American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)

Concours national  

Brian Thompson's Home Page / AATF Eastern Massachusetts / Form 1A / Form B / Form C / Form D / Form E / Comité exécutif / Activités / liens francophones / French Library and Cultural Center / MaFLA / AATF nationale / activités francophones autour de Boston / contacter le webmestre /

Welcome to this year's National French Contest which will take place in March. The French Contest is on the approved list of testing published by the National Association of Secondary Principals and is the largest of the AAT contests with over 93,000 participants in 2001.

To participate:

Update/complete the school/teacher Form B, enroll your students via Forms C and Form D; collect registration fees: $4.00 member, $5.00 non-member and fill out Order Form E.

Return Forms B, C, D, and E to the Contest Administrator NO LATER THAN January 25, 2002.

In the registration packet, you will find the following:

Form A 1 Responsibilities Form A 2 Prizes/Eligibility

Form A 3* Placement Guidelines Form A 4 Content Specifications*

*See Web: A 3

A 4

Form A 5 FLES info for Grades K-6 For current info, consult the web:

A 5

Info/questions: Elizabeth Miller 650-342-4175 (H)

Form B Cover Enrollment Sheets by level (names compiled alphabetically)

Form C Individual Student Registration (background for placement)

Form D School/Teacher Information (stored in data base, please note changes)

Form E Test and Tape Order Sheet accompanied with a check Grand Concours 2002.


School Coordinators, please distribute copies of forms to other French teachers in your building. All correspondence will be mailed to school coordinators with the exception of the test materials which will be sent to the designated neutral party. Please give a set of these instructions to your neutral party so that (s)he may be aware of his/her role in administering the tests. The neutral party will also be responsible for distributing the Teacher Codes as they will not be available until the test packets are mailed in February.

Schools interested in FLES: please share the enclosed informational sheet concerning this test. Enrollment packets are for 10 students at a cost of $14.00 for A ($24.00 for non-members) and 16.00 for B ($26.00 for non-members). Audio Cassettes are $5. FLES materials are ordered through our Eastern Mass Chapter. Please notify teachers in K-6 French programs that informational material is available at their request.

Peace and happiness for the New Year. I look forward to working with each of you. May our endeavors go smoothly!


* Private schools may have an earlier testing date. Please contact Janet Wohlers as soon as possible.

Janet Wohlers, 8 Longmeadow Road, Weston, MA 02493 (781) 891-1819 FAX: (781) 891-3813

Brian Thompson's Home Page / AATF Eastern Massachusetts / Form 1A / Form B / Form C / Form D / Form E / Comité exécutif / Activités / liens francophones / French Library and Cultural Center / MaFLA / AATF nationale / activités francophones autour de Boston / contacter le webmestre // top