Collaborative explorations

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Collaborative explorations
Cases: Past and Proposed
31 March 13

Elements of a proposal to be made to the MIT Media Lab's Lifelong Kindergarten, initiators of the Learning Creative Learning (LCL) google+ community:
1. Collaborative Explorations, conducted in the sense described in this prospectus, are listed in the Events of the Learning Creative Learning google+ community and related publicity.
2. Signup, technology, and all other administration of the Collaborative Explorations are organized by The Pumping Station.
3. Scheduling of Collaborative Explorations is made in consultation with the Lifelong Kindergarten so as not to clash with courses and activities addressed to similar audiences.
4. Partnership with LCL is indicated in the google+ communities for Collaborative Explorations and related publicity.
5. Moderators repost limited items to the main LCL community (aiming to avoid overwhelming the posts on the main community, but to have the Collaborative Explorations inform efforts in the main community to extend the ideas and practices of creative learning).

0. Revise the proposal to emphasize the cMOOC aspect of this and allow for input on projects beyond the synchronous sub-communities.
1. Write clear compelling cases, get feedback, and revise.
2a. Create a community for CEs related to Science in a Changing World (DONE) and to Critical, Creative & Reflective Practice (DONE)
2b. Practice hosting a hangout with streaming to youtube and subsequent unlisting. (DONE.) Establish backup audio for when this doesn't work.
3. Create the form for signing up and write macros (scripts) to process the responses.
4. Convene core group for first case.
4a. Run this case as a prototype using contacts from LCL & ISHS12F
5. Consider a cMOOC add-on to the summer courses at UMass Boston: Creative Thinking at Work, Design for Living Complexities.
6. Learn about badges for completed participation.


Cases: Past and Proposed

The initial focus has been on scientific and social change, but the approach can be adapted to other fields.