illustrating general guidelines for use of technology for education

Case 1a.i. Unanticipated consequences in systems of feedback where there is time delay

illustrating guideline 1, Use computers "To extend thinking of students." Sub-guideline a. "Use computers first and foremost to teach or learn things that are difficult to teach or learn with pedagogical approaches that are not based on computers."

Feedback occurs when a change in one variable -- say, the message the thermostat sends to the furnace to pump out heat -- leads to a change -- the increase in room temperature -- that eventually counteracts the original message. When multiple feedbacks interact or when there is a time delay in the feedback, there are often unanticipated consequences. The best software for exploring this is STELLA, which implements the System Dynamics framework developed at MIT by Jay Forrester and made famous by the 1972 global futures modeling study, The Limits to Growth (Meadows et al. 1972). Thinking about feedback and learning how to model it using the software does not come easily for many of us (High Performance Systems 1997; Richmond 1993), but STELLA learning laboratories, such as "Food chain," provide an entry-point.

Students' thinking can also be introduced to unanticipated consequences from feedback through activities using spreadsheets, preferably preceded by a powerpoint and pencil-on-paper introduction. Two examples suitable for college or advanced secondary students:
High Performance Systems, Inc. (1997). "Five learning processes: The role of systems thinking and the STELLA software in building world citizens for tomorrow," in STELLA: Introduction to System Thinking Guide. Hanover, NH: High Performance Systems.
Meadows, D., D. L. Meadows, J. Randers and W. W. Behrens (1972). The Limits to Growth. New York, NY: Universe Books, 157-197.
Richmond, B. (1993). "Systems thinking: Critical thinking skills for the 1990s and beyond." System Dynamics Review 9(2): 1-21.

Case 1a.ii. Virtual plant and animal breeding

illustrating guideline 1, Use computers "To extend thinking of students." Sub-guideline a. "Use computers first and foremost to teach or learn things that are difficult to teach or learn with existing -- not computer-based -- pedagogical approaches."

Real plant and animal breeding requires a lab, materials, time, and practical experience. BioQuest Genetic Construction Kit (GCK) is a no-frills program from the mid-80s that allows students to explore fruitfly breeding and Mendelian genetics in a virtual lab. GCK follows the 3Ps model of student learning (Peterson and Jungck 1988) involving Posing problems (how to cross flies to expose the genes involved), Problem solving (how to explore, experiment, record results, analyze them and proceed accordingly), and Peer Persuading (to show you really understand).
The 3Ps model has been implemented in GCK and a range of biology education software compiled by the BioQuest consortium at Beloit College, Wisconsin and is promoted through their newsletter and summer reisdential workshops for high school and college teachers. Bioquest "encourage[s] the use of simulations, databases, and tools to construct learning environments where students are able to engage in activities like those of practicing scientists."
Cartier, J. L. and J. Stewart (2000). "A modeling approach to teaching high school genetics." BioQuest Notes 10(2): 1-4, 10-12. Eisenhart, M. A. and E. Finkel (1998). "Learning science in an innovative genetics course," in Women's Science: Learning and Succeeding from the Margins. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 61-90.
Peterson, N. S. and J. R. Jungck (1988). "Problem-posing, problem-solving, and persuasion in biology."

Case 1c.i. Problem-based learning, which uses scenarios or cases to engage students in investigation and learning, building on their prior knowledge and particular interests

illustrating guideline 1: Use computers "to extend thinking of students," Sub-guideline c. Model computer use on best practices to ensure learning without computers."
and guideline 2: Use computers "to facilitate group interaction"

Lifelines Online (LLOL) develops case-based teaching materials for two-year colleges that should be readily adaptable for upper level high school biology courses.

Case 1c.ii. GenTech's "Einstein's Sisters" project to maintain the interest of middle school girls in traditionally male-identified areas of computer use.

illustrating guideline 1: Use computers "to extend thinking of students," Sub-guideline c. Model computer use on best practices to ensure learning without computers."
E.g., if you have ways to maintain the interest of girls in traditionally male-identified areas of science and technology, then use them in maintaining the interest of girls in computers

Einstein's Sisters project (1997-99) worked with a small group of girls separate from boys and involved discussions about their views of technology as well as their changing image as computer users. Female parents and teachers were also helped. After the girls had gained confidence, they went on to teach peers.
de Castell, S., M. Bryson and J. Jenson (2001). "Object lessons: Critical visions of educational technology." (viewed 8 Mar. 2001).

Case 1d. Activities based around Computer Projections of Population Growth

illustrating guideline 1: Use computers "to extend thinking of students," Sub-guideline d: Incorporate activities that identify constraints and keep alternative ways of thinking in mind, remembering that computers, like all tools, constrain at the same time as they enable.

Case 2a. Software from Tom Snyder Productions, whose slogans are "teaching in the one-computer classroom," and "software for teachers who love to teach"

illustrating guideline 2: Use computers "to facilitate group interaction... by freeing teacher from the bookkeeping part of class activities"

Snyder, T. (1994). "Blinded by science." The Executive Educator (March): 1-5
Tom Snyder Productions (n.d.). Great Teaching with Technology: Resource Guide.

Case 3. Science visualization applets and software

illustrating guideline 3: Use computers "to enhance communication of knowledge" with an emphasis on "teach[ing] or learn[ing] things that are difficult to teach or learn with pedagogical approaches that are not based on computers."