Teaching History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology
A pre-conference workshop organized by the Education Committee of the
International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of
Quinnipaic College, Wednesday July 18, 2001
Through their teaching, writing, and public presentations many
ISHPSSBers promote the constructively critical analysis of science
among students, practicing scientists, science studies scholars, and
the wider public. The idea of a pre-conference workshop is for
ISHPSSBers to share how we address this challenge. To get the ball
rolling the Education Committee has arranged three presenters for the
2001 meetings. We hope this will incite others to offer to share
their wares before and at future ISHPSSB meetings. A lunch meeting
will be held during the conference to plan future pre-conference
education workshops.
This workshop consists of three sessions, two in the morning; one in
the afternoon. These are experiential sessions. That is, instead of
the session leaders telling us how they teach, participants
experience the kinds of teaching the session leaders are exploring
and reflect on the pedagogical issues raised. Participants are
encouraged to attend the full day to compare and contrast the
different approaches.
Logistics: Indicate on the ISHPSSB Conference registration form that
you will attend the workshop and need Wednesday lunch. Indicate also
if you need Tuesday night dormitory accommodation and breakfast,
available at the same (low) cost. There will be no cost for the
workshop, but please email peter.taylor@umb.edu if you will be
attending so sufficient copies of the handouts can be made.
with provisional descriptions of the workshop sessions (15 March
2001; updates will be posted when available)
Douglas Allchin, Minnesota (allchin@pclink.com)
"Learning from Minamata"
Minamata, Japan suffered from severe mercury poisoning in the
1950s-perhaps the earliest and most emotionally engaging case of
point-source pollution in history. Unfolding the episode in reverse
chronology frames questions and lessons in science, society and
Steve Fifield, University of Delaware (fifield@udel.edu)
"Embryo swapping: A case of problem-based learning"
In this session participants will experience a problem-based learning
activity that foregrounds ethical and cultural dimensions of science in
society that are often marginalized in science education. The case
involves a mistake at an in vitro fertiliation clinic that raises issues in
reproductive biology and parenthood, biotechnology, genetics, race, and
bioethics. In the problem-based approach, complex, real world problems or
cases are used to motivate students to identify and research concepts and
principles they need to know in order to progress through the problems.
Students work in learning teams, bringing together collective skill at
acquiring, communicating, and integrating information in a process of
inquiry. This necessarily accelerated experience will give participants a
taste of the problem-based learning cycle.
Peter Taylor, University of Massachusetts, Boston (peter.taylor@umb.edu)
"Inquiry-based approaches to science education can be enhanced by
placing developments in science and technology in their social
Participants in this session will be encouraged to take its title
seriously. After a warm-up activity, you will experience a case or
two from my own teaching in biology/environment and society, then
critique the case(s), and work on lessons and activities in your own
areas of interest to teach or present to the wider public.
For further information, contact Peter Taylor, Program in Critical and Creative
Thinking, Graduate College of Education, University of Massachusetts,
Boston, MA 02125. Tel: 617 287 7636. Email: peter.taylor@umb.edu