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1956-1959 Saint Mark's School, Southborough, Massachusetts
First Prize in Scholarship; Prizes in Spanish, Sacred Studies, English Essay, National Cum laude Society; eight varsity letters in soccer, wrestling, lacrosse
1959-60, 1961-63 Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Advanced Standing (AP in Greek, English, American History), General Motors National Scholarship (1959-63) , Harvard National Scholarship (1959-63), A.B. in Germanic Languages and Literatures, Magna cum laude, June 1963, Honors thesis: "French Influence in the Nibelungenlied" (director: Joachim Bumke); Wrestling team (1959-60), Producer: Harvard Classical Players (1960), Phi Beta Kappa (1963)
1960-61 Independent Study in Germany (for credit at Harvard)
Goethe-Institut, Murnau (Grundstufe I), Bad Reichenhall (Oberstufe IV); Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich (Greek lyric poetry, Medieval Latin, Middle High German, medieval German lyric poetry)
1963-64 La Sorbonne
Fulbright Fellowship; Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (honorary); Medieval and modern French literature, medieval and modern Provençal, philosophy
1964-67 Harvard University
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (honorary), 1964-65, N.D.E.A. Fellowship in Comparative Literature, 1964-67, A.M. in Comparative Literature, June 1965 (German, French), Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, June 1970 (German, French, English); Dissertation: "Vision and Blindness in the Novels of André Malraux" (W.M. Frohock, Harry Levin, Jean Bruneau, Robert Kiely)
Professional Experience/Expérience professionnelle
1961-63 Tutor in French and German, Harvard Bureau of Study Counsel
1967-68 Instructor in French, Northeastern University
1968-70 Instructor; 1970-75 Assistant Professor; 1975-87 Associate Professor; 1987-2008 Professor of French, University of Massachusetts Boston
1975-82 Chairman of French, University of Massachusetts 4Boston
1971-72, 1982-83, Spring 1989, Spring 1999 Director, UMass/Boston Year of Study in France
Witnessing André Malraux: Visions and Re-visions, ed. Brian Thompson and Carl Viggiani, Middletown CT, Wesleyan University Press, 1984; Wesleyan Paperback, 1988
La Clef des chants: La Chanson dans la classe de français, Cambridge MA, Polyglot Productions, 1986
Karl Hermann Schelkle. The Epistle to the Romans: Theological Meditations . New York. Herder & Herder. 1964
Jean Guitton. Towards Unity in Love: Essays in Ecumenism. New York. Herder & Herder. 1964
Albert Plé. Chastity and the Affective Life. With Marie-Claude Thompson. New York. Herder & Herder. 1965
Romano Guardini. Pascal for Our Time. New York. Herder & Herder. 1966
Gabriel Marcel. Problematic Man. New York. Herder & Herder. 1967
Louis Evely. Suffering. With Marie-Claude Thompson. New York. Herder & Herder. 1967
Louis Evely. Joy. With Marie-Claude Thompson. New York. Herder & Herder. 1968
Louis Evely. A Religion for our Time. With M-C Thompson. New York. Herder & Herder. 1968
Louis Evely. In the Christian Spirit. With M-C Thompson. New York. Herder & Herder. 1969
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Other Publications/Publications diverses
"The Image of Blindness in Malraux's Meditations
on Art," Mélanges Malraux Miscellany III,2
(Autumn 1971), 16-25
"Le Festival de Kertalg: Le Point de vue d'un
Américain de passage," Chanson (septembre1974)
"Jean-Roger Caussimon: quelle que soit leur couleur, les drapeaux l'ennuient," Chanson 15 (novembre 1975)
"La Chanson: une arme subversive pour une
pédagogie moderne," Chanson (sept.-octobre
"Yvart aux States," Chanson (décembre
"Visual Imagination in L'Espoir," in New York
Literary Forum 3
(1979), 201-208
"Malraux and the Artist's Quest," in Twentieth Century Literature 24,3 (Fall 1978), 408-412
"L'art et le roman: L'Imagination visuelle du
romancier (Entretien avec André Malraux)," in André
Malraux IV,
Lettres Modernes, 1978, 83-104
Review of Elizabeth Brody Tenenbaum, The Problematic Self: Approaches to Identity in Stendhal, D.H. Lawrence, and Malraux , Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977 in Modern Language Journal 63, 1-2 (January-February 1979), 81-82
Contributor: German-language criticism on André Gide, A Critical Bibliography of French Literature, vol. VI, The Twentieth Century, Syracuse University Press, 1980
"Mauriac polémiste quoique ou parce que chrétien?" Cahiers François Mauriac 8 (1981), 174-186
Review of Chester W. Obuchowski, Mars on Trial: War as Seen by French Writers of the Twentieth Century , Madrid: Studia Humanitates, 1978, in Modern Language Journal 65 (Winter 1981), 428-429
"La Quête de l'artiste," in André Malraux, Les Cahiers de l'Herne 43 (1982), 347-350
"La Chanson: comment se renseigner," French Review (December1982)
"...Chansons que cela...", Etudes (juillet-août 1983), 63-70
"Malraux's Quest," in Witnessing André Malraux, 1-15
"From Fascination to Poetry: Blindness in Malraux's Novels," in Witnessing André Malraux, 159-168
"Canaux de grâce dans un monde
cassé," Cahiers François Mauriac 13
(1986), 335-344
"Visages féminins autour de Louis dans
Le Noeud de vipères," Cahiers François
Mauriac 13
(1986), 194-204
"La folie de la croix dans les romans de Mauriac,"
Cahiers François Mauriac 14
(1987), 57-66
"Mariona Prison: A World Apart," The Mass Media, vol 21, no. 27 (April 7, 1987)
Review of Günther Schmigalle, André Malraux und der spanische Bürgergerkrieg : Zur Genese, Funktion und Bedeutung von "L'Espoir" (1937), in Revue André Malraux Review
"La Prière dans les romans de Mauriac: du
ronron au silence," in Cahiers François Mauriac
15 (1988),
Review of Will Morissey, André Malraux, Cultural Founding in Modernity, in Revue André Malraux Review XX, 2 (Fall 1988 [Spring 1990]), 69-71
"<<Enlevez nos droits, perdez vos
postes!>>," Témoignage chrétien (24-30
juillet 1989)
"La Communion des artistes: une religion de l'art?", in André Malraux: Unité de l'Oeuuvre, unité de l'art, Colloque de Cerisy sous la direction de Christiane Moatti et David Bevan (La Documentation française, 1989), 267-272
"La Démocratie selon Washington," Témoignage chrétien , no. 2373 (1-7 janvier 1990)
"Des Subversifs aux Etats-Unis," Témoignage chrétien , no. 2393 (21-27 mai 1990)
Review of Raphaël Aubert, L'Absolu et la métamorphose: Théologiques sur Malraux , Genève,Labor et Fides, 1985, in Revue André Malraux Review XXI, 1, 84-87
"Mauriac's 'Angels'," Claudel Studies , vol. XVII, no. 2 (1990), 50-56
"Les Romans d'André Malraux: A la recherche du sens perdu," Cahiers François Mauriac 18 (1991), 273-284
"L'Autre Amérique: L'Apartheid aux Etats-Unis", in Libéralisme: Demain la crise, numéro hors série, Témoignage chrétien (1991), 27-29
"Fissures à la Maison Blanche,"
Témoignage chrétien (3
août 1991)
"Etats-Unis: Le Rêve brisé,"
Témoignage chrétien (23
mai 1992)
"The Eyes Have It: Visual Experience in
L'Espoir," North Dakota Quarterly 60,2
(Spring 1992), 237-247
"Les Etats-Unis, pays sinistré,"
Témoignage chrétien (31
octobre 1992)
"Malraux et Mauriac devant le mystère du mal," in François Mauriac devant le problème du mal, collection "François Mauriac et son temps" 2 (Klincksieck 1994), 57-68
"L'Air du temps: La Chanson s'éclate
à Boston," Je Chante! Discographies (hiver
1994-95), 90
"Malraux et Mauriac devant la politique: traîtres ou fidèles?" in François Mauriac entre la gauche et la droite, collection "François Mauriac et son temps" 3 (Klincksieck 1995), 91-103
"Passion et compassion chez Mauriac et Malraux," François Mauriac et l'observation des passions, collection "François Mauriac et son temps" 4 (1996), 29-44
"Amour et rachat dans Les Anges noirs et L'Agneau," Les Mal-aimés dans l'oeuuvre de François Mauriac, collection "François Mauriac et son temps" 5 (1997), 195-208
"Advances in Malraux Studies," Canadian Review
of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée 24.2
(June/juin 1997), 359-364
"Mal-aimés et humiliés chez Mauriac et Malraux," in Les Mal-aimés dans l'oeuuvre de François Mauriac, collection "François Mauriac et son temps" 6 ( 1998), 121-134
"La Chanson bonne à tout faire dans l'enseignement du français langue étrangère," in Actes du Séminaire Interdisciplinaire Chanson 1998 / 1999
"Mauriac et Pascal à la lumière du Mémorial, " in Pascal-Mauriac: L'Oeuuvre en dialogue, collection "François Mauriac et son temps" 7, L'Harmattan, 2000, 161-177
"Jean-Paul Sartre: Etrangleur ou saint?", in collection "François Mauriac et son temps" 8, Harmattan, 2001, 169-186
Review of Keith Foley, An Illustrated Dictionary of French Similes, in The Modern Language Journal 85:3 (Autumn 2001), 484-485
"La Femme dans la chanson française," Women in French Studies: French and Francophone Women, 16th-21st Centuries: Essays on Literature, Culture and Society with Bibliographical Resources, ed. Marie-Christine Koop and Catherine Monfort (Special Issue, 2002), 402-417
"Presentation. Le temps, le visage, la charité et l'aléatoire: dimensions philosophiques et spirituelles chez Malraux," in André Malraux, d'un siècle l'autre, Actes du Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle réunis par Jean-Claude Larrat et Jacques Lecarme, Gallimard, 2002, 143-145
Translation of Robert Thornberry, "L'Idéologie et le récit pragmatique: L'Espoir revisité," published on the web site of the Amitiés Internationales André Malraux (
"'The 21st Century will be religious or will not be': Malraux's Controversial Dictum", Metamorphoses: André Malraux and the 21st Century, Harvard Colloquium published in Revue André Malraux Review, volume 30, numbers 1/2 (2001), 110-123.
"André Malraux et l'espoir d'une communion avec l'absolu", in André Malraux et le rayonnement culturel de la France, sous la direction de Charles-Louis Foulon (Editions Complexe, 2004), 433-440
"Apparences trompeuses: Une approche évangélique de la réalité,"in Littérature et christianisme: L'Esthétique de François Mauriac, série "François Mauriac et son temps" 6 (Harmattan, 2005), 25-34
"«Le XXe siècle sera religieux ou ne sera pas»: le sens de cette phrase prononcée, démentie, controversée". In Ordre et désordre: Schème fondamental dans la vision et l'écriture d'André Malraux. Textes réunis et présentés par Yves Moraud. (Crozon: Les Editions Buissonnières, 2005), 228-237. Also available as a PDF on the site of Amitiés Internationales André Malraux
"André Malraux et l'espoir d'une communion avec l'absolu", in AndréMalraux: Quête d'un idéal humain et de valeurs transcendantes, textes recueillis par Anissa B. Chami (Casablanca: Editions la Croisée des chemins, 2006), 321-332
"La Clef des chants". Québec français, no. 147 (automne 2007), 56-57
"«Nul n'est prophète»:Malraux et son fameux «XXIe siècle»", in Revue André Malraux Review, no. 35 (2008), 68-81.
[forthcoming / à paraître]
"La Chanson québécoise: Not the Same Old (French) Song", in Transatlantic Passages: Literary and Cultural Relations between Quebec and Francophone Europe.
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Lectures, Papers, Workshops/Conférénces, Communications, Ateliers
"La Chanson contemporaine en France," Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of Wyoming and the Alliance Française (December 1974)
"Languages and Language Learning: Why? How? Where?", Hingham High School Departmentof Foreign Languages (November 1976)
"Far Beyond the Classroom: The Use of Song in the Teaching of Foreign Languages," workshop, MaFLA (November 1978)
"La Chanson québécoise: clé du Québec contemporain," NEMLA (March 1980)
"L'Utilisation pédagogique de la chanson québécoise," co-director, full-day workshop, AATFQuébec (June 1980)
"La Chanson: refuge de la poésie moderne," UMass/Boston Colloquium on Littérature et musique de pays francophones (November 1981)
"La Chanson: outil pédagogique et premier pas vers la poésie," workshop with Denis Mouton, New England AATF(October 1981)
"Contemporary Song in the Foreign Language Classroom," UMass/Boston Language Day (April 1982)
"Tout commence par des chansons," Sine nomine (Boston, December 1983)
"La Chanson dans la classe de français," MaFLA intensive workshop for high school teachers, Wellesley College (June 1984)
"La Chanson: bonne à tout faire," post-conference workshop , AATF, Chicago (November 1984)
"Contemporary Song in the Foreign Language Classroom," workshop, Modern Language Department, Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School (March 1985)
"Teaching French Through Music," lecture/workshop, Randolph HS (May 1985)
"La Chanson contemporaine dans la classe de français," MaFLA intensive workshop for high school teachers, Wellesley College (June 1985)
"La Chanson: un passe-partout qui ouvre bien des portes," AATF (October 1985)
"Contemporary Song in the Foreign Language Classroom," Winthrop HS (October 1985)
"A travers chants: la chanson dans la classe de français," workshop with Donald Houghton, MaFLA (Worcester, November 1985)
"La Clef des chants: la chanson dans la classe de français," organized and led workshop with Donald Houghton, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages,Washington DC (April 1985)
"La Clef des chants: la chanson dans la classe de français," organized and led half-day workshop with Denis Mouton and Sylvain Lelièvre, AATF, Montréal (July 1986)
"Song in the Foreign Language Classroom," workshop for language teachers, Woburn HS (November 1986)
"Faces of War in Central America," slide show and talk, Project Hope (March 1987)
"El Salvador and Nicaragua from a Different Angle," slide show and talk, Cabot House, Harvard University (March 1987)
"Liberation Theology: The Central American Experience," slide show and talk, Adams House, Harvard University (April 1987)
"Music in Teaching: Song in the Foreign Language Classroom," workshop for foreign language teachers, Melrose HS (April 1987)
"La Chanson, reflet et moteur de la culture," Northeast Conference of the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York (April 1987)
"La Chanson, reflet et moteur du Québec contemporain," Univ. of Lowell (April 1987)
"La Chanson en classe de français," demonstration class, Needham HS and, by interactive TV, Wayland HS; also observed by high-level Chinese delegation (November 1987)
"Nicaragua: An Eyewitness Account," slide-lecture, UMass/Boston Campus Ministry (December 1987)
"The Current Crisis in Central America: How Can Local Churches Respond?" Spring Lecture Series, St. Paul, Cambridge (March 1988)
"Rhetoric and Reality in Central America," slide-lecture, Social Studies Department, Wakefield High School (May 1988)
"Malraux et les arts plastiques: Une religion de l'art?", Decades de Cerisy (July 1988)
Session Organizer and Chair, "La France au pluriel: Régions et minorités éthniques," AATF, Boston (July 1988)
"Vive la différence: la diversité problématique dans la chanson contemporaine," AATF, Boston (July 1988)
Session Organizer and Chair, "La Chanson française par ses racines," AATF, Boston (July 1988)
Post-Convention Workshop Organizer and Chair, "A travers chants: La Chanson dans la classe de français," with Chantal Grimm, National AATF, Boston (July 1988)
"The Word's the Thing," Greater Boston Foreign Language Collaborative (Dec. 1988)
"Ça ira : The Social and Political Impact of Popular Song in Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary France," Imagining the Unimaginable: The French Revolution and its Representations, a Bi-centennial colloquium at the French Library, Boston (October 1989)
"La Clef des chants," 4-hour workshop, with J-P Huser, Connecticut AATF (April 1990)
"Créez des matériaux vidéo authentiques sur mesure pour votre classe: Vous pouvez le faire!," National AATF, New Orleans (July 1990)
"<< Chansons que cela... >>: Pour une pédagogie subversive," MaFLA Immersion Workshop, Regis College (July 1990)
"Les Romans d'André Malraux: A la recherche du sens perdu," international conference on "François Mauriac et les romanciers de l'inquiétude, 1914-1945," Paris(September 1990)
"The Eyes Have It: Visual Experience in L'Espoir," International Conference on Malraux and Hemingway: Embattled Spain, Boston College (October 1990)
"L'Air du temps : Bringing Contemporary French Song into the Classroom," MaFLA (November '90)
"Tailor-made Authentic Video Material for Your Classroom: You Can Do It Yourself," MaFLA (November 1990)
"Tailor-made Authentic Video Material for Your Classroom: You Can Do It Yourself," three-hour pre-conference workshop, MaFLA (November 1991)
"La France multiculturelle: Immigration et racisme dans la France d'aujourd'hui," MaFLA (November 1991)
"La France d'aujourd'hui à travers la chanson," Harvard University (December 1991)
"Tout commence par des chansons," UMass/Dartmouth (February 1992)
"La Clef des chants," Le dernier salon où l'on cause (May 1992)
"Malraux et Mauriac devant le problème du mal," Collège de France (October 1992)
"Malraux, Mauriac et nous devant le problème du mal," MaFLA (October 1992)
"André Malraux et la vision du romancier," University of Lodz (May 1993)
"Mauriac polémiste quoique ou parce que chrétien," University of Lodz (May 1993)
"Malraux, Mauriac et Camus devant le problème du mal," Univ. of Lodz (May 1993)
"La Clef des chants: La Chanson dans l'enseignement de la langue et de la culture française," University of Lodz (May 1993)
"L'Enseignement du français et de la littérature française aux Etats-Unis," University of Lodz (May 1993)
"Immigration et racisme en France à travers la chanson," Univ. of Lodz (May 1993)
"L'Air du temps : Un festival de chanson francophone," MaFLA (October 1993)
"Immigration et racisme à travers chants," Boston College (November 1993)
"Diversity in the Language Classroom," Greater Boston Foreign Language Collaborative (March 1994)
"La Chanson reflet et moteur de la culture," round table, Harvard (May 1994)
"Malraux et Mauriac entre la gauche et la droite: traîtres ou fidèles?", International Mauriac Colloquium, La Sorbonne (May 1994)
"L'Air du temps : Un festival de chanson francophone," MaFLA (November 1994)
"Diversity on the Foreign Language Classroom," MaFLA (November 1994)
"Passion et compassion chez Mauriac et Malraux," International Colloquium: L'Observation des passions chez François Mauriac (Paris, October 1995)
"La Chanson et son utilisation en classe," 3-hour workshop with Jacques Yvart (October 1995)
"The Poem's the Thing," Greater Boston World Languages Collaborative (October 1995)
"The Rain in Spain: Teaching Language and Culture through Song," MaFLA (October 1995)
"La culture en cours de langue: Evidences visibles et invisibles," MaFLA (October 1995)
"Diversity in the Foreign Language Classroom," MaFLA (October 1995)
"Tout commence par des chansons!", Keynote speech, UNH (November 1995)
"Le Racisme en France à travers la chanson," AATF (February 1996)
"Tout commence par des chansons!", Le Club Richelieu, Fall River (April 1996)
"Amour et rachat dans Les Anges noirs et L'Agneau," International Mauriac Colloquium,Louvain-la-Neuve (October 1996)
"La Chanson, arme stratégique pour une pédagogie subversive," workshop with Jacques Yvart and Xavier Lacouture, French Library and Cultural Center (November 1996)
"Les Yeux de la mémoire: imagination visuelle dans L'Espoir," International Malraux Colloquium, La Sorbonne (November 1996)
"Vaisseaux d'argile," Le Club Richelieu, Boston (December 1996)
"La Chanson en cours de langue," interactive workshop, AATF (April 1997)
"Vaisseaux d'argile," Le Club Richelieu, Salem (May 1997)
"Mal-aimés et humiliés chez Mauriac et Malraux," International Mauriac Colloquium, Paris (October 1997)
"Play it again, Sam: Teaching Language and Culture through Music and Song," MaFLA (October 1997)
"La Culture en cours de langue: Evidences visibles et invisibles," MaFLA (October 1997)
"Diversity in the World Language Classroom," MaFLA (November 1997)
"La Chanson, arme stratégique pour une pédagogie suvbversive," three-hour workshop with Eric Vincent, AATF/ACTFL (November 1997)
"Play it again, Sam! Using Song to Teach Language and Culture," two-hour workshop, Boston World Languages Forum (February 1998)
"The Song's the Thing: Teaching Language and Culture through Song," four-hour workshop for MaFLA, Attleboro (May 1998)
"The Song's the Thing: Teaching Language and Culture through Song," four-hour workshop for MaFLA, The Berkshires (September 1998)
"Play it Again, Sam: Song in the Foreign Language Classroom," MaFLA Conference (October 1998)
"La Clef des chants: La Chanson dans la classe de français," MaFLA Conference (October 1998)
"La Clef des chants: La Chanson dans la classe de français," Boston Latin School (November 1998)
"De Boston à Malagar: A la rencontre de Mauriac," International Mauriac Colloquium, Institut de France (March 1999)
"La Chanson bonne à tout faire dans l'enseignement du français langue étrangère," Séminaire Interdisciplinaire Chanson, Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne (April 1999)
"Mauriac et Pascal à la lumière du Mémorial, " International Mauriac Colloquium, Palais du Luxembourg (October 1999)
"La Clef des chants," MaFLA (November 1999)
"La Chanson dans la classe de français," workshop with Jacques Yvart for the Newton Public Schools, (November 2000)
"Student Perceptions of the Educational Process," with Reyes Coll-Tellechea and Quentin Chavous, Annual Conference on Teaching for Transformation, Center for the Improvement of Teaching, UMassBoston (January 2001)
"The Song's the Thing," Sine Nomina (April 2001)
"'Le XXIe siècle sera religieux ou ne sera pas': le sens de cette phrase prononcée, démentie, controversée", Colloque International de Brest (June 2001)
"Immigration et racisme à travers la chanson," French Library and Cultural Center (October 2001)
"André Malraux et l'espoir d'une communion avec l'absolu", Colloque International de Versailles/St.Quentin-Paris (November 2001)
"«The 21st Century will be religious or will not be»: Malraux's Controversial Dictum", Metamorphoses: André Malraux and the 21st Century, International Colloquium at Harvard (December 2001)
"Technology in the World Language Classroom: First Steps," Sine Nomine (March 2002)
"La Clef des chants: Atelier avec Eric Vincent," three-hour workshop for the AATF at the MaFLA Conference, Strubridge MA (November 2002)
"La Chanson, bonne à tout faire,"three-hour workshop with Jacques Yvart for the AATF at the MaFLA Conference, Sturbridge MA (November 2003)
"Apparences trompeuses: Une approche évangélique de le réalité" International Mauriac conference, La Sorbonne (Novembre 2003)
"André Malraux et le 21e siècle", public lecture, Rivier College (November 2003)
"André Malraux, pélerin de l'absolu", International Colloquioum, André Malraux: Quête d'un idéal humain et/ou de valeurs transcendantes, Casablanca (February 2004)
"Pour une pédagogie interactive dans l'enseignement des langues," workshop for teachers of French, French Library and Cultural Center (April 2004)
"Song without Borders: Workshop in German and French with Jean-Marie Hummel et Liselotte Hamm,"three-hour workshop for the AATF and AATG at the MaFLA Conference, Sturbridge MA (October 2004)
"La Chanson dans la classe de français," Full-day Workshop, French Library and Cultural Center (May 2005)
"L'Air du temps: La Chanson dans la classe de français," Workshop for MaFLA immersion weekend, Laselle College (August 2005)
"St.-Germain des Prés", 3-hour workshop-concert with Jean-Marie Hummel and Liselotte Hamm, MaFLA conference, Sturbridge MA (October 2005)
"Ça ira: L'impact social et politique de la chanson dans la France de la Révolution et depuis" at a full-day workshop at the French Library: Enseigner le Français autour du thème de la Révolution Française (May 2007)
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"Vaisseaux d'argile," Centre Culturel Poterne des Peupliers, Paris (1983)
"Portraits," Centre Culturel Poterne des Peupliers, Paris (1983)
"Earthen Vessels," Weston School of Theology (1984, 1986), St. Mark's School (1984, 1986), Healy Library, UMB (1985)
"Sons and Others: Portraits 1966-1985," UMB Harbor Gallery (1986)
Group show: "Looking-Glass Views: Artists' Self-Portraits," UMB Harbor Gallery (1990)
La Clef des chants, four-hour AATF workshop filmed by Radio Québec, 1986, distributed. by American Association of Teachers of French
Producer of Face à face, a series of 30-minute programs in French, aired on CCTV, Cambridge
Producer of a series of one-hour television shows, in French, on French-language singer-songwriters, L'Air du temps , aired several times on CCTV, Cambridge:
de Gilbert Laffaille"
Haillant à la Cav'Conc' "
découverte à Bourges: Isabelle Morelli"
Bahri au T.L.P-Déjazet"
Pestel à l'Espace Laser"
LeForestier à Bourges"
LeForestier à Bourges, deuxième partie"
Bühler au T.L.P."
Producer of Humana , a series of one-hour programs on social and ethical issues, CCTV:
Acting Person and the Free Exercise of Religion: The Personalist
Ethic of John Paul II"
Embodiment and Ethics: Reexamining the Catholic Tradition on Sex,Love
and Procreation "
a Consistent Ethic of Mercy in the Professions"
Out Justice in the Health-Care Crisis"
Producer of a DVD: Bravo à Gilbert Laffaille à l'Essaïon
Producer of a DVD: Property Rights for the Poor: Conceptual Challenges, Pragmatic Approaches (see DailyMotion)
Producer of a DVD: Children without a State: A Human Rights Challenge (see Daily Motion)
Producer of a DVD: J.-M. G. Le Clézio à Harvard
Co-Producer and co-host, French Kisses followed by French Toast (WMBR-FM, Cambridge), available world-wide on the Internet at <>
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Interviewed for print or broadcast: Radio:
Radio-Télévsion Belge, Radio Lucrèce (Paris),
Radio Libertaire (Paris), Commonwealth Journal, WUMB-FM (Boston),
WERS-FM (Boston), "Morning Edition" on WBUR-FM (Boston), Baisers
volés, WMBR-FM (Cambridge), Radio Métropole (Boston),
Radio Concorde (Cambridge), Radio France Internationale, Radio
Canada, Fréquences Paris Plurielles, "Sous les étoiles
exactement" (France-Inter) Television:
ORTF (Paris), FR 3 (Paris), Bonjour
NH); Télé-Panache
Print: The Mass Media, La Nouvelle République ,
Témoignage chrétien, Le Magazine du
spectacle, Chorus
Jacques Vassal, Brassens, ou La Chanson d'abord
Professional and Related Activities/Activités professionnelles
The Malraux Society (reviewer and referee for Revue André Malraux Review )
La Société Internationale des Amis de François Mauriac, Comité consultatif (1995- )
American Association of Teachers of French, E. Massachusetts, President (1993-97), Director (1990- )
Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFLA)
Greater Boston World Languages Collaborative,
Executive Committee (1990- ),
Co-Chair (1993-96)
Le Centre National de la
Chanson, Founder and Director (1992-
L'Air du temps (a ten-day festival of French-language music), Founder and Producer (1992-98)
Le Centre de la Chanson d'Expression Française (Paris), Parain
Faculty Committee on Human Rights in El Salvador and Central America; human rights delegation to El Salvador and Nicaragua (1987)
Copley Square International High School: Innovative French Curriculum for Special Needs Students, Consultant
Boston Committee on International Education
Vessels, Inc. (non-profit organization
working with at-risk inner-city youth), Founder and President (1980-
Compact for College Success, Faculty Mentor
Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Prentice-Hall, Consultant
Yale University Press, Modern Language Journal, Review André Malraux Review, referee
Modern Language Journal, Review André Malraux Review, Revue Canadienne de littérature comparée, reviewer
Center for World Languages and Cultures, UMassBoston, Executive Committee
Amitiés Internationales André Malraux, Conseil d'administration; représentatif pour l'Amérique du Nord
Présence de'André Malraux (comité de rédaction)
Producer, "L'Air du temps," 24/7 webcast on
Co-producer, co-host, "French Toast," WMBR-FM (MIT radio, Cambridge), available 24/7 on
Co-Organizer, Metamorphoses: André Malraux and the 21st Century, International Colloquium at Harvard (December 2001)
home page / Professional Experience / Lectures, Papers, Workshops / Publications: Books / Other Publications Creative Work / Interviews / Professional and Related Activities / Grants and Awards / Top of page
Grants and Awards / Subventions et distinctions
1974 Faculty Research Grant (Chanson)
1980 Faculty Research Grant (Mauriac)
1980 Travel Grant: Paper (Montréal)
1980 Quebec Government Grant (Chanson)
1982 Quebec Government Grant (Chanson)
1984 CAS Outstanding Achievement Award
1984 Chancellor's Publication Grant (Mauriac)
1985 Educational Needs Grant (Photography)
1985 Travel Grant: Northeast Conference (New York)
1986 Travel Grant: AATF Workshop (Washington)
1986 Travel Grant: AATF Workshop (Montréal)
1987 Travel Grant: Northeast Conference (New York)
1987 Faculty Research Grant (Chanson)
1987 Joint Educational Needs Grant (Computer Equipment)
1988 Educational Needs Grant: Printemps de Bourges (Chanson)
1988 Faculty Research and Travel Grant (Decades de Cerisy)
1989 Joint Educational Needs Grant (Video supplies)
1990 Travel Grant: AATF Paper (New Orleans)
1992 Travel Grant: Mauriac/Malraux (Collège de France)
1992 Grant: Provost, University of Massachusetts/Boston
1992 Grant: Québec Government
1993 Grant: Au Bon Pain Foundation
1993 Grant: Norton Corporation
1993 Grant: American Association of Teachers of French
1993 Grant: Fonds pour la Création Musicale (Paris)
1993 Grant: SACEM (Paris)
1993 Travel Grant: Lectures at the University of Lodz, Poland
1993 International Activities Grant, UMassBoston
1993 Service Award, Massachusetts Foreign Language Association
1994 Grant: Fonds pour la Création Musicale (Paris)
1994 Grant: L'ADAMI (Paris): L'Air du temps
1994 Grant: SACEM (Paris): L'Air du temps
1994 Grant: Perrier : L'Air du temps
1994 Grant: Heinle & Heinle : L'Air du temps
1994 Grant: AATF : L'Air du temps
1994 Grant: Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie : L'Air du temps
1995 Grant: SACEM (Paris) : L'Air du temps
1995 Grant: Fonds pour la Création Musicale (Paris) : L'Air du temps
1995 Grant: L'ADAMI (Paris) : L'Air du temps
1994 Grant: Fonds pour la Création Musicale (Paris) : L'Air du temps
1995 Grant: Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie : L'Air du temps
1995 Grant: AATF : L'Air du temps
1995 Grant: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères : L'Air du temps
1995 Travel Grant: International Conference in Paris
1995 Massachusetts Foreign Language Association Distinguished Service Award
1996 Travel Grant: Canadian Consulate: La Bourse Rideau
1996 Travel Grant: International Conference in Paris
1996 Grant: Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie : L'Air du temps
1996 Grant: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères : L'Air du temps
1996 Grant: SACEM (Paris) : L'Air du temps
1996 Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France)
1996 Grant: AATF : L'Air du temps
1996 Grant: France Telecom (North America) : L'Air du temps
1996 Grant: The Florence Gould Foundation : L'Air du temps
1996 Grant: Fonds pour la Création Musicale (Paris) : L'Air du temps
1996 Grant: L'ADAMI (Paris) : L'Air du temps
1997 Travel Grant: International Conference in Paris
1997 Grant: SACEM (Paris) : L'Air du temps
1997 Grant: Canadian Consulate General : L'Air du temps
1997 Grant: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères : L'Air du temps
1997 Grant: Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie : L'Air du temps
1998 Grant: The Florence Gould Foundation : L'Air du temps
1998 Grant: Le Fonds pour la Création Musicale: L'Air du temps
1998 Grant: Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie : L'Air du temps
1998 Grant: ADAMI: L'Air du temps
1999 Travel Grant: International Mauriac Conference in Paris
2001 Travel Grant, International Malraux Conference, Cerisy-la-Salle
2004 Travel Grant, International Malraux Conference, Casablanca
2005 Grant: The Florence Gould Foundation: L'Air du temps webcast on
2005 Grant: The American Society for the French Legion of Honor: French play in NYC
2005 Grant: The French Cultural Services, Boston: pedagogical workshop
2006 Grant: The French Cultural Services, Boston: French Connections a video oral history project
2007 Grant: The French Cultural Services, Boston: French Connections a video oral history project
2007 Travel Grant: International Malraux Conference, Belfast
2009 Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques
home page / Professional Experience / Lectures, Papers, Workshops / Publications: Books / Other Publications Creative Work / Interviews / Professional and Related Activities / Grants and Awards / Top of page