"Syllabus Quiz" for CrCrTh645
Copy this page into your wordprocessor and on that page check off when completed or add your responses there.
All course materials can be accessed via the web version of this syllabus together with the links at the top right of the blog. So, create a bookmark to both these links on your browser on any computer you use regularly to these pages.
Note that, with the shutdown of wikispaces wikis, much of the course materials had to be moved to the course website. Please do not get frustrated at glitches in this translation process. Sometimes it is as simple a matter as changing the case of the initial letter of the webpage. In any case, use the form on the syllabus to send glitches to be fixed.
Where is the link to that form?
Students who prefer to refer to hard copies should print out the syllabus.
Review the syllabus, paying attention to its division into 5 parts and expecting that much of the detail will need to be revisited at a later time as it becomes relevant and more understandable.
Peruse the evaluations from previous year, http://www.faculty.umb.edu/peter_taylor/645-14evals.pdf
The specific technological competencies you will need for this course are listed here. At this point, get on top of (or get help on)
- 1. accept the invitation (in your email) to join the course blog (http://crcrth645.wordpress.com)
- 2. Don't spend more than about 5 minutes confused by the website or blog before you take a break and send an email to the instructor asking for help.
3. Get set-up on your computer with folders for course work, downloaded readings, bookmarks to the syllabus, etc.
Contract section of syllabus (and links to it) provide details about the assignments, expectations, and rationale. At this point, review this for the overall organization, not the details. This
chart conveys the rhythm of assignments and related participation items.
- The first written assignment is? When is it due? Where can you find instructions for the assignment?
- The first participation item to be completed is? When is it due?
- What is the difference between an assignment and a participation item?
- How do you sign up for meetings with the instructor?
The Preparation section for each session provides information or a link to information about preparation for that session.
Submit a question or about something you need clarified as a reply to this
blog post. If you can, answer a question someone else has posed.
What else do you need to do to follow-up on sessions 0 & 1 and to prepare for sessions 1 & 2?
What are the key things to keep in mind about getting behind in assignments?
Submit the Syllabus Quiz (=participation item B) by emailing it to the instructor
from your preferred email before class meeting for session 2.