Worksheet to help generate initial ideas for semester-long "learning/engaging" project in an area of the life sciences in their social context about which you are interested in engaging others in learning and critical thinking.
In light of the course description, this area could involve:
- a current or a historical case
- examining scientists' historical location, economic and political interests, use of language, and ideas about causality and responsibility (in ways that will emerge during the sessions)
- close examination of developments in the life sciences in so far as that leads to questions about the social influences shaping scientists' work or its application (ditto)
- a booklet of new questions and alternative approaches written for one (or more) of the following audiences: educators, biologists, health professionals, premed students, concerned citizens,...
- a student's toolbox of a perspectives and tools for developing research questions, writing, and collaborations that support inquiry and action
- an examination of issues raised by a novel centered on science, e.g., Karen Joy Fowler’s ‘We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves’ or Gilbert's The Signature of All Things
- something other--consult with instructor.
The area should interest you enough to be a semester-long project, in which each week you adopt or adapt the themes and activities from the previous session to apply to this area. This said, it is to be expected that your area will evolve and change shape as you go. The steps to follow are to give you a place to start from.
- Freewrite (7 minutes)
- “I would like my work on [topic X] to influence [group Y] to make changes in [situation Z]...”
- Pair-share (10 minutes total)
- Web search for initial references (15 minutes)
- Paragraph overview (with copy to instructor) (13 minutes)
At any point, call on the instructor to get guidance.