Job Title:            Education Coordinator for Minority students

Organization:           Ponkapoag Public Schools 

Report To:          Director of Student Retention



Job Description

The Minority Retention Program’s mission is to support minority students who enter the Ponkapoag Public School System with little or no previous schooling.  The Coordinator will oversee the program to help students with homework and other educational activities that enhance student’s learning and reduce their achievement gap.  The coordinator will recruit and train parents as volunteers to work with minority students and families.  The Minority Retention Program will meet with parents, train volunteers, and provide support. The MRP Coordinator will empower and support parents in looking for solutions to reduce the educational gap among minority children.



The Minority Retention Program Coordinator will recruit parents, help them better understand the school system and strategies to encourage minority retention.  She/he will ensure that all minority students receive appropriate educational services.  The Coordinator will train volunteer parents to help their children with their schoolwork.  The Coordinator will advocate for students by coordinating classroom services, addressing learning issues, responding to questions, and maintaining connections between parents and students’ teachers.


The coordinator will:

·         recruit a culturally and linguistically diverse group of parents to serve as Volunteers;

·         Provide training and support to Volunteer Parents to maintain connections among volunteers;

·         Coordinate activities and provide refreshments at parent meetings;

·         Evaluate and discuss students’ progress with their classroom teachers;

·         Submit progress result to the Retention Director;

·         Participate in meetings of local immigrant service providers;



Candidate must be fluent in Haitian Creole and English.  Knowledge of intervention initiatives; ability to engender trust and work well with others; advocate for students/family with great social and educational challenges; demonstrate sensitivity to culturally diverse community.  A BA or four years related work experience is required.


Length of Position:   This is a one year position. 


Salary:                        210 meeting sessions @ $50.00 per session – contract not to exceed $10,500.00


Application Procedures:

Please direct a letter of intent and resume to:

The Office of Student Retention

                                    500 Massapoag Trail, Ponkapoag, MA  02068
