Peter Taylor's links related to 2016 Thinktank on Science and Social Justice education
"...Bringing critical analysis of science to bear on the practice and applications of science has not been well developed or supported institutionally. Given this, I have contributed actively to the development of society-at-a-small-scale, through new collaborations, programs, and other activities, new directions for existing programs, and collegial interactions across disciplines and regions..." (from
Intersecting Processes: complexity and change in environment, biomedicine and society)
Interdisciplinary initiatives
Social media
Tools and Resources for Groups and Teaching
Taking Yourself Seriously: Processes of Research and Engagement (2012) (printed copy available from online retailers; pdf from
- • "A field-book of tools and processes to help readers in all fields develop as researchers, writers, and agents of change"
- • Annotated list of tools and processes in the book
Problem-Based Learning
5-phase dialogue hours
Guided Tour of my teaching (2009)
Syllabi, from 1990 to present
Follow-up via