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A Table Containing the General Heads of Natural Magick
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
or (Botanical.com, A Modern Herbal, Mrs. M. Grieve)
Cabbage - A genus of plants, called in botany Brassica, of several species; some of which are cultivated for food. The leaves are large and fleshy, the pods long and slender, and the seeds globular. The kinds most cultivated are the common cabbage, called with us the drum-head, the Savoy, the broccoli, the cauliflower, the sugar-loaf, and the cole-wort.
"...He puts Beet roots bruised into Wine, it will be Vinegar when three hours are over. But if he would restore it again as it was, he puts in Cabbage roots..."
"...Then wash it with Lye made of Cabbage stalks, ashes, and Barley straw..."
"...Alisander or Parsley may be made greater ...you must dig the Alisander around the root, and cover it with Cachryl, and then heap earth upon it..."
Cackrels /
Cackerel - A fish which is said to void excrements when pursued. Others say, a fish which eaten produces lax bowels.
"...There is a kind of these fishes, called Mullet-Groundlings, which is generated of mud and sand, as has been tried in many marsh places, among the rest in Hindus, where in the Dog-days, the lakes, being dried up, so that the mud was hard, as soon as ever they began to be full of rain water again, were generated little fishes, a kind of Mullet, about the bigness of little Cackrels, which had neither seed nor egg in them..."
"...And as the Mullet-Groundlings comes of mud, or a sandy loam, as Aristotle writes, so it is to be thought, that the Cackrel-groundling comes thereof also..."
"...Beer in Egypt, called Zythum, in Spain , Caelia and Ceria, Beer in France and other provinces..."
Calamite - A fossil plant of the coal formation, having the general form of plants of the modern Equiseta (the Horsetail or Scouring Rush family) but sometimes attaining the height of trees, and having the stem more or less woody within.
"...Is to be made by putting Benjamin into a glass retort, and fitting it to the furnace. Then increase the fire without any fear of combustion, and you will obtain a fragent oil, to be used in precious ointments. So Oil of Storax, Calamite, and Labdanum, and other Gums..."
The generic name of the Indian cane, called also rotang. It is without branches, has a crown at the top, and is beset with spines. A sort of reed, or sweet-scented cane, used by the Jews as a perfume. It is a knotty root, reddish without and white within, and filled with a spungy substance. It has an aromatic smell.
"...Then add roots of Iris, Cypress, Sanders, Cinnamon, Storax, Labdanum, Cloves, Nutmegs, Calamus Aromaticus, with a little Musk, Amber and Civit..."
"... Juice of Cherry, added to Calamus, will make a green, so also Sow-bread, a red..."
"How a dead carcass may be kept long...Then make a mixture of unquenched Lime five pounds, of burnt Alome one pound, good Salt two pound, of Aloes and Myrrh half a pound. Of Aloes wood half a pound, of the oil of Spicknard three ounces, of the powder of Rosemary flowers five, of burnt green Brass and Calcanthum two..."
Calcine /
Calcined /
Calcine: Heated to temperature of dissociation; for example, heat gypsum to the temperature where the water of crystallization is driven off.
"... Calcine the Talk, and put it in an earthen pot, and set it in the hottest part of a Potters Oven, to stay there six days..."
"...Do the same three or four times, that it may be more perfectly Calcined, always having a care that it be as hot as may be, but that it melts not..."
Caldron - A large kettle or boiler of copper, brass, or iron.
See: Cauldron
"...Take the flesh of them and bruise it in a Mortar diligently, then put it into a Caldron glazed with tin that is full of water..."
Calends - Among the Romans, the fist day of each month. The origin of this name is differently related. Varro supposes it to have originated in the practice of notifying the time of the new moon, by a priest who called out or proclaimed the fact, to the people, and the number of the calends, or the day of the nones. Others alledge that the people be convened, the pontifex proclaimed the several feasts or holidays in the month; a custom which was discontinued in the year of Rom 450, when the fasti or calendar was set up in public places, to give notice of the festivals.
"...This if you practise before the Calends of March, or between the Nones and the Ides of March, you shall have your purpose..."
Calf - The young of the cow, or of the bovine genus of quadrupeds.
"...Boil two Calf's feet in water. First make them clean. Then boil the water until half be consumed. Put in it Rice, one pound, and boil it well. .."
"...We feed them at home with Wine of Surrentum, or else we put Calfs to two Cows, and thus being fed with abundance of Milk, that can scarce go for fat..."
"...Before we leave of to speak of hair, I shall show how to make the eyebrows black. Because women are desirous of this as the rest. The Greeks call them Calliblephara, that is, fair eyebrows..."
"...The Kernels of Dates burned in a new earthen pot, and the ashes washed, serve instead of Spodium. And they are mingled with eye salves. And they make Calliblephara adding Spikenard thereunto...."
Callimachus - fl. c.265 B.C., Greek poet and critic. At ALEXANDRIA he drew up a catalogue constituting a full literary history. Among his over 800 hymns, epigrams, and poems is Aetia, a collection of legends.
"...Callimachus, the Architect, flying from Heliopolis, taught the Romans that thing first, and many of their Emperors did use that against their enemies afterwards..."
"...In times past, women were wont to esteem little dogs in great price, especially such as came from Malta the island situated in the Adriatic Sea, near to Ragusius. Calimacus terms them with Melitean dogs..."
Calx - the oxide or ashy residue that is left after metals or minerals have been thoroughly roasted or burned.the oxide or ashy residue that is left after metals or minerals have been thoroughly roasted or burned. 2. another term for lime (calcium oxide, CaO).another term for lime (calcium oxide, CaO).
"... It will more easily and perfectly dissolve into water, and if it were burned long enough, and turned into a Calx..."
"...You shall bring Silver to powder, either with Aquafortis, or Calx. The Calx is afterwards washed in water..."
Camel - A large quadruped used in Asia and Africa for carrying burdens, and for riders. As genus, the camel belongs to the order of Pecora. The characteristics are; it has no horns; it has six fore teeth in the under jaw; the canine teeth are wide set, three in the upper and two in the lower jaw; and there is a fissure in the upper lip. The dromedary of Arabian camel, has one bunch on the back, four callous protuberances on the fore legs and two on the hind legs. The Bactrian camel has two bunches on the back.
"... Camel's froth, drunk with water by a drunken man, will make him mad, as possessed with a devil..."
"...Horses are frightened in battle by Elephants, and a Camel naturally hates a Horse, as Aristotle and Pliny say..."
"...Some say that Camel's Dung will curl the hair..."
"...then, the Stag, the Ostrich, the Camel Panther, gentle creatures, and of thin spirits, have slender bodies and long necks, to show that thin, subtle spirits, have slender bodies and long narrower passage, and be elevated higher to purify them..."
"...Oil is made of the seed of Cameline...it is made for lights, but those of Lomardy make great plenty of a golden colored oil of a seed like to this, called Dradella. It has plaited leaves as wild Rochet, which they sow among Pulse..."
Camphire - An old spelling of Camphor.
Camphor - A tough, white, aromatic resin, or gum, obtained from different species of the Laurus family, esp. from Cinnamomum camphara (the Laurus camphara of Linnæus.). Camphor, C10H16O, is volatile and fragrant, and is used in medicine as a diaphoretic, a stimulant, or sedative.
"...Take two bottles of Greek wine, half a pint of white Rose Water, of Celendine, two ounces, of Fennel, Rue, Eye-Bright, as much, of Tutty, half an ounce, of Cloves as much, Sugar-Candy of Roses, one Drachm, Camphire, half a Drachm, and as much Aloes..."
"...take Allome de Plume, Salt Gemma, one Drachm, Frankincense, one and a half, Camphire, two Drachms, Oil of Tartar, six ounces, Rosewater, one pound..." (To make your face white)
"... What I said of a long Needle, I say also of an Iron bar. For if you touch it in the middle, the beams of it are spread like the beams of the Sun, or light of a Candle, from the center to the Circumference, and extreme parts..."
"...Some never bruise the flowers, but cut them very small with scissors, and Candy them with Sugar..."
Cancer - In astronomy, one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, represented by the form of a crab, and limiting the suns course northward in summer; hence, the sign of the summer solstice.
"...But the body of a Crab-fish is strangely turned into a Scorpion. Pliny says, that while the sun is in the sign Cancer, if the bodies of those fishes lie dead upon the land, they will be turned into Scorpions..."
Cane - . In botany, this term is applied to several species of plants belonging to several species of plants belonging to different genera, such as Arundo, Calamus, Saccharum, &c. Among these is the bamboo of the East Indies, with a strong stem, which serves for pipes, poles, and walking sticks. The sugar cane, a native of Asia, Africa and America, furnishes the juice from which are made, sugar, melasses and spirit.
"... There is likewise a wonderful enmity between Cane and Fern. So that one destroys the other. Hence it is that a Fern root pounded, does loose and shake out the Darts from a wounded body, that were shot or cast out of Canes..."
"...And there let them grow for a while, and afterward when you take away the Cane or Reed, the Sperage will be whiter then ordinary..."
"...The star Arcturus, at his rising causes rain. Dogs are well acquainted with the rising of the Canicular star; for at that time they are commonly mad..."
"...some out of putrified earth and plants, as those creatures that are divided between the head and the belly, some out of the dew that lies upon leaves, as Canker-worms, some out of mud..."
Cannon - A large military engine for throwing balls, and other instruments of death, by the force of gun powder. Guns of this kind are made of iron or brass and of different sizes, carrying balls from three or four pounds, to forty eight pounds weight.
"...Then bind them about with cords, and dip them in Tar three or four times, that they may be well fenced about, lest being discharged by the violence of a Brass Cannon, they should break in pieces..."
Can"tha*ris (?), n.; pl. Cantharides (#). [L., a kind of beetle, esp. the Spanish fly, Gr. .] (Zoöl.) A beetle (Lytta, ? Cantharis, vesicatoria), having an elongated cylindrical body of a brilliant green color, and a nauseous odor; the blister fly or blister beetle, of the apothecary; -- also called Spanish fly. Many other species of Lytta, used for the same purpose, take the same name. Also, Blister beetle.
"...Water of Cantharides smeared on, does presently cause bladders and humours..."
"...Cantharides beaten with strong water, do also raise watery blisters, and cause ruptures..."
Canvas - . A strong cloth made of hemp, flax, or cotton.
"... Which from the Greek word for Pears is called Apyres, and from the Latin Piery, Palladius says it was thus. They are Bruised and put in a very course bag of Canvas, and pressed with weights, or in a press..."
"...And I made a Lye of Quicklime and oak ashes, that they commonly call the Capitel. In that I boiled Lytharge of Silver..."
"...With this write what you will on an Egg, and when the writing is dried in the Sun, put it into sharp Pickle. Dry it, boil it, and take off the shell, and you shall read the writing. I put it into Vinegar, and could do nothing of it. Perhaps, he means by Pickle, Capital Lees..."
Capon: A castrated cock.