The Limbic System
"Is emotion a magic product, or is it a physiological process which
depends on an anatomic mechanism?" (Papez, 1937)
Limbic system During the
evolution of the amphibians and reptiles, a number of three-layer cortical
structures developed, sheathing the periphery of the brainstem. With the
subsequent growth of the neocortex, they became sandwiched between the new
and the old brain. These structures are known as the Limbic system, and
are a set of subcortical structures that form a border (or limbus) around
the brain stem. The Limbic System includes: cingulate gyrus, thalamus,
fornix, hypothalamus, mamillary body, hippocampus, amygdala and olfactory
Early Research Originally, neuroanatomists recognized the
connections between the olfactory system (smell) and the limbic system.
Based on this, it was suggested that the limbic structures dealt primarily
with olfactory information, and were known as the rhinencephalon, or
smell-brain. Further experimentation found that the limbic system had
little olfactory function, and the limbic system lay in "scientific limbo"
for a time (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990).
Philip Bard (1929, 1934) found that when he removed the entire cerebral
cortex of cats, they displayed exaggerated aggressive behaviors and
postures in response to various stimuli. Evidently, subcortical areas
could generate emotional behaviors; the function of the cerebral cortex
was to direct those behaviors toward appropriate targets and, when
appropriate, the suppress them.
There have been many attempts to link emotional processes to
neuroanatomical structures, beginning with Papez (1937) (rhymes with
grapes) who identified the limbic system structures as controlling
emotion. He suggested that the emotional brain consisted of a circuit in
which information flowed from the mamillary bodies in the hypothalamus to
the anterior thalamic nucleus, to the cingulate cortex, to the hippocampus
and back to the mamillary bodies. Input could also enter this circuit from
other structures to be elaborated as emotion. Although this is now thought
to be an oversimplification of the function of the limbic system, the
belief remains that it plays a role in emotions (Kolb & Whishaw,
Paul MacLean (1949, 1958, 1970) revised Papez's theory, and calling the
circuit of Papez the limbic system. Because the size of the limbic system
is relatively constant in size across mammalian species, in contrast to
the cortex which varies greatly in size, he concluded that the limbic
system control primitive functions that all mammals share in common. Much
of his research was conducted on those with head injuries and temporal
lobe epilepsy, since emotional disturbances are often seen in each.
MacLean (1970) distinguished three limbic circuits. One
circuit, including the amygdala and hippocampus, affects behaviors related
to self-preservation. Damage to various parts of the amygdala can make an
animal excessively tame, unaggressive, and emotionally unresponsive.
Monkeys and cats with amygdala damage sometimes attempt to eat feces,
burning matches and other objects that they would ordinarily reject. The
second circuit includes the cingulate gyrus, the septum, and several other
structures. This circuit seems to relate to pleasure, especially sexual
enjoyment. Electrical or chemical stimulation of this region in rats often
causes penile erection, self-grooming and related behaviors. The third
circuit includes parts of the hypothalamus and anterior thalamus, and is
believed to be important for cooperative social behavior and certain
aspects of sexuality.
The major areas of the Limbic system and their functions will be
described in detail below. (Figure caption: A more functional
approach to the limbic structures.)
The hypothalamus has widespread connections with the rest of
the forebrain and the midbrain, and contains a number of distinct nuclei.
Damage to one of the hypothalamic nuclei leads to abnormalities in one or
more motivated behaviors, such as feeding, drinking, temperature
regulation, sexual behavior, fighting or activity level. The hypothalamus
also plays a role in emotions. Specifically, the lateral portion is
involved in pleasure and rage, the medial portion is involved with
aversion, or unpleasure, uncontrolled laughter and rage (Beekmans &
Michiels, 1996).
The hypothalamus also regulates the secretion of hormones through its
effects on the pituitary gland, which is attached to the base of the
hypothalamus by a stalk that contains neurons, blood vessels and
connective tissue. The pituitary gland responds to messages from the
hypothalamus, and synthesizes and releases hormones into the bloodstream.
Its secretions control the timing and amount of hormone secretion by the
other endocrine organs, such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, and ovaries
or testes (Kalat).
Amygdala The amygdala, (which means
"almond-shaped"), is buried within the anterior-inferior temporal lobe,
and is "preeminent in the control and mediation of all higher order
social-emotional activities such as friendliness, love and affection." It
is also involved with fear, rage and aggression.
Bilateral lesion of the amygdala disturbs the ability to
determine and identify the motivational and emotional significance of
externally occurring events, to discern social-emotional nuances conveyed
by others or to select what behavior is appropriate for a specific social
context (Klüver & Bucy, 1939). (Beekmans & Michiels, 1996).
Electrical stimulation of the amygdala in cats can lead to vigorous
affective (emotional) attacks. [insert quicktime move "RAGE" about here].
Rabies (Latin term for rage), a disease caused by a virus that attacks
much of the brain but especially the temporal lobe (including the
amygdala) leads to furious, violent behavior. Damage to the amygdala can
change how an animal interprets information. Male cats with amygdala
lesions may sexually mount other males, members of other species, or even
inanimate objects. Their total sexual activity does not increase, but they
become indiscriminate in the selection of partners. Similarly, certain
monkeys with amygdala lesions have trouble interpreting social stimuli
from other monkeys; because of their misinterpretations, they may attack
inappropriately or fail to defend themselves when attacked.
 Hippocampus. The hippocampus (from a Latin word
meaning sea horse) is located within the inferior medial wall of the
temporal lobes, between the thalamus and the cortex, toward the posterior
of the forebrain. It consists of two major axon tracts, the fornix, and
the fimbria, which link the hippocampus with the hypothalamus and several
other structures.
(The fornix was named after an ancient Roman arch that was a famous
gathering place for prostitutes. That arch also gave us the word
fornication) (Kalat). The hippocampus plays major role in memory and
learning, but not in emotions. However, Loenthal and Trabasso (1990)
observed anxiety and aggression when the hippocampus is directly
electrically stimulated.
A more detailed discussion of the hippocampus' role in memory will be
discussed in the following lecture.
Limbic System Disorder
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy An epileptic attack occurs when a
large group of neurons suddenly produce synchronous action potentials.
When this occurs in the temporal lobe, symptoms can include
hallucinations, lip smacking or other repetitive acts, and emotional
behaviors. Although most people with epilepsy have no particular emotional
experiences with their seizures (ictally), a substantial minority
experience aggressive impulses, fear, a dissociation of experience similar
to multiple personality, uncontrollable laughter, sexual arousal, or a
feeling of extreme bliss including a sense of oneness with the universe
 Seizure focus. (a) A computer display of a
composite scan of thehead of a seven-year-old girl, made from a serise of
PER and MRI scans. The purple spot shows the eizure focus, whose metabolic
activity is higher that the rest of the brain. (b) A photograph of the
surface of the skull made during surgery. Log arrows point to the primary
motor cortex, short arrows point to the primary somatosensory cortex;
arrowheads point to the seizure focus. You can see thet the large blood
vessels are smaller in this region but that the small blood vessels
contained within the poia mater are dilated.
Emotional disturbances can also occur between seizures (interictally)
in those temporal lobe epilepsy. At one time, there was thought to be an
"interictal behavior syndrome" which was unique to epilepsy, and caused
changes in personality and emotional functioning. Although researchers now
understant that there is no epileptic personality, there are many
characteristics which have been attributed to temporal lobe epileptics.
(insert Chart 1 - TLE).
Case Example (Mark & Ervin, 1970): Thomas was a
34-year-old engineer, who, at the age of 20, had suffered a ruptured
peptic ulcer. He was in a coma for 3 days, which caused some brain damage.
Although his intelligence and creativity were unimpaired, there were some
serious changes in his behavior, including outbursts of violent rage,
sometimes against strangers and sometimes against people he knew.
Sometimes his episodes began when he was talking to his wife. He would
then interpret something she said as an insult, throw her. He would then
interpret something she said as an insult, throw her against the wall and
attack her brutally for 5 or 6 minutes. After one of these attacks he
would go to sleep for a half hour and wake up feeling refreshed.
Eventually he was taken to a hospital, where epileptic activity was
found in the temporal lobes. For he next seven months, he was given a
combination of tranquilizers, and antiepileptic medications. None of these
treatments reduced his violent behavior. He had previously been treated by
psychiatrists for 7 years without apparent effect. Eventually he agreed to
a surgical operation to destroy a small part of the amygdala on both sides
of the brain. Afterwards he had no more episodes of rage.
Klüver-Bucy Syndrome: A syndrome which was originally noted
by Brown and Schaefer in 1888 was rediscovered be Klüver and Bucy in 1939.
It results from the bilateral removal of the amygdala and inferior
temporal cortex and includes: (1) tameness and a loss of fear; (2)
indiscriminate dietary behavior; (3) greatly increased autoerotic,
homosexual, and heterosexual activity, with inappropriate object choice;
(4) hypermetamorphosis, or a tendency to attend to and react to every
visual stimulus; (5) a tendency to examine all objects by mouth; (6)
visual agnosia, or the inability to recognize objects visually. The
syndrome has also been found to be due to meningoencephalitis
(inflammation of the brain and the meninges).
Syndrome: Korsakoff's syndrome is a severe anterograde amnesia.
This means that those with the syndrome cannot form new memories, although
they can still remember old ones. They can converse normally and can
remember events that happened long before their brain damage occurred, but
they cannot remember events that happened afterward. Korsakoff's syndrome
results from a thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, usually caused by
alcoholism. Because alcoholics receive a substantial number of calories
from the alcohol they ingest, they usually eat a poor diet, so they have a
decreased absorption of thiamine. Postmortem examination of the brains of
patients with Korsakoff's syndrome almost always reveal severe
degeneration of the mamillary bodies. (Figure caption: Degeneration
of the mammillary bodies in a patient with Korsakoff's syndrome. A.
D'Agostino, Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Oregon.)
Autism (Edelson, S. Center for the Study of Autism, Salem,
Oregon) Over the past 10 years, high-tech research methods have begun
to reveal neurological damage in some autistic individuals. One of the
most important findings indicates specific damage in the limbic system,
particularly in the amygdala and hippocampus. Much of this research has
been conducted by Dr. Margaret Bauman, (Dept. of Neurology, Harvard
Medical School), and Dr. Thomas Kemper, (Depts. of Neurology, Anatomy, and
Pathology, Boston University School of Medicine). They report densely
packed neurons in the amygdala and hippocampus of persons with autism.
Additionally, they note that these neurons are smaller than in normal
persons. At this time, we do not know what causes neurological damage in
these areas; however, the damage appears to occur during the prenatal
stage of development. Can damage in the amygdala and hippocampus explain
some of the behaviors exhibited by autistic children and adults? We can
only speculate at present, but it is interesting to theorize about the
possible connections between damage in the limbic system and the
characteristic traits of many autistic people. Much of what we know of the
behaviors associated with the amygdala and hippocampus are based on animal
research. In these studies, researchers either surgically damage or remove
a specific area in the brain and then observe any changes in the animal's
The amygdala controls our aggression and emotions. Many autistic
individuals are aggressive towards themselves or others, or conversely,
extremely passive. Furthermore, autistic children and adults often appear
emotionless or 'flat' (even though they obviously do have emotions).
Experimenters have also shown that when the amygdala is removed or
damaged, animals exhibit behaviors similar to autistic individuals, such
as social withdrawal compulsive behaviors, failure to learn about
dangerous situations, difficulty retrieving information from memory, and
difficulty adjusting to novel events or situations. In addition, the
amygdala is responsive to a variety of sensory stimuli, such as sounds,
sights, and smells; as well as emotionally or fear-related stimuli. We
know that autistic individuals often have problems with each of these
senses. Interestingly, Georgie, whose childhood was described in her
mother's book, The Sound of a Miracle, often mentioned being afraid of
many sounds prior to receiving auditory integration training from Dr. Guy
The hippocampus appears to be primarily responsible for learning and
memory. Damage or removal of the hippocampus will lead to an inability to
store new information into memory. This sounds similar to Dr. Bernard
Rimland's cognitive theory of autism. In his 1964 award-winning book
Infantile Autism, Dr. Rimland theorized that autistic children had
difficulty relating new information to previously stored information. In
addition, when the hippocampus is damaged or removed, animals will display
stereotypic, self-stimulatory behaviors and hyperactivity.
Although one can easily speculate about a relationship between the
limbic system and autistic behaviors, we should be conservative, because
much of what we know comes from animal models in which the parts of the
limbic system are damaged artificially. We need to be cautious in
extrapolating these findings to autistic individuals. However, the
correspondence between behaviors seen in autism and what we know of the
limbic system is compelling.

Hunger and Satiety In the 1940's and 50's, investigators
found that damage to the lateral hypothalamus decreased eating and that
damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus increased eating. Their initial
interpretation was that the lateral hypothalamus controlled hunger and
that the ventromedial hypothalamus controlled satiety. It became clear,
later, that brain damage can affect feeding in many ways other than simply
bo controlling hunger and satiety. For example, it can alter activity
levels or it can alter the activity of the autonomic nervous system and
thus change the activity of the digestive organs.
Damage to the lateral hypothalamus leads an animal to refuse
food and water, and the animal may starve to death unless it is force-fed.
Electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus causes an animal to
eat. In addition to not eating, damage to the lateral hypothalamus also
causes animals to be underaroused, underresponsive to sensory stimuli, and
The lateral hypothalamus stimulates the release of insulin and
digestive juices in the stomach. The hormone insulin facilitates the entry
of glucose into the cells, which may either use the glucose for current
energy needs or store it as fat or glycogen. Generally, when insulin
levels are higher, hunger is low. After damage to this brain area, an
animal has low levels of insulin and digestive juices, so it has
difficulty digesting its food, and little motivation to do so because its
fat reserves are being converted into blood glucose, in response to the
drop in insulin levels.
The ventromedial hypothalamus is located adjacent to the lateral
hypothalamus. Damage to it, including axons passing through and around it,
produce effects that are nearly the opposite of those produced by damage
to the lateral hypothalamus. The animal eats and drinks excessive amounts
and gains weight. The size of each meal may be normal, however it is the
frequency of eating which increases substantially. This is due to the fact
that their stomachs empty faster than those of other rats, particularly
during daylight hours. Also, a lasting increase in insulin production
results from the damage. Rats will have higher than normal insulin levels
at all times and respond to meals with even larger insulin increases.
Because of the increased insulin, a larger than normal percentage of each
meal is stored a s fat. In fact, if such animals are prevented from
overeating, they will still gain weight. Thus, the animal does not gain
weight because it overeats, rather it has to overeat because it stores
excessive fat. It has no more usable fuel in its bloodstream than a
starving animal has. What it eats is largely converted to fat; to have
enough fuel for its current use, it must continue to eat.
Other changes which occur with damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus
include: 1. They drink excessive amounts of water. 2. They are less
responsive than normal rats are to the satiating effects of glucose. 3.
They are finicky eaters, in that they overeat more on a particularly tasty
diet. 4. Although they overeat when food is readily available, they
will not work as hard as normal rats to get food.
Neurotransmitters also play a role in eating. The lateral hypothalamus
and probably other hypothalamic areas release tiny quantities of dopamine
and serotonin. The dopamine may be important for the reward value of
eating; its release is closely correlated with how hard the animal will
work for food. The serotonin apparently contributes to ending the meal.
Temperature Regulation The preoptic area of the hypothalamus,
a nucleus adjacent to the anterior hypothalamus, is critical for
temperature control. The preoptic area monitors body temperature partly by
monitoring its own temperature. When the area is heated experimentally,
the animal pants or sweats, even in a cool environment. The animal will
even learn to press a lever or to do other work for cold air
reinforcements. The opposite is true if the preoptic area is cooled.
The preoptic area also receives input from temperature-sensitive
receptors in the skin and spinal cord. Damage to the area impairs a
mammal's temperature regulation. It can no longer shiver, so its body
temperature plummets in a cold environment. Even in a steady environment,
the animal's body temperature can fluctuate over a range of 10 degrees or
more. Other areas of the hypothalamus, brain and spinal cord are also
implicated in temperature control.
Drinking The lateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus plays
a large role in thirst and drinking. If a drop of concentrated salt
solution is applied directly to the area, the animal will soon begin to
drink. However, if distilled water is applied, the animal stops drinking.
Thus, cells in this area sense their own state of hydration, just as the
cells that control temperature monitor their own temperature. A lesion in
the lateral preoptic area decreases a rat's drinking response to an
injection of sodium chloride into the blood. The rat is still able to
restore its balance, but does so using a different strategy.
Sexual Function The hypothalamus controls the pituitary
gland, which consists of the anterior and posterior pituitary, which
release different sets of hormones. The posterior pituitary, composed of
neural tissue, can be considered an extension of the hypothalamus. Cells
in the hypothalamus synthesize two hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin
(also known as antidiuretic hormone) and then transport then to the
posterior hypothalamus. The posterior pituitary stores these hormones
until stimulated to release them.

The anterior pituitary, composed of glandular tissue, synthesizes six
hormones itself, however the hypothalamus controls their release. The
hypothalamus secretes releasing hormones, which flow through the blood to
the anterior pituitary. There they stimulate or inhibit the release of six
known hormones, five of which control the secretions of other endocrine
organs. These six hormones are:
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) |
Controls secretions of the adrenal
cortex |
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) |
Controls secretions of the thyroid
gland |
Follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH) Luteinizing hormone (LH) |
Controls secretions of the gonads |
Prolactin |
Controls secretions of the mammary
glands |
Somatotropin (growth hormone (GH)) |
Promotes growth throughout the
body |
The hypothalamus maintains fairly constant circulating levels of
certain hormones. For example, when the level of thyroid hormone is low,
the hypothalamus releases one of its hormones, known as TSH-releasing
hormone, which stimulates the anterior pituitary to release TSH, which in
turn causes the thyroid gland to secrete more thyroid hormones. After the
level of thyroid hormones has risen, the hypothalamus decreases its
release of TSH-releasing hormone.

Menstrual Cycle In women, the hypothalamus and pituitary
interact with the ovaries to produce the menstrual cycle. At the beginning
of the menstrual period, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) promotes the
growth of follicles in the ovary. Toward the middle of the cycle, the
follicles produce increasing amounts of one type of estrogen, estradiol,
which inhibits the release of luteinizing hormone (LH). However, near the
middle of the cycle, the increase in estrogen levels causes a sudden surge
of LH and FSH release, which causes one of the follicles in the ovary to
release an ovum (egg), and they prepare the uterus for implantation of a
fertilized ovum. If the ovum is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus
is cast off, and the cycle can begin again.
Limbic Links
http://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/soc/research/neural/research/rats.htm http://www.amenclinic.com/brain.htm#limbic
(Neuropsychiatry of Limbic System) http://www.songweaver.com/brain/
(The Components of the Human Brain) http://www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/home.html
(How does the brain house the mind?) http://www.autism.org/limbic.html
(Autism and the limbic system) http://www.coastside.net/USERS/runner/articles/nerves.html
(anectodtal stuff about the limbic system)