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Visual Aids
Practice run of the interactive lecture

Critical thinking as a journey

SMART Assignment Design Workshop, May 20, 2015
Peter J. Taylor, Univ. of Massachusetts Boston

Critical & Creative Thinking graduate program, http://www.cct.umb.edu
Science in a Changing World graduate track, http://www.cct.umb.edu/sicw

Handbook of tools & processes, Taylor, P. J., & Szteiter, J. (2012). Taking Yourself Seriously: Processes of Research and Engagement. Arlington, MA: The Pumping Station: http://bit.ly/TYS2012

“What we can measure is by definition uninteresting and what we are interested in is by definition unmeasurable"
Lewontin, R. C. (1974). The Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change. New York: Columbia University Press.

Direct approaches to Teaching Critical Thinking
Feuerstein method, http://www.icelp.info/
Richard Paul, http://www.criticalthinking.org
Wanda Teays (2009), Second Thoughts: Critical Thinking for a Diverse Society, McGraw-Hill Education

Process themes
a. Participants [students] always bring a lot of knowledge about the topic, so allow that to be brought to surface and acknowledged.
b. What you really learn from a workshop or participatory experience [or class] is what you integrate with your own history and concerns.
c. Before you simply push ahead, clear mental and/or emotional space to allow ideas about an issue to begin to come to the surface.

Tool 1: Guided (topic-based) freewriting
Elbow, P. 1981. Writing with Power. NY: Oxford U. P.
Taylor, P. J., & Szteiter, J. (2012). Taking Yourself Seriously and http://www.faculty.umb.edu/peter_taylor/Freewriting.html

Tool 2: Think-Pair-Share
Taylor, P. J., & Szteiter, J. (2012). Taking Yourself Seriously and http://www.faculty.umb.edu/peter_taylor/ThinkPairShare.html

1995 quote, “In a sense subscribed to by all teachers, critical thinking means that students are bright and engaged, ask questions, and think about the course materials until they understand well-established knowledge and competing approaches….
+ Critical Thinking as a Journey
Taylor, P. J., "We Know More Than We Are, At First, Prepared To Acknowledge: Journeying to Develop Critical Thinking" (2002). Working Papers in Critical, Creative and Reflective Practice. Paper 1. http://scholarworks.umb.edu/cct_ccrp/1

How do we know we have global environment problems?
Taylor, P. J. (1997). How do we know we have global environmental problems? Undifferentiated science-politics and its potential reconstruction. In P. J. Taylor, S. E. Halfon, & P. E. Edwards (Eds.), Changing Life: Genomes, Ecologies, Bodies, Commodities pp. 149-174). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Simple theme to open up complex issues. Chapter 6 in Taylor, P. J. (2005). Unruly Complexity: Ecology, Interpretation, Engagement. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

6-part schema, “Acknowledge affect,…” Taylor, P. J., & Szteiter, J. (2012) and http://www.faculty.umb.edu/peter_taylor/MakingSpace.html

4Rs, Taylor, P. J., & Szteiter, J. (2012) and Taylor, P. J., Fifield, S. J., & Young, C. C. (2011). Cultivating Collaborators: Concepts and Questions Emerging Interactively From An Evolving, Interdisciplinary Workshop. Science as Culture, 20, 89-105.

“Related challenges,” Coda in Taylor, P. J., "We Know More Than We Are, At First, Prepared To Acknowledge..”
(viewable at http://www.faculty.umb.edu/peter_taylor/journey.html#challenges)

Tool 3: Plus-Delta
Taylor, P. J., & Szteiter, J. (2012) and http://www.faculty.umb.edu/peter_taylor/PlusDelta.html

Feedback on presentation (from 13 of c. 30 participants)
The schema of 5 themes.
Loved the example of your biology class--the question, the islands.
The power points are not engaging and hard to understand. They need more work.
Also your first couple schemas are not entirely useful to us. The schema on critical thinking was useful--wish we heard more about that.
Concrete experience and examples, great ideas to consider, resources for later,
I would have liked more time - it felt rushed. More time to hear from other participants, specifically start with who we are and what we hope to get out of the day( maybe before the lunch so we could network then?)
he stimulated a lot of creative thinking about critical thinking
offer more real-life academic examples
Made me think about the nature of direct vs. indirect approaches to critical thinking.
Really liked the metaphor of the tension
Unsure how to relate this to the program today (but don't mind)
Tension as a model was helpful, as were definitions of direct & indirect pathways to outcomes. Such framing of ideas--always!
Simpler for a short time frame.
ppt slides must not be heavy in text (make them more powerful with images)
You are making us responsible for our own learning. "Here are some thoughts on critical thinking."
Just tell me more & give me more! (This is sort of a joke. I know that it is good for me that I have to move forward + learn more on my own so I can integrate it into my classes--my topic--my students--their needs. Yet I feel unsure, whichI don't like.
You modeled what you are encouraging us to do ("walked the talk")
Develop visual aids/charts further so we can better see their value
Superior approaches to critical & creative thinking
Succinct phrases & sentences & definitions of what's hard to define
Recognition of both direct &indirect pathways
Good acknowledgement of tensions & alternatives
Value of questioning & exploring, not blanket accepting
Resources -> ambient information
Clearer explanation of specific concepts
Clarify examples
Reinforcing that critical thinking is a journey, not necessarily goal oriented
Perhaps allow for a longer period to hear individual feedback from the freewriting and plus-delta
Very good review
More time with reflection built into the separate sections
Got 2 good ideas to integrate into my class: more purposeful reflection journals; having students comment on each other's presentations
More time
Plus-delta activity for assessing critical thinking (indirect paths)
More opportunity for interacting with assessing indirect paths