My research consisted of two "questionaires," one completed by students in week 5, the other during the last class. Both questionaires had 3 parts: 1) review of relevant material from the syllabus, course packet, and, for the second questionaire, responses to the first survey; 2) guided freewriting (not submitted; see Elbow, P. 1981. Writing with Power. New York: Oxford U. P.); and 3) formulation of five statements or questions. Material in the syllabus and course packet described the ideal of "dialogue around written work" and the requirement for students to "revise and resubmit" in response to my written comments on the many assignments they submitted during their projects. The guided freewriting was intended to allow students to acknowledge distractions but eventually to expose some thoughts about the topic that had been below the surface of their attention. The first questionaire asked for five "statements, questions, or reservations about working under the revise and resubmit system as a student this semester." The second questionaire asked for "five statements about: working under the revise and resubmit system this semester; ways the system could be developed/improved; and/or different ways to achieve comparable objectives." The raw responses are included as appendices 1 and 3.
Such questionnaires were not intended to result in objective summaries of responses, or in a simple before and after comparison. Not only did the responses need to be interpreted, but they needed to be digested by me and my students and worked into our on-going teaching-learning interactions. To this end, dialogue with colleagues in the CIT seminar, students in the course, and other colleagues was pursued in spoken, email, and other forms.
Colleagues in the seminar helped process the responses to the first
questionaire in the following manner. Each person read the concerns,
questions, and comments of all the students about working under the revise and
resubmit system. We brainstormed individually about what might characterize an
improved system/ experience for students and expressed these ideas on large
post-its. Together we grouped related suggestions on the wall and gave the
five resulting clusters themes. These were:
I gave students copies of the complete brainstorming and the compilation of
their original responses. We discussed what was for me most striking from the
responses and brainstorming, namely, the tensions among the different clusters,
e.g., between "Develop autonomy" and "Negotiate power/standards." We continued
to refer back to these themes and tensions during the course. At the end of
the semester, I formulated the following (sent out as an email):
"Yesterday I asked for help finding a replacement term for autonomy and
independence, both of which some students interpret as going their own way and
not responding to comments of others, including those of the professor.
The term my wife suggested last night was "taking initiative." That is, don't
wait for the professor to tell you how to solve an expository problem, what
must be read and covered in a literature review, or what was meant by some
comment you don't understand. Don't put off giving your writing to the
professor and other readers or avoid talking to them because you're worried
that they don't see things the same way as you do.
Interaction with others doesn't mean bowing down to their views, but taking
them in and working them into your own reflective inquiry until you can convey
more powerfully to them what you're about (which may or may not have changed as
a result of the reflective inquiry).
Carrying this idea of "taking initiative" further, it is not a substitute for
"developing autonomy" in the list above, but applies to all five aspects:
Take initiative in building horizontal relationships, in negotiating
power/standards, in acknowledging that affect is involved in what you're doing
and not doing (and in how others respond to that), in clearing away
distractions from other sources (present & past) so you can be here now.
Perhaps "developing initiative" would be better, recognizing that for each of
us there's a long process towards the goal of fully taking initative.
Of course, finding the term for the goal doesn't solve the problem of
teaching/supporting students to take progressively more initiative, nor of
expressing it in a grading rubric. Maybe that can be the focus on my
teacher-research next time. In the meantime, I have still more to digest from
this semester's surveys on the revise & resubmit system."
One member of the seminar emailed back to say: "I like the notion of developing
initiative. My only concern is the term, by itself, can seem to represent an
individual attribute rather than something that's socially-situated--that
people learn to do in different ways in different social contexts." Peter
Elbow (UMass Amherst; see reference above) also responded with his current
"The reader is in charge; the writer is in charge. That is, the reader always
gets to say how s/he responded and what s/he thinks; no fair arguing. But the
writer is always in charge of what to do about that feedback--and keeping
control of the paper.
These guidelines are designed for peers. They become tricky when we're talking
about teacher response. Because (unfortunately? trickily?) when it comes to
teacher response, the teacher often DOES want to insist on taking some control
AWAY FROM the writer and insist on certain changes. I cannot pretend I don't
do this as teacher sometimes. But I think it is part of what disempowers
students as writers. The main way I handle it these days is with a grading
contract where, as teacher, I insist on substantive revision--but the student
doesn't have to revise the way I might imply--doesn't have to agree with my
reading or advice."
Reviewing the students' responses to the end of semester questionnaire and
referring back to their earlier answers, I see almost all of them "developing
initiative." However, I need more time, dialogue, and support to fully digest
this research, so I plan to involve faculty in the CIT seminar in another
brainstorming session. Results of this will be added to the website on which
the appendices can be viewed(after 1/25/00), Please contact me if you want a
printed copy, or have other input.