William Holmes, Example
History Outline
Revolution and Innovation in Creating Massapoag.
A. Historical Overview of Massapoag
1. Population changes 1650-1900
a. Cultural change from dissenters to mainstream
b. Economic changes from war production to summer resort
c. Housing changes from farmhouses to cottages
d. Transportation from water to horse path
2. Population changes in the 1900 –1950
a. Cultural change from Scotch/Irish to Yankees
b. Economic change from summer resort to rural small town
c. Housing changes from cottages to homes
d. Transportation from horse path to rail
3. Population changes in the 1950 –2000
a. Cultural change from Yankee to Diversity
b. Economic change in from rural small town to bedroom suburb
c. Housing from homes to mansions
d. Transportation rail and freeway
B. Revolutionary History of Massapoag
1. Colonial Dissention
2. French and Indian War
3. American Revolution
4. Civil War
5. Spanish American War
6. World War II
7. Vietnam War
8. Gulf Wars
C. Innovation and Local Leadership
1. Community Responses to Wars
2. Planning and Development of Transportation
3. Challenge to Established Political Representation
a. Representation in the Board of Selectmen
b. Representation in the General Court
c. Dissention and Representation
4. Public Schools
5. Public Library
6. Political Parties
D. Challenges for the Future
1. Dissent and Community Stability
2. Maintaining Innovation
3. Future Challenges