University of Massachusetts, Boston
of Management

The College of Management Internship

MG, MKT, AF, MSIS 480 (Spring 2006)

Classes: Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Place: M01--409

Instructor: Silvia Dorado

Office: M – 5 – 223
Office Tel: (617) 287 7769

I have office hours on Wednesdays between 3:00 and 5:00 pm. You can also discuss any class issues right before or after our meetings or by appointment. The best way to reach me is by email.


Required readings:

Reader:  Additional readings will be distributed or are documents that can be downloaded free from the web.

You will find the entire syllabus at the class website  If I make changes to the syllabus, I will change the website rather than create new paper copies. I may also post additional readings, etc. in this site.

Course background:

An internship is defined as "an approved, supervised, full or part-time work experience for a student in a business, government agency, educational institution, hospital, or other kind of organization." This course is intended to give students work experience in tandem with academic analysis of that experience.

Internships may relate to any of the functional areas of Management and may be arranged according to your concentration or may be based on more general management opportunities.

Course learning objectives:

  • To develop both a broader and more in-depth appreciation of common work-related challenges and changes
  • To be active participants in meaningful operational situations.
  • To test academic learning in experiences related to the work venue.
  • To discover new relationships and gain new insights and information.
  • To strengthen independent analysis and learning.
  • To learn from group analysis and feedback.
  • To strengthen oral and written communication skills.
  • To explore career options and opportunities.
  • To assess individual strengths, weaknesses, interests, personal priorities, and propensity to accept different levels of risk and challenge.

Course format

Students are required to intern a minimum of 10 hours a week for the duration of the semester in order to receive three credits. We will meet as a group several times during the semester (about once every two weeks). In these meetings we will discuss topics related to your work experience, participate in activities that will help you improve skills such as listening and negotiation, and discuss work attitudes particularly as the refer to relationships with supervisors and co-workers. I will be available for individual consultation on an appointment basis.

Students will develop a Learning Contract with the Field Supervisor and with the Academic Sponsor. I will send a letter to your field supervisor with guidelines for their role for the Learning Contract.

Course evaluation


Teaching this class is my job; being here and being prepared is your job. I'd like you to treat this class as if it were a job: show up, be punctual, be prepared, and call ahead if you have a problem that prevents you from being here. I will give you the same courtesy and respect. You are not graded on attendance, but you are graded on participation. If you are not here you cannot participate. I will be keeping track of who is here and who participates.

If you miss three or more class meetings over the course of the semester, you will receive no credit for participation.

Learning in this class depends as much on you as it does on me. This class is intended to be highly interactive. I am counting on you to have read and thought about the material for each meeting, to have thought about how it might apply to your internship experience, and to come in prepared to ask questions, explain your experiences, tell stories, argue, etc.

Your participation grade will be based on your attendance, your informed contributions to discussions, and your preparation for class activities.

Written Assignments

You will be required to write 3 reports considering your work experience.  They should be between 3 and 5 pages long (double spaced not including cover page).  All reports should be written in essay (narrative) format and address the questions specified for each assignment in well developed and cohesive paragraphs. Questions are not to be answered individually but are to be blended into a narrative description.  You do not need to answer all questions and should concentrate on those that are most relevant considering the company you are working for and the position you hold. 

All assignments are to be turned in at the start of the period when they are due. Late assignments will be dropped 1/2 a grade every additional day they are late.

Grades will be determined based on the quality and timely completion of the reports. Each report will be graded in the following manner: 65% content; 35% grammar (sentence structure, punctuation, etc.)  The expected content of the assignments is specified at the end of this syllabus. The papers will be read, graded and critiqued by the instructor and returned to the student on the following class. The student should review the comments and make appropriate adjustments to correct identified problems in future assignments.

Students must attain a grade of 50% or higher on each of the five reports in order to pass this course. See grading criteria below.  If you grade is under 70%, you will have the option of repeating one and only one of these reports ONCE (only one report only one time). Papers must be resubmitted no later than one week after receiving the paper from the instructor. A maximum of 50% of the originally-deducted points (not including any points deducted for late submissions) may be earned in the revision.

Work supervisor evaluation

The student is required to obtain an evaluation from his/her employer and submit it to the instructor within two weeks after the tenth complete week of the internship (after April 19th and before May 17th).  I will be mailing an evaluation form to employers.




Participation (including learning contract)


First written report


Second written report


Third written report


Employer’s Performance assessment


Grading: I grade considering the following distribution: A (>9), A- (9 – 8.5), B+ (8.5 – 8), B (8 - 7), B- (7 – 6.5), C+ (6.5 - 6), C (6 – 5), C- (5 – 4.5), D+ (4.5 – 4), D (4 – 3.5), D- (3.5 - 3), F (<3) —grades will be round up to the next category (e.g. 8.5 will be graded as A-)  

The grade for this course will not be determined by how hard or how many hours you have worked at your job. The grade will be determined by how hard to have worked in the classroom measured on the quality of your class participation and the reflection on your work experience you show in the written assignments.  It is incumbent on the student to keep track of all forms and reports to be submitted and when they are due.

After grades are submitted, they are final and will not be changed unless there was a computational error or other error on the part of the instructor. If you need a certain grade in this course to maintain or increase your grade point average, you must put the appropriate amount of effort into the reports and course requirements to earn that grade. If you do the minimum required, just to get by, you will receive a grade which reflects your minimum effort.  

Class Schedule

Note: The schedule of cases, readings, speakers, and activities may be modified and changed during the semester to fit the needs of the class.  ERL: Stands for Electronic Reserve Library see (password 480)







Jan 25

Intro. & org.


"Contact information of your supervisor"


Feb 08

Developing the learning contract

(TBD) Learning contract (ERL)

Handout: Inventory

First draft “in class.”  Final draft to be emailed to me ASAP


Feb 22

Your job in perspective

Reader: Designing High-Performance Jobs (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition)

Report: description of your job


Mar 08

Your organization in perspective

(TBD) The "New Organization: Taking Action in an Era of Organizational Transformation."  In Managing for the Future: Organizational Behavior and Processes



Mar 22

Your industry in perspective

(TBD) SBA reading on market research

Report: description of your organization


Apr 5

Job interviews

Reader: How to Ace an Interview.

Writing the Perfect Cover Letter.

“Bring your CV to the classroom”


Apr 19

Considering going it alone

(TBD) SBA reading on check list for going into business

Report: description of your industry


May 3

Review session




Description of assignments

First report: Description of your job

Expected length: between 2 and 5 pages

Due on: See course schedule

Topics and questions to be addressed:

1.      Describe the function of your job in relation to the department as a whole

2.      How would you characterize your supervisors? Comment on the style of the supervisors in the operation and describe which characteristics you would like to adopt for yourself and why. Which characteristics are not effective? Why not?

3.      Use the reading “designing high performance jobs” as guideline to describe and analyze your job.

Second report: Description of your organization

Expected length: about 5 pages

Due on: See course schedule

Topics and questions to be addressed:

  1. Describe briefly the business and/or department of large corporation where you work.  Include information on
    1. Ownership
    2. History
    3. Size, number of workers, approximate dollar sales, and any other information relevant to adequately describe the operation.
  2. Use the reading “New Organization: Taking Action in an Era of Organizational Transformation” as guideline on other information to be included in your description

Market study

Expected length: about 5 pages

Due on: See course schedule

Questions to be addressed:

  1. Current industry size:  What is the current size of the industry for the product/service at the national, regional, state, and local levels?
  2. Growth potential:  What is the growth potential of the industry for the product/service?
  3. Industry trends: What industry trends do you predict will affect the product/service?
  4. Competition profile: Describe the competitive advantage for your product/service?(*)
  5. Customer profile: Who is the intended customer for your product/service?
  6. Customer benefits: What problems are you solving for your customers?
  7. Target markets: What target markets exist for your product/service?