- Welcome & reminder of workshop goals
- Guided Freewriting, to get present and clarify personal goals
- • Write for 5 minutes, with stopping, starting from the unfinished sentence: "My interest in providing graduate students with support that I would have liked--or would like now--the thoughts, experiences, feelings that come to mind include..."
- Check-in: Name & hopes
- Extended introductions (5 minutes min/max each), with Connections & Extensions follow-up
- • Participants introduce themselves in narrative depth: "How I came to be a person who would participate in a workshop on Supporting Students' Writing Development throughout the Graduate Curriculum."
- • Learn more about each other and take notes on points of intersection, interest, curiosity.
- • After every introduction, take 2 minutes to provide the speaker with a sheet consisting of:
- • 1 point of intersection with your interests
- • 1 direction that you could imagine their work being extended.
- Feedback, using Elbow & Belanoff modes, on Leverentz syllabus
- Refreshment break (incl. sign-up for "Office hours")
- Rewrite syllabus: Think (as individual) - Pair - Share (as group, using turn-taking dialogue process, minus freewriting phase)
- Office hours, a.k.a. one-on-one consultations
- • Suggested topic = My impending syllabus revision work
- • Opportunity to solicit advice one on one or have a sounding board for your thoughts during a meeting or workshop
- Follow-up to prepare for Workshop 2
- Critical Incident Questionnaire, http://bit.ly/CIQ2m (online) or on paper
- Closing Circle