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Program Informed Consent

(Not all items are applicable to every program.)

In language understandable to the participant...

Who, What, Why, Where, When
      o    Consent forms must state who is providing the service and must either be presented on program or agency letterhead.

            o    A statement that participation in the program involves the client providing information

o      An explanation of the purpose of the program obtaining information

o      A description of the procedures by which information will be provided

o      Identification of service options, procedures, or activities

o      The location(s) where the program or services will be offered

o      The expected total duration of participation and that of each phase of multi-phase programs



o      A statement that participation is voluntary

o      A statement that clients may refuse to participate or may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they are otherwise entitled

o      If surveys and interviews are used, a statement that subjects may skip any questions they don’t wish to answer

o      No language that subjects are required to waive any legal rights, including any release of the program, agency, or its agents from liability or negligence


Risks, Benefits, Costs, and Gratuities

o      A description of the reasonably foreseeable risks and discomforts, or a statement that the program does not involve risks beyond those encountered in everyday life, as appropriate

o      A description of possible direct benefits to the subject, which may reasonably be expected from the program, or a statement that individuals may not directly benefit from participation though there may be benefits to their families, friends, or to society

o      An explanation of any costs to the subject for program-related procedures, hospital or other residential stays, use of equipment, lost compensation or insurance, or extraordinary transportation requirements

o      An explanation of any gratuities or direct benefits for participation and, if appropriate, procedures to prorate amounts for subjects who withdraw before completing the program

o      As appropriate, an explanation as to whether any compensation or assistance is available if injury occurs (including psychological or social injury), what it would consist of (if any), or where further information may be obtained



o      A statement describing the extent to which confidentiality of records identifying subjects will be maintained, including who will have access to and the methods for securing such records; as well as how that information will be used; and an expiration date for the consent (if appropriate).


Who to Contact

o      The name(s), title(s), local or toll-free telephone number(s), and e-mail addresses of the person(s) to contact for answers to questions about the program, including those for the responsible program manager, if different

o      An invitation to contact the agency for information about the rights of participants in agency programs. Persons may call collect if they identify themselves as program participants.

o      As appropriate, the name(s), title(s), and daytime and evening telephone number(s) of the person(s) to contact in the event of a program-related injury, adverse effects, or complaints


Near the Signature Line

o      A statement that participants will be given a copy of the consent form

©2005  William Holmes.  based on informed consent form of University of Illinoris Urbana Champaign.