Johan de
Born: 24-Sep-1625 Birthplace:
Netherlands Died: 20-Aug-1672 Location
of death: The Hague,
Netherlands Cause of death: Murder
Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity:
White Occupation: Politician
Nationality: Netherlands Executive summary:
Leader of Holland, 1653-72
Dutch statesman, was born at Dort (Dordrecht), on the 24th of
September 1625. He was a member of one of the old burgher-regent
families of his native town. His father, Jacob de Witt, was six
times burgomaster of Dort, and for many years sat as a
representative of the town in the states of Holland. He was a
strenuous adherent of the republican or oligarchical states-right
party in opposition to the princes of the house of Orange, who
represented the federal principle and had the support of the masses
of the people. Johan was educated at Leiden, and early displayed
remarkable talents, more especially in mathematics and
jurisprudence. In 1645 he and his elder brother Cornelius visited
France, Italy, Switzerland and England, and on his return he took up
his residence at The Hague, as an advocate. In 1650 he was appointed
pensionary of Dort, an office which made him the leader and
spokesman of the town's deputation in the state of Holland. In this
same year the states of Holland found themselves engaged in a
struggle for provincial supremacy, on the question of the disbanding
of troops, with the youthful prince of Orange, William II. William,
with the support of the states-general and the army, seized five of
the leaders of the states-right party and imprisoned them in
Loevestein castle; among these was Jacob de Witt. The sudden death
of William, at the moment when he had crushed opposition, led to a
reaction. He left only a posthumous child, afterwards William III of
Orange, and the principles advocated by Jacob de Witt triumphed, and
the authority of the states of Holland became predominant in the
At this time of constitutional crisis such were the eloquence,
sagacity and business talents exhibited by the youthful pensionary
of Dort that on the 23rd of July 1653 he was appointed to the office
of grand pensionary (Raadpensionaris) of Holland at the age
of twenty-eight. He was reelected in 1658, 1663 and 1668, and held
office until his death in 1672. During this period of nineteen years
the general conduct of public affairs and administration, and
especially of foreign affairs, such was the confidence inspired by
his talents and industry, was largely placed in his hands. He found
in 1653 his country brought to the brink of ruin through the war
with England, which had been caused by the keen commercial rivalry
of the two maritime states. The Dutch were unprepared, and suffered
severely through the loss of their carrying trade, and De Witt
resolved to bring about peace as soon as possible. The first demands
of Oliver
Cromwell were impossible, for they aimed at the absorption of
the two republics into a single state, but at last in the autumn of
1654 peace was concluded, by which the Dutch made large concessions
and agreed to the striking of the flag to English ships in the
narrow seas. The treaty included a secret article, which the
states-general refused to entertain, but which De Witt succeeded in
inducing the states of Holland to accept, by which the provinces of
Holland pledged themselves not to elect a stadtholder or a
captain-general of the union. This Act of Seclusion, as it was
called, was aimed at the young prince of Orange, whose close
relationship to the Stuarts made him an object of suspicion to the
Protector. De Witt was personally favorable to this exclusion of
William III from his ancestral dignities, but there is no truth in
the suggestion that he prompted the action of Cromwell in this
The policy of De Witt after the peace of 1654 was eminently
successful. He restored the finances of the state, and extended its
commercial supremacy in the East Indies. In 1658-59 he sustained
Denmark against Sweden, and in 1662 concluded an advantageous peace
with Portugal. The accession of King Charles II
to the English throne led to the rescinding of the Act of Seclusion;
nevertheless De Witt steadily refused to allow the prince of Orange
to be appointed stadtholder or captain-general. This led to ill-will
between the English and Dutch governments, and to a renewal of the
old grievances about maritime and commercial rights, and war broke
out in 1665. The zeal, industry and courage displayed by the grand
pensionary during the course of this fiercely contested naval
struggle could scarcely have been surpassed. He himself on more than
one occasion went to sea with the fleet, and inspired all with whom
he came in contact by the example he set of calmness in danger,
energy in action and inflexible strength of will. It was due to his
exertions as an organizer and a diplomatist quite as much as to the
brilliant seamanship of Admiral de Ruyter, that the terms of the
treaty of peace signed at Breda (July 31, 1667), on the principle of
uti possidetis, were so honorable to the United Provinces. A
still greater triumph of diplomatic skill was the conclusion of the
Triple Alliance (January 17, 1668) between the Dutch Republic,
England and Sweden, which checked the attempt of Louis XIV to
take possession of the Spanish Netherlands in the name of his wife,
the infanta Maria Theresa. The check, however, was but temporary,
and the French king only bided his time to take vengeance for the
rebuff he had suffered. Meanwhile William III was growing to
manhood, and his numerous adherents throughout the country spared no
efforts to undermine the authority of De Witt, and secure for the
young prince of Orange the dignities and authority of his ancestors.
In 1672 Louis XIV suddenly declared war, and invaded the United
Provinces at the head of a splendid army. Practically no resistance
was possible. The unanimous voice of the people called William III
to the head of affairs, and there were violent demonstrations
against Johan de Witt. His brother Cornelius was (July 24) arrested
on a charge of conspiring against the prince. On the 4th of August
Johan de Witt resigned the post of grand pensionary that he had held
so long and with such distinction. Cornelius was put to the torture,
and on the 19th of August he was sentenced to deprivation of his
offices and banishment. He was confined in the Gevangenpoort, and
his brother came to visit him in the prison. A vast crowd on hearing
this collected outside, and finally burst into the prison, seized
the two brothers and literally tore them to pieces. Their mangled
remains were hung up by the feet to a lamppost. Thus perished, by
the savage act of an infuriated mob, one of the greatest statesmen
of his age.
Johan de Witt married Wendela Bicker, daughter of an influential
burgomaster of Amsterdam, in 1655, by whom he had two sons and three
Father: Jacob de Witt Brother: Cornelius de Witt
(m. 1655, d. 20-Aug-1672 mob, two sons, three
daughters) Wife: Wendela Bicker
University: University of
Leiden University: University of Angers
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