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Information to Note
1. The test must be administered Wednesday, March 13, 2002 either before, during or after school hours.
2. Arrangements should be made with a neutral party to hold the tests until approximately one hour before administration on March 13 and to mail the answer sheets the afternoon of the administration date. See Correcting.
3. The test costs are 4.00 for AATF teacher members and 5.00 for teacher non-members. (for every 20 students, test tape is gratis). The cost for an audio tape for each level is $5.
4. The listing of Chapter winners will be sent via "E" mail, if available.....
5. First place prizes will include financial awards, see Form A 2.
6. Each school may order certificates of participation, Certificats d'assiduité, if desired. Form E.
1. Encourage your students to participate in the Grand Concours.
2. Give the following information to your school coordinator:
a. Your full name, address, home phone (for official records only); your AATF status: member/non-member.
b. For membership: $45.00 annual fee + $3.00 local due by January 1 to: Executive Director AATF, Mailcode 4510, Southern IL University, Carbondale, IL 62901-4510
form at Teacher status will be verified.
3. Collect money ($ 4.00 members; $ 5.00 non-members) from students. Some schools add a fee to cover tape costs.
4. Determine students' level and division by consulting Forms A 2 and A 3.
5. Have each student complete Form C for enrollment.
6. Determine rooms and time for the one-hour test administration. Complete Form B for each level.
7. Arrange for proctoring. You may not proctor your own students. National recommends that French teachers not proctor at all, but this may not always be possible.
8. Arrange to have a boom box with equalizer available to play the audio portion of the test if a laboratory is not available
9. Do not fail to give your students your AATF assigned Teacher Code (a 5-digit number) sent with the confirmation order and test package in mid February. (School codes are only 3 digits and are on the address label.)
School Coordinators
1. Serve as liaison between Contest Administrator, school administration, teachers and the neutral party who will receive and return the tests certifying that all was done properly.
2. Oversee student eligibility. Xerox Form C for all participating students.
3. Collect money.
4. Return forms B, C, D, and E with payment to GRAND CONCOURS c/o Wohlers, 8 Longmeadow Road, Weston, MA 02493. For eligibility for the Concours, school orders must be postmarked no later than January 25.
5. Upon receipt of tests in mid February, have the neutral party: 1. Check # of tests and tapes. 2. Check
tapes for quality. 3. Xerox directions and Teacher Codes for proctors. 4. Check certificate count. 5. Store all
materials until just before administration on March 13.
6. Assign proctors. Arrange testing time (60 consecutive minutes) and rooms. See that the testing goes smoothly.
Help is available at (781) 891-1819 in case of an emergency on the day of the test.
(To save time, you may have students fill in the info on the answer sheet prior to the test date.)
Post-Test Administration - Neutral Party
2. Check student answer sheets for completeness. Check for Teacher Code and Level. Information will appear as the student records it on the answer sheet. Students are ultimately responsible for their correct listing.
2. See that student answer sheets and Form C are properly collected, sealed and sent via priority mail to J. Wohlers at 8 Longmeadow Road, Weston, MA 02493 the afternoon of March 13.
3. After results are received in April, complete the School Summary Sheets, which will be sent with the tests in February. Any spelling errors must be noted or the coordinator will not take responsibility for the error.
E-mail, FAX or "snail-mail" the completed form directly to Wohlers.
4. Coordinate the prize ceremony for your school. See A 2 on certificates and prizes.
5. All tests will be scored by National via computer. Original answer sheets (not copies) must be used.
*Ascertain teacher memberships for 2002. Please do not jeopardize your student's chances for recognition by forcing a disqualification.
**Remember to send by Priority mail Forms B for each level (cross out the names of those not present) and teacher names along with the student answer sheets to Wohlers&endash;Grand Concours, 8 Longmeadow Road, Weston, MA 02493.
Brian Thompson's
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French Library and Cultural
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francophones autour de Boston
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