Laurel E. Radwin, Ph.D., RN, CS


The Oncology Patients’ Perception of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale

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Psychometric Properties


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Psychometric Properties

Construct Validity


Construct validity of the original 45-item OPPQNCS was examined with a principal component method of exploratory factor analysis.  Inasmuch as the eight dimensions of the attributes of high quality nursing care were thought to be interrelated, a promax (oblique) rotation was conducted (SPSS for Windows Version 10.0).


The principal components analysis (PCA) revealed that four factors accounted for 80.5% of the variance.  A forced four-factor solution indicated that 41 of the 45 items should be retained.  Two of the 45 items were deleted on the first rotation because they did not meet the factor loading criterion of  > 0.4; two other items were eliminated because they loaded ambiguously on more than one factor (Dixon, 2001).  The 41 items were again analyzed using PCA and promax rotation, and one additional item was deleted because the factor loading was < 0.4.   The remaining 40 items met all criteria when a third promax rotation was performed.  The four factors represented four interpersonal nursing interventions that comprise patient centered care: responsiveness, individualization, proficiency, and coordination


Reliability Estimation


LONG VERSION: A forty-item long form of the OPPQNCS©  was created.  Internal consistency reliability of the OPPQNCS was assessed using coefficient alpha.  Coefficient alpha of the total 40 item scale was 0.99.  The coefficient alpha for the responsiveness subscale was 0.99 (22 items); for the individualization subscale, 0.97 (10 items); for the coordination subscale, 0.87 (3 items), and for the proficiency subscale, 0.95 (5 items).  “Alpha if item removed” statistics indicated that removal of any item would result in a lower alpha for the relevant subscale.


SHORT VERSION: An 18-item short form was created using stepwise regression.  Coefficient alpha of the total 18 item short form was 0.97; 0.95 for the responsiveness subscale (5 items); 0.93 for the individualization subscale (5 items), 0.87 for the coordination subscale (3 items); and 0.95 for the proficiency subscale (5 items).   “Alpha if item removed” statistics indicated that removal of any item would result in a lower alpha for the relevant subscale.