The Agora or Marketplace was
a civic and commercial center of ancient Athens, located northwest
of the Acropolis. On a typical day citizens shopping or participating
in various political activities created a large flow of traffic. The people
in the Agora would have been predominantly male with the exception of women
of the lower classes who had to help their family make a living and performed
menial tasks (like getting water
from one of the two fountain houses) alongside slave women from richer families
. For fear of corruption, aristocratic
families often did not allow their sons to frequent the Agora until young
adulthood. To spend much idle time in the Agora was considered the
mark of a bad character.
This is a plan below (not to scale) of the Agora (literally, "gathering place"). The buildings included in this plan represent only a selection of the monuments in the Agora Click on the following items with links for reconstructions, photographs, and information.
MORE LINKS Reconstructions of Agora
Political Murder in the Agora Politics Domestic Life Religious Life Warfare 1 Warfare 2 Education 1 Education 2 Bibliography |