
For CE3
Critical Thinking Manifestos
Plans for practice (from 2014, Creative Thinking, Collaboration & Organizational Change)


Cadwalladr, C. (2017) "The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked," (viewed 7 Sep 17)
Chase, Allen. (1976). “A Few False Correlations = A Few Million Real Deaths: Scientific Racism Prevails Over Scientific Truth.” The Legacy of Malthus. The social costs of the new scientific racism. New York, Knopf.pdf
García-Barrios, L. et al, (2016) "Azteca chess: Gamifying a complex ecological process of autonomous pest control in shade coffee," Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 232: 190–198 pdf
Gilovich, T., R. Vallone and A. Tversky (1985). "The Hot Hand in Basketball: On the Misperception on Random Sequences." Cognitive Psychology 17: 295-314 pdf
Krimmel, K. and K. Rader (2017). "Opposition to Federal Spending Is Driven by Racial Resentment," Harvard Business Review, (viewed 10 Sep 17)
Meffe, G. K., A. H. Ehrlich and D. Ehrenfeld. "Human population control: The missing agenda." Conservation Biology 7, no.1 (1993): 1-3 pdf
National Council on Education and the Disciplines (2003), "Why numeracy matters," (viewed 7 Sep 17)
Peterson, N. S. and J. R. Jungck (1988). "Problem-posing, problem-solving, and persuasion in biology." (viewed 7 Sep 17)
Rainey, J. (2017), "Predicting Irma's Path Is Giving Supercomputers a Challenge," (viewed 8 Sep 17)
Silverman, D. (2013) "How to Learn Board Game Design and Development," (viewed 7 Sep 17)
Taylor, P. J. (1997). How do we know we have global environmental problems? Undifferentiated science-politics and its potential reconstruction. Changing Life: Genomes, Ecologies, Bodies, Commodities. P. J. Taylor, S. E. Halfon and P. E. Edwards. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press: 149-174. pdf
Taylor, P. J. (2000), “How do we know there is a population-environment problem?” (view 7 Sep 17)
Taylor, P. J. (2002), “We know more than we are, at first, prepared to acknowledge: Journeying to develop critical thinking,” Working Papers in Critical, Creative, and Reflective Practice,
Taylor, P.J. (2008) "Why was Galton so concerned about 'regression to the mean'?—A contribution to interpreting and
changing science and society" DataCritica, 2(2): 3-22. pdf
Taylor, P.J. (2010) "Who can act? Critical assumptions at the foundations of statistical analysis: Explaining differences among means – What can that mean?" manuscript pdf
Wikipedia, n.d. "Math wars," (viewed 4 Sep 17)