Making your own copy of this checklist wikipage allows you to keep track of your own progress so that interaction with the instructor can focus on coaching you in the Collaborative Explorations and class activities.
See also Assessment to assign grades above B+ and Policy on Incompletes at the bottom of the page.
Before submitting files, rename them to indicate the course, your initials, the CE number, and, if it is a revision, the date, or if it is peer commentary, commentsbyXY (where XY are your initials), e.g., 650XYCE1.pdf or 650XYCE1commentsbyPT. Emailed files should have subject line starting with 650.
Written assignments and work-in-progress presentations (2/3 of grade)
Participation and contribution to the class process (1/3 of grade)
Assessment to assign grades above B+ (to be completed at the end of the semester)
Use the following system to make your own self-assessment for each quality below
- * [= "fulfilled very well"],
- OK [= "did an OK job, but room for more development/attention"], or
- - [= "to be honest, this was not my strength in this course"]
If there are big discrepancies between the student's and the instructor's assessments, we should discuss the discrepancies and try to come to a shared agreement about them.
(if different)
1. A sequence of assignments paced more or less as in syllabus (and revisions timely),
2. often revised thoroughly and with new thinking in response to comments.
3. CE Projects innovative, well planned and carried out with considerable initiative, and
4. CE Project products clear and well structured,
5. with supporting references and detail, and professionally presented.
6. Active contribution to and reflection on process of learning from CEs and session activities.
7. Active, prepared participation in building class as learning community, including during sessions and
8. including conscientious peer commentary on other student's assignments.
9. Consistent work outside sessions as evidenced in Blog entries required during process of each CE
10. Framework and plan for practice (in CE3) indicating deep reflection about how to move from learning to implementation/teaching in your specific situation.
Incompletes and Completions
1. Final date on submissions for which you have requested an extension = Last session.
2. Final grade will be based on work submitted by the date for submission of grades.
3. Exceptions to the 1 & 2 require a completion contract to be submitted by the student and approved by the instructor by the last session. Use your assignment checklist to indicate contracted dates for specific assignments. Also indicate what you think you have completed. (Don't ask the instructors to provide you with the up-to-date assignment checklist.) We'll then compare that with our records and get back to you if we need to reconcile differences. Note: Participation in classes and office hour meetings cannot be made up after the end of classes.
4. If you don't get around to submitting a completion contract and haven't got up to a passing grade, the instructors may submit an incomplete anyway. We will, however, take into account additional submitted written assignments (and process review) only to get you up to a C. To improve on that grade, the course must be taken again when it is next offered.
5. Please don't expect instructors to work with you over the summer and winter breaks to complete your assignments. (We need you to respect that we have professional "incompletes" that we need to try to make up during these periods.) In other words, do what you can by the day when grades are due and then take a break from "dialogue around written work" until the new semester starts. Please write your completion contracts with this in mind. Even in the new semester, be patient because instructors have to give higher priority to responding to students from the current semester.
6. Please note that the desired learning rarely takes place during standard on-your-own incompletes, despite the best intentions of student and istructor. There is no substitute for the development of teaching/learning interactions that happens with peers and regular week-by-week sessions. Expect that comments made on work for incompletes will be brief.