A Modern Map of Mediterranean countries.

Jesus was born in Israel, on the far right of the map.



Some Cities Paul Visited on his Missionary Journeys

Paul was born in Tarsus, South of Cappadocia on the right side of the map.  His "Letters to the Corinthians" were written to a small community of Jesus-followers Paul had founded at Corinth, South of Thessaly on the left side of the map.



Paul's Journey to Rome in Italy

Paul's "Letter to the Romans" was written to a small community of Jesus-followers in Rome, Italy.  According to the New Testament Acts of the Apostles, he was brought to Rome as a prisoner to stand trial in a Roman court.



Map showing early spread of Christianity (about 180 a.d.)




  1. Only those towns are marked on the map in which it can be proved that Christian communities existed prior to 180 A.D.
  2. Places where Christian communities are demonstrable or certain prior to Trajan are underlined.
  3. Places which are not quite certain as towns with a Christian community prior to 180 A. D. are put within brackets.
  4. The shading indicates that while Christians certainly existed in the district in question, the names of the cities where they stayed have not been preserved. Except in the case of Egypt, the shading is omitted whenever even one town in the province in question can be shown to have had a Christian church.
  5. The principal Roman roads are marked by double lines.

This map was drawn by Adolf Harnack and has been digitized from Adolf Harnack, The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries, translated and edited by James Moffatt, second edition, vol. 2 (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1908).