University of Massachusetts Boston Esther Kingston-Mann


Esther Kingston-Mann

Zuckerberg Endowed Chair

Professor of History

University of Massachusetts Boston

Boston, MA. 02125-3393


Telephone: 617-287-6543

Fellow: Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University

Affiliations: Association for Women in Slavic Studies (founding member); American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies


In Search of the True West: Culture, Economics and Problems of Russian Rural Development (Princeton University Press, l999)

Peasant Economy, Culture and Politics of European Russia, l800-l921 (Princeton University Press, l99l), co-edited with Timothy Mixter

Lenin and the Problem of Marxist Peasant Revolution, l893-l9l7 (Oxford University Press, l983)

Articles, Book Chapters

The Return of Pierre Proudhon: Privatization, Crime, and the Rules of Law, Focaal: Journal of European Anthropology, (Fall 2006)

Transforming Peasants: Dilemmas of Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Development, Cambridge Modern History of Russia and the Soviet Union, ed. Ronald Grigor Suny, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006)

The Romance of Privatization and Its Unheralded Challengers: Historical Case Studies from England, Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Republic, The Changing Properties of Property, eds. C.M. Hann and Franz von Benda-Beckmann (Berlin: Bergahn, 2006).

Claiming Property: The Soviet-era Private Plot as ‘Women’s Turf,’ The Borders of Socialism: The ‘Public’ and the ‘Private’ during the Soviet Era, ed Lewis Siegelbaum (NY: Palgrave, 2006)

Statistics, Social Change and Social Justice: The Zemstvo Statisticians of Pre-Revolutionary Russia, Russia in the European Context, 1789-1914: A Member of the Family, eds Michael Melancon and Susan McCaffray, (NY: Palgrave, 2005), pp.113-140.

Deconstructing the Romance of the Bourgeoisie: A Russian Marxist Path Not Taken, Review of International Political Economy, (February, 2003), pp.93-117

The Danger of Universal Principles: How Do We Understand Russia’s Crisis? Challenge: A Magazine of Economic Affairs, January, 1999.

Breaking the Silence: An Introduction, in Peasant Economy, Culture and Politics of European Russia , pp.l-21 (cited above)

Peasant Communes and Rural Innovation: A Preliminary Inquiry, in Peasant Economy, pp.22-55 (cited above)

In the Light and Shadow of the West: Pre-Emancipation Russian Economists Interpret Western Economic Theory, Comparative Studies in Society and History (January, l99l):86-105.

Scapegoating the Majority: Perestroika Goes Sour, Challenge: A Magazine of Economic Affairs (January, l99l):57-9.

In Search of the True West: Western Economic Models and Russian Rural Development, Journal of Historical Sociology (Spring, l990): 23-43.

Marxism and Russian Rural Development: Problems of Experience, Evidence and Culture, American Historical Review (October, l98l):731-752.

A Strategy for Marxist Bourgeois Revolution: Lenin and the Peasantry, l907-l9l6, Journal of Peasant Studies (January, l980):l3l-l57.

Lenin and the Challenge of Peasant Militance: From Bloody Sunday, l905 to the Dissolution of the First Duma, Russian Review (October, l979):434-455.

Problems of Order and Revolution, Russian History (Summer, l979):39-56.

Proletarian Theory and Peasant Practice: Lenin, l90l-l904," Soviet Studies (October, l974):5ll-539.

Scholarly Awards/Fellowships

Roy J. Zuckerberg Endowed Chair for Academic Leadership, 2005-2006

Chancellors Award for Distinguished Scholarship, University of Massachusetts Boston, 2005.

Fellowship: Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (SCASSS)

(SCASS) Uppsala, Sweden, Fall, 1998

Rockefeller Foundation Grant, International Conference on Peasant Culture and Consciousness, Bellagio, Italy, January, l991.

American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, l989-l990.

Distinction in Teaching, Scholarship and Service Award, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Massachusetts at Boston, l987.

Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, l980-l983.

Invited Keynote Addresses/Conference Papers since 2000

A Plot of Her Own: Women, Property Rights and Privatizations Past & Present, Women’s Studies Colloquium, University of Massachusetts Boston, March, 2006

"The Romance of Privatization: Case Histories from England, Russia, Kenya," paper for conference The Changing Properties of Property, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Germany), July, 2003.

Keynote Speaker, Regional Conference, Southern Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Savannah, Georgia, March, 2003

"Privatizations Past and Present: England and Russia", Social Science History Association National Conference, November, 2002

"English and Russian Enclosures," paper for Northeast British Historians' Conference, Yale University, November, 2002.

"The Romance of Privatization: Recent Research," Distinguished Scholarship Lecture, University of Massachusetts Boston, September 2002.

"New Perspectives on Russian Privatization," paper for Historians' Seminar, Harvard University, November, 2001.

"Private Tenure and Economic Innovation: Historical Case Studies," Economic History Workshop, Indiana University, November, 2001

"Privatization in Historical Perspective," Lecture/workshop for Colloquium in Interdisciplinary Development Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, October, 2000.

Listing of book reviews available on request; most current review:

"A Report from Mars," review of Caroline Humphrey, The Unmaking of Soviet Society: Everyday Economies After Socialism, Focaal: Journal of European Anthropology, Spring 2004, p. 112.

Scholarship of Teaching (selected publications)

Diversifying Academic Scholarship: Connection: Journal of the New England Board of Higher Education, Fall 2006

Teaching, Learning, Diversity: Just Don’t Call It Epistemology!, Discourse on Sociological Practice, Fall 2005.

Diversity and Academic Standards: Allies, Not Adversaries, Intercultural Education: Essays by International Scholars, Annick Sjogren (ed), 2005

Race and Class, Forum, Transformations, Fall, 2003, p.54.

The Transformative Powers of Research: A Diversity Research Initiative at University of Massachusetts Boston, Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogical Change, Spring 2003, pp.83-103.

Achieving Against the Odds: How Academics Become Teachers of Diverse Students, a book, co-edited, with Tim Sieber, (Temple University Press, 2001).

Three Steps Forward, One Step Back: Dilemmas of Upward Mobility, a chapter in Achieving Against the Odds, pp.36-53, reprinted in Transformations: A Journal of Inclusive Pedagogy and Curriculum Change, March, 2001.

Introduction, Achieving Against the Odds, co-written with Tim Sieber, pp. 1-18

Building a Diversity Research Initiative: How Diverse Undergraduates Become Researchers, Change Agents and Members of a Research Community, Esther Kingston-Mann, editor and author of chapter 1, Boston, 1999, pp.1-23

Education and Degrees

Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D. l969

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