Health and Safety
Joint Labor and Management Committee
committee was established via an agreement between labor and management
to coordinate the health and safety provisions of the various collective
bargaining agreements. As such, it derives its function from those
agreements, although its work may provide recommendations or requests
for action by university departments or individuals in their official
capacities, up to and including the Chancellor.
To serve
as a university-wide ombudsman: receiving reports of incidents,
concerns, and issues; providing recommendations to improve processes
related to workplace health and safety; and maintaining communication
regarding workplace health and safety, for a diverse and representational
group of university personnel.
The objectives of this committee include but are not limited to:
1. Initiating discussion surrounding incidents and issues of concern
2. Providing follow through of existing issues until adequately
3. Facilitating access to and dissemination of existing health and
safety protocols and other educational information to the broader
University community.
4. Examining health and safety problems/issues and developing plans/procedures
to address them
5. Reviewing processes and recommending improvements to data collection
and reporting systems that track hazards, incidents and injuries
on campus
objectives may be modified from time-to-time as deemed necessary
to support the mission of the committee.