Epidemiological thinking, reading & discussion
a) read a few papers each week from my
syllabus (downloadable from password-protected 753 readings on
http://www.faculty.umb.edu/peter_taylor/pp.html) and
b) meet weekly for a
dialogue hour to reflect together on how the readings connect with our differing interests.
Week 1
Phenomena: Exploring the "natural history" of disease
Oxford, J. S., R. Lambkin, et al. (2005)
Week 2
The Scope of Epidemiology
Davey-Smith, G. (2001). “The uses of Uses of Epidemiology.”
Week 3
Population versus clinical thinking
Rose, G. (1985). "Sick individuals and sick populations."
Lynch video
Week 4
Davey-Smith et al. 2000 (Comparative methods for studying socioeconomic position and health in different ethnic communities)
Poland 2004 ("schizophrenia")
Week 5
Claudia Sousa's visit
Week 6
Lay epidemiology
Davison, C., G. Davey-Smith, et al. (1991). "Lay epidemiology and the prevention paradox: The implications of coronary candidacy for health education." Sociology of Health and Illness 13(1): 1-19.
Week 7
Putnam, S. and S. Galea (2008). "Epidemiology and the Macrosocial Determinants of Health." Journal of Public Health Policy 29: 275–289.
Week 8
Life course epidemiology
Ben-Shlomo, Y. and D. Kuh (2002). "A life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology: Conceptual models, empirical challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives." International Journal of Epidemiology 31: 285-293.
Week 9
Gloomy prospect
Davey Smith, G. (2011). "Epidemiology, epigenetics and the 'Gloomy Prospect': embracing randomness in population health research and practice " International Journal of Epidemiology 40: 537-562.
Taylor, Peter J. (ms.) "Beyond the gloomy prospect: A different framing of issues in quantitative genetics and epidemiology"
Week 10
Lynch video