Use of wikis

Peter Taylor, Educational technology Conference, May 13, 2010
this can be edited by anyone, but you can also send comments to me

Why use a technological tool (such as a wiki)?

pedagogical guidelines (from 2001)

guidelines for service & institutional development (from 2005)


A range of uses, each followed by the themes/principles (from above) that the use exemplifies

Framework of exchanges

departmental memory and information sharing

towards community guidelines

Office Hour sign up


program newsletters

recording the process and products of workshops, seminars, and courses (4-day workshop, monthly CCT events)

community-building & update

to do list

student reflective practice portfolios; guided tour of teaching

assembling materials for a fieldbook on teaching

annotated bibliography entries by students

teaching problem-based learning
-including involvement of panels from a distance

assignment dropboxes and course portfolios

collaborative input to a manuscript or proposal