l904," Soviet Studies (October, l974):5ll-539.

Scholarship of Teaching (selected publications)

Diversifying Academic Scholarship: Connection: Journal of the New England Board of Higher Education, Fall 2006

Teaching, Learning, Diversity: Just Don’t Call It Epistemology!, Discourse on Sociological Practice, Fall 2005.

Diversity and Academic Standards: Allies, Not Adversaries, Intercultural Education: Essays by International Scholars, Annick Sjogren (ed), 2005

Race and Class, Forum, Transformations, Fall, 2003, p.54.

The Transformative Powers of Research: A Diversity Research Initiative at University of Massachusetts Boston, Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogical Change, Spring 2003, pp.83-103.

Achieving Against the Odds: How Academics Become Teachers of Diverse Students, a book, co-edited, with Tim Sieber, (Temple University Press, 2001).

Three Steps Forward, One Step Back: Dilemmas of Upward Mobility, a chapter in Achieving Against the Odds, pp.36-53, reprinted in Transformations: A Journal of Inclusive Pedagogy and Curriculum Change, March, 2001.

Introduction, Achieving Against the Odds, co-written with Tim Sieber, pp. 1-18

Building a Diversity Research Initiative: How Diverse Undergraduates Become Researchers, Change Agents and Members of a Research Community, Esther Kingston-Mann, editor and author of chapter 1, Boston, 1999, pp.1-23

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