Business Address                                                                                      


        College of Management                                                                                 

        University of Massachusetts Boston                                                         

        Boston, MA 02125                                                                                         

        Telephone: 617-287-7739                                                                   

        Fax: 617-287-7725




        University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Ph.D., Major: Marketing, Minor: Economics.

        Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, M.B.A., Minor: Econometrics.

        Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, B.S., Major: Mathematics, Minor: Chemical Engineering.


Awards and Grants


        The Eighth Annual Faculty Appreciation Dinner Year 2003

        Literati Awards for Excellence 2002 from the Journal of Consumer Marketing

        Best Paper Award from the Journal of International Business& Economic Research 2002

        The Seventh Annual Faculty Appreciation Dinner Year 2002

        2002 Contribution Award from NECINA

Fulbright Award for Academic Year 2000 - 01.

Kodak Research Grant for Digital Camera Market Research, 2001

        MBAA Faculty Award 2000

        Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2000

        Citizens Bank - Research Grant for Chinese American International Banking Needs

        Cape Code Commission - Market Research Grant for Marine Transportation Study

        Sawtooth Software Grant

        Ford Foundation - Diversity Research Initiative Grant

        Prentice Hall Academic Instructional Grant

        American Marketing Association Faculty Consortium Fellow

        Sodexho - Nursing Home Research Fund

        The Professional Development Grant

        Seiler - Hospital Market Research Grant

        American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow

        Shields Scholarship, University of Oregon

        The Award for Contribution to Forecasting Center

        The Award for Contribution to the National High Technology Market


Areas of Research Interest


        Business-to-Business and Consumer Complaint Behavior

        Marketing Strategic Relationships

        Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior

        Country Image and Country-of-Origin

        Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management

        Marketing Research Methods


Teaching Experience


        Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston

        Fulbright Visiting Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China




        Courses Taught:


                Marketing Research

                Principles of Marketing

                International Marketing

                Data Analysis of Marketing Management

                Advanced Marketing Research Methods

                Marketing Management


                Business Statistics

                Quantitative Methods in Management

                Marketing Strategy and Simulation

                International Marketing Management

                Marketing Engineering (Computer-Assisted Marketing Analysis and Planning)

                Customer Relationship Management (Starting Fall 2004)



Ph.D. Dissertation Supervisions


Maureen L. Murphy,  “The Relationship between Performance and Beliefs, Attitudes, and Knowledge Management in Midwifery Practice and Management”, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 2003-04.

                (as advisor).


Susan James, “Assessment of the Comprehensive Measures of the Construct of Teenage Learning Ability” University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 2004.

                (as advisor).



Business Experience with Firms And Institutions


2004          urrent and Lapsed Donors Research for PVA

2004          Customer Studies for WUMB

2004          Extending Zyprexa Product Life Cycle

2004          Market Research for Online Kiosk         

2004          Market Studies for Marketing Jobs, Skills and Courses

2003          Printer Cartridge Recycling Survey for Recycling Resources, Inc.

2002          Marketing Research for Boston Harbor Islands National Park

2002         Product Development Research for Asian American Bank

2002          Student Life on Campus/Sense of Community Research for UMASS/Boston

2001          Digital Camera Market Research for Kodak

2000          Marketing Strategies of the Handwriting Recognition System for Visuel Robotics Inc.

2000          Membership Research for NECINA

                  Consumer Research of Arshowe Plaza for the City of Malden

                  Distribution Strategies for Greenleaf Inc.

                  New Product Development for Chemotif Inc.

                  Banking and Credit Card Research for Affinity Group Inc.

                  Chinese American International Banking Needs Study for Citizens Bank

                  Marine Transportation Market Research for Cape Code Commission

                  University Image Study for UMass Boston

                  Consumer Store Image and Store Choice for Department Stores in Boston   

                  Computer Needs Survey for Marketing Curriculum

                  Needs Assessment of Small Business for Harbor Point Coalition

                  Non-medical Service Strategies in Nursing Home for Sodexo USA

                  Non-medical Service in Hospital for Seiler's Corporation                                   

                  Effectiveness Research on Promotion Strategies for USWEST

                  Alumni Survey for Massachusetts College of Art

                  Do-it-Yourself Market Research for WEYERHAEUSER

                  Research on Bar Codes in the Supermarket Industry for WEYERHAEUSER

                  New Product Strategies for Tianjin Communication and Broadcasting Corporation

                  Sales Forecasting of Diesel Engines for Dalian Diesel Engine Plant, China

                  Information System for Forecasting Center, Liaoning, China

                  Marketing Strategies for Dalian University of Technology at National High-Tech. Market, Beijing, China

                  Demand Forecasting of Refrigerators and Washing Machines in China

                  Market Research of Farm Machinery in Liaoning Province, China



Refereed Publications


Jiang, Ruochen and Raymond R. Liu, “A New Perspective of Customer Perceived Value,” Journal of Customer Behavior, 2004, 3, 133-146.  B-03-R


Jiang, Ruochen and Raymond R. Liu, “The Characteristics of Chinese Market Environment” in International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, 2004, 1(2), 157-163. B-04-R


Liu, Raymond R. and Min Zhu, “An Empirical Study on the Performance and Perceived Executives’ Quality for State-Owned Enterprises in China”, Competitive Forum, 2003, 1 (1), 251-259. B-03-R


Chen, Guoquan and Raymond R. Liu, “The Integrated Process Model for Learning Organization,” Journal of International Business& Economic Research, 2003 (Feb), 77-80. B-03-R


Liu, Raymond R. and Peter McClure, "Recognizing Cross-Cultural Differences in Consumer Complaint Behavior and Intentions: An Empirical Examination", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 18 No. 1, 2001, 54-74. B-03-R


Kahle, Lynn R., Raymond R. Liu, Gregory M. Rose, and Woo-Sung Kim, "Dialectical Thinking in Consumer Decision Making." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2000, 9(1), 53-58. B-03-R


Liu, Raymond R., "Consumer Social Values and Complaint Behaviors" in Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, S. Brown and D. Sudhashan ed. American Marketing Association, 1999, vol. 10, 279-287. B-04-R


        Liu, Raymond R., Harry Watkins and Youjae Yi, "Taxonomy of Consumer Complaint                   

                Behavior: Replication and Extension," Journal of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction                  

                and Complaining Behavior, 10, 1997, 91-103.


        Liu, Raymond R., "The Impact of Cross-Cultural Collectivism and Individualism on                                     

                Consumer Complaint Behavior," Marketing and Development, 1997, 6 (1), 99-106.               


        Watkins, Harry and Raymond R. Liu, "Collectivism, Individualism and In-group                                           

                Membership: Implications for Consumer Complaining Behaviors in Multicultural                                 

                Contexts," Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 1996, 8 (3/4), 69-96.


        Liu Raymond R., Gerald Albaum, Harry Watkins and Leon Zurawicki, "Antecedents of                               

                Country Image," Marketing and Development. Treeprint and  Concordia: Montreal, 1995,



        Frankenberger, Kristina and [Raymond] Ruiming Liu, "Does Consumer Knowledge Affect                         

                Consumer Responses to Advertised Reference Price Claims?" Psychology and                    

                Marketing, 1994, May/June, 235-251.


        Albaum, Gerald and Raymond Liu, "Anchor Effects on Country-of-Origin Perceptions in

                Product Evaluation," The Globalization of Business in the 1990s: Implications for Trade

                and Investment, Reading, England,  985-997.


        Liu, Raymond R. and Roger Best, "Isolating the Relationship between Market Share and

                Return on Investment," In Enhancing Knowledge Development In Marketing, Cravens

                and Dickson, eds. American Marketing Association: Chicago, 517-522.


        Albaum, Gerald, [Raymond] Ruiming Liu and Linda Golden, "Exploring the Country Image

                with Multidimensional Scaling," European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 1,



        Kahle, Lynn R., [Raymond] Ruiming Liu and Harry Watkins, "Values and Psychographic

                Variation across United States Geographic Regions," Advances in Consumer Research,

                Vol. 19, 346-352.


        Liu, [Raymond] Ruiming and Lynn. R. Kahle, "Consumer Social Values in the People's

                Republic of China," American Psychology Association Proceedings, division 23,



        Liu, [Raymond] Ruiming, "Huaxing Porcelain Factory," The Cases in Business

                Administration, 1, 1-7.


        Liu, [Raymond] Ruiming and Zhenru Tang, "The Application of Utility Function in

                Marketing Research," Foreign Economics and Management,  6, 53-56.


        Tang, Zhenru, Tieshan Hou and [Raymond] Ruiming Liu, "The Forecasting of the Demand

                for Small Type of Tractors," Forecasting,  2, 38-41 & 42.


Technical Reports, Book Chapters, and Other Publications


Liu, Raymond, Wang Qi, and Guo Qilin, Consumer Preference and Competitor Analysis for Digital Camera, Kodak (Beijing), Beijing, June 2001. A-09


Liu, Raymond, Liu Xiaohong, Li Guobing Wan Min, and Shi Jianjie, “Soho.com Flower Commerce in China”, December 2000. A-09


Liu, Raymond,  Liu, Binghui, Xu Haisheng, Cai Zeping, and Zhu Zhenan, “    Mirinda New Product Development in Beijing Market, Pepsi China Division, December 2000.  A-09


Liu, Raymond, “Handwriting Recognition Market Research for Visuel Robotics, Inc.”, August 2000. A-09


Liu, Raymond, “A Diversity Research Initiative: Building Academic Skills Through a Collaborative, Conference on Student-Faculty Research on Campus Diversity, Anaheim, CA, March 29-April 2, 2000. I-05-R


Liu, Raymond, “Diversity Research Initiative on University Image - Research Process and Empirical Findings, Ford Foundation Diversity Research Initiative”, August 1999. B-02-R


Liu, Raymond, “Marketing Research on Consumer and Retailer Attitudes for Compost, Greenleaf Marketing Research Report”, May 1999. A-09


Liu, Raymond and Mary Lou Roberts, “Marketing Research for Marine Transportation Study, Presented to the Cape Cod Commission and Cape Cod Council for Economic Development”, May 1998.


Refereed Presentations


Jiang, Ruochen and Raymond R. Liu, “The Characteristics of Chinese Market Environment,” 2004 Conference of International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Tunica, Mississippi, May 24-26, 2004. B-05-R


Liu, Raymond R., “Reading Consumers’ Minds through Visualized Perceptual Mapping with Multidimensional Scaling Technique and Software,” The 2004 Teaching with Media, April 21, 2004, Boston, MA. I-06-R


Liu, Raymond R. and Min Zhu, “An Empirical Study on the Performance and Perceived Executives’ Quality for State-Owned Enterprises in China”, American Society for Competitiveness (ACS) Conference, Falls Church, Virginia, October 9 –11, 2003. I-05-R


Jin, Yufang, Yi Yang, Dan Yu, Hongbin Lu, Nan Jiang, Yi Ren, Dahai Dong, and Raymond R. Liu, “Developing the Measurement of Store Image in China.” The XIII ACME International Conference on Pacific Rim Management. Seattle, Washington, July 31 – August 2, 2003. B-05-R


Liu, Raymond R. and Guoquan Chen,  “The Integrated Process Model for Learning Organization – An Empirical Study,” International Business& Economic Research Conference, Las Vegas, October 7 –11, 2002. B-05-R


Liu, Raymond R., "A Cross-Cultural Consumer Complaint Behavior Model and Its Empirical Study." 2002 Annual Conference of Chinese University Marketing Association, Kunming, China, July 22 - 25, 2002 B-05-R


Liu, Raymond R., "An Empirical Study on Cross-Cultural Consumer Complaint Behavior and Intentions."American Studies in a Global Era, Nanjing, China, April 27 - 28, 2001 B-05-R


        Liu, Raymond R., "The Impact of Internet Effectiveness, Customer Relationship, and Response to Customer Requests and Complaints on the Return of Internet Investment." 1999 Consumer Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 17-22, 1999. B-05-R


Liu, Raymond R., Ditte H. Wegge and Harry S. Watkins, "Cross-Cultural Comparison of Consumer Complaining Emotion and Behavior in the United States and Denmark." Sixth Symposium on Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 10-12, 1997.


Liu, Raymond R., "The Impact of Cross-Cultural Collectivism and Individualism on Consumer Complaint Intentions and Behavior - Theory and Propositions," Sixth International Conference on Marketing and Development - Marketing Challenges in Transition Economies, Mangalia, Romania, July 1-4, 1997.


Liu, Raymond R., Harry S. Watkins and Youjae Yi, "Cross-Cultural/National Consumer Complaint Behavior and Its Antecedents." 1997 Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Snowbird, Utah, June 10-13, 1997.


Rose, G., A. Shoham, F. Kropp and R. Liu, "A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Values Among Mothers of Kindergarten and Elementary School Children in the US and Japan," Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, February 13-15, 1997.


Liu R., G. Albaum, H. Watkins and L. Zurawicki, "Antecedents of Country/Product Image," Fifth International Conference on Marketing and Development, Beijing, China, June 22-25, 1995.


Yi, Y., R. Liu and H. Watkins,"Cross-Cultural Comparison of Consumer Complaining Behavior - An Empirical Study," AMA International Conference, Seoul, Korea, May


Albaum, G. and R. Liu, "Anchor Effects on Country-of-Origin Perceptions in Product Evaluation," 1994 International Trade and Investment Conference, Reading, 1994.


Liu, R. and R. Best, "Isolating the Relationship between Market Share and Return on Investment," AMA Summer Conference, Boston,


Albaum, G., R. Liu and L. Golden, "Exploring the Country Image with Multidimensional Scaling," ACR Summer Conference, Amsterdam,


Kahle, L. R., R. Liu and H. Watkins, "Values and Psychographic Variation across United States Geographic Regions," ACR Winter Conference,


Liu, R. and L. R. Kahle, "Consumer Social Values in the People's Republic of China," American Psychology Association Conference,


Recent Presentations at Academic/Business Conferences/Seminars:


Liu, Raymond R., “Marketing Under the Digital Age”, Hainan University, Haikou, China, December 29, 2003. B-05


Liu, Raymond R., “Research Methods, Literature Reviewing and Academic Paper Writing”, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, January 5, 2004. B-05



Liu, Raymond R., "Ph.D. Program and Process in Marketing." 2002 Annual Conference of Chinese University Marketing Association, Kunming, China, July 22 - 25, 2002. B-05


Liu, Raymond R., "Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Its Development", 2002 Annual Business Forum, Dalian, China, August 9, 2002. B-05.


Liu, Raymond R., "Structural Equation Modeling – Theory, Methods, and Applications",  Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, August 4, 2002. B-07.


Liu, Raymond R. and Lin Zhan, "Building your  Own Teaching Pedagogy Models", Annual Conference on Teaching, Boston, MA, January 25, 2002. B-05.


Liu, Raymond R. and Lin Zhan, "Return on Teaching with Technology: Identify the Key Factors and the Strategic Relationships",  2002 Teaching with Technology Conference, Boston, MA, May 17, 2002


Liu, Raymond R., “WTO and PRC Higher Education”, Recent Trends in The People’s Republic of China, UMASS Boston, April 3. 2002



Liu, Raymond R., "Marketing a Locality: Theory and Practice", Attracting Foreign Investment: Strategies for China, Beijing, China, May 14, 2001. A-05.


Liu Raymond R., "Marketing a Locality: Theory and Practice", WTO Principles and Foreign Investment, Chengdu, China, June 21, 2001. A-06.


Liu Raymond R., "Corporate Image, Communication Strategy, and Business Performance in the Digital Age", Beijing University, Beijing, China, October 12, 2000. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "An Empirical Study on Generic Strategies, Marketing Advantages, and Business Profitability", Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, November 27, 2000. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "The Frontier Research in Marketing", China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China, March 20, 2001. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "Marketing and Its New Development in the Digital Age", Southwest China Normal University, Beibei, China, April 4, 2001. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "The New Business Models of Ecommerce and The Marketing Strategies", Chinese Professor Association, Shenzhen, China, April 16, 2001. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "Marketing Research in the Digital Age", Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China, April 28, 2001. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "Integrated Emarketing and Its Business Applications", Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute, Kunming, China, May 10, 2001. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "Cross-Cultural Marketing Research", Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China, May 11, 2001. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "Marketing Engineering and Its Business Applications", Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China, May 23, 2001. B-07.


Liu Raymond R., "The Strategic Relationships Between Marketing Strategy and Consumer Values, Social Interactions, Purchase and Post-Purchase Behavior", Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, July 3, 2001. B-07.


Professional Affiliations                                  


        American Marketing Association

        International Society for Marketing and Development

        Association of Consumer Research

        Society of Consumer Psychology

        Association of Marketing Management


University Service and Leadership


        Dean's (Graduate Studies) Representative of Doctoral Dissertation Committees (1997-present)

        Chair of the College Steering Committee (Member: 2002 – 2004, Chair: 2003 - 2004)

        Chair of the College Personnel Committee (Member: 2002 – 2004, Chair: 2003 - 2004)

        Member of the University Mission Statement Committee (2003 – present)

        Member of University International Programs Committee (2002 – present)

        Coordinator of the Center for the Improvement of Teaching (1999-2000)

        Coordinator of the Special Graduate Business Program for Guangdong, China (1999-2000)

        Coordinator of College of Management Teaching Colloquia (1996-1998)

        Chair of the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching and Scholarship Award Committee (1999)

        Co-Chair of Instructional Resource Committee in the College of Management (1997-2000)

        Group Leader for Diversity Research Initiative (DRI) of Ford Diversity (1996-1999)

        Co-Coordinator of College of Management Research Colloquia (1996-1998)

        Mentor for Leadership Development Program (LDP) at UMass Boston (1997- 2001)

        Member of University Faculty Council (1995-1998)

        Member of Undergraduate Student Service Committee in the College of Management (1992-95, 97-2000)

        Member of University Graduate Studies Committee (1994-1996)

        Member of Faculty Advisory Committee of the Institute for Asian American Studies (1994-present)

        Board Member of the Center for the Improvement of Teaching (1996-present)

        Member of College Personnel Committee (2002-present)

        Member of International Programs Committee (2002 - present)

        Chair of the College Steering Committee (Member: 2002 – present, Chair: 2003 - Present)

        Member of the Strategic Planning Committee (2002-present)

        Faculty Advisor for Chinese Culture Association at UMass Boston




        English and Chinese (Native Language)