Suppose you are administering a questionnaire to clients in an agency. The procedure requires having the clients sign an informed consent statement. An agency administrator has approved the informed consent procedure. Some of the individuals seem reluctant to sign the statement, but they do so after you tell them the information is really important to providing them needed services and that they can always discuss it with their case manager afterwards to get their questions answered. You make a note on their questionnaire that the client was reluctant to participate with the intention of discussing this with your supervisor.
1. Should you give the questionnaire to this client? State your justification for doing so or not doing so. Are there any modifications to the procedure that would make you more willing to give out the questionnaire?
2. Should you make a note on the informed consent form of any reasons the clients were reluctant to sign the statement? What would be the purpose of this?
3. What aspects of the situation raise questions about maintaining confidentiality of the data? If there are problems with confidentiality, what would you do to improve confidentiality?
4. The informed consent form says the clients will be paid $100 for answering the questions, but only if they fully complete the questionnaire. Do you see any problems with this and, if so, what are they?
You should write at least one paragraph for each question. You must consider issues of peer review, informed consent, harm to the subject, and confidentiality. The assignment will be graded according to the clarity and completeness of the ethical issues you identify as well as the appropriateness and feasibility of your recommendation. Length: one to two pages.