Writing Support: Stories & Angles

(for slower transmission than possible at a Program Directors' meeting)

links viewable at http://bit.ly/WrSupport

Story 1: What if everyone made use of this...?

Story 2: When the Writing Instructor laughed at the earnest assistant professor...

Angle 1: Dialogue around written work

Angle 2: Making Space for Taking Initiative in and through Relationships (see also here)

Angle 3: Engaging the 4Hs

Low resources leads to innovations that others may draw on

1. Require capstone and pre-capstone students to connect with a professional editor

2. Research and Study Competencies to develop

3. "Marathon days"--a Saturday or holiday when students come & work together to push to complete and proof (esp. on scholarly apparatus)

4. Draw attention to GWC,etc., but also develop in-program Writing Support Group

5. Broader view of cultivating writing competency, including

6. Writing Workshop and Writing Support Groups built into course sessions and expectations.

7. Compilation of tools & processes for research and engagement

Thoughts to chew on