Comments and Questions to: John Protevi
LSU French Studies
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March 23, 1999
I. Books
A. Multiple
B. Matters, dates, speeds: an assemblage; a multiplicity
1. Articulation/segmentarity; strata; territories
2. Lines of flight; deterritorializations; destratification: toward the
Types of books
1. Root-books (dominating psychoanalysis, linguistics, structuralism,
information science)
a. Binary logic (subject)
b. Biunivocal relationships btw successive circles (object)
2. Radicle system: fascicular root; aborted unity (modernism: Burroughs,
Joyce, Nietzsche)
a. Root’s unity subsists as past or yet to come, as possible
b. Supplementary dimension of folding: ongoing spiritual labor of
c. Multiplicity in linear direction, but unity of totalization in circular
or cyclic dimension
3. Rhizome: making the multiple; writing at n-1 dimensions
II. Characteristics of the rhizome
A. Connection
& Heterogeneity
1. Any point can be connected to any other point
2. Connection of semiotic chains with diverse codes:
3. different regimes of signs connected w/ state of things of different
4. E.g, abstract machine connecting language to micropolitics of semantics
and pragmatics
B. Multiplicity:
multiple treated as a substantive
Determinations, magnitudes, dimensions: cannot increase in number w/o changing
its nature
2. Laws of combination increase as multiplicity grows
3. Assemblage: increase in dimensions of a multiplicity
4. Number:
a. no longer a universal concept measuring elements in a given
b. but itself a multiplicity varying according to dimensions
5. Measure
a. no longer unities of measure (only thru power takeover by signifier or
b. but varities of measurement
6. Always flat: no overcoding: only a plane of consistency of
7. Multiplicities defined by the outside, by the line of flight connecting
it to other multiplicities
8. Lay out everything on the same sheet: plane of exteriority
Asignifying rupture
1. Line of flight: always part of the rhizome
2. Yet always recuperation
a. Organizations that restratify
b. Formations that restore power to signifier
c. Attributions that reconstitute a subject
3. Thus can never have a dichotomy of good/bad: must be a always renewed
temporary selection
4. Example of orchid and wasp as deterr/reterr
a. This is not imitation
b. But becoming; aparallel evolution
5. Viral genetic transfer: transversal communication: rhizomatic rather
than arborescent evolution
6. Book is a rhizome w/ world rather than an image of the world
7. Advice, slogans: follow the plants
8. Example of music
D. Cartography &
1. Rhizome is stranger to genetic axis or deep structure: these are
tracings of the already-made
2. Rhizome is a map, not a tracing: experimentation in contact w/ the
real; performance
3. This is not a dualism; there is a question of method: put the tracing
back on the map
a. The tracing has always selected; it makes map into an image by
organizing, stabilizing, rhizome
b. Example of little Hans: Freud institutes power takeover by signifier,
subjectification of affects
4. Rhizome-root, map-tracing assemblages w/ variable coefficients of
a. Not theoretical analysis
b. But pragmatics
5. Brain as multiplicity: uncertain, probabilistic system
a. Short-term (rhizomatic) vs. Long-term (arborescent) memory
b. One writes w/ short-term (associations)
6. Image of thought:
a. Tree: sad: imitating the multiple on basis of centered or segmented
higher unity
b. Rhizome: acentered multiplicity
7. Centered vs. Acentered: methods rather than types of things
a. Psychoanalysis vs. Schizoanalyis (both analyze the “same” thing, the
b. Linguistics vs. Pragmatics (both analyze language)
8. Must produce (bring forth its connections) the unconscious, rather than
reduce it or interpret it
9. West (tree) vs East (rhizome)
America, the special case
NB: no dualism:
a. Knots of arborescence in rhizomes; rhizomatic offshoots in roots
b. Thus not a matter of opposed models or of places on earth, moments in
history, category of thought
(1) tree = transcendent model and tracing, engendering its own escapes
(2) rhizome = immanent process overturning the model and outlining a map, w/ own
c. Problem of writing: anexact expressions to designate something exactly:
what is underway
Pragmatics of writing:
a. invoke one dualism to challenge another
b. Dualism of models to challenge all models
Magic formula: pluralism = monism via necessary enemy of dualisms
E. Summary of
characteristics of rhizome
III. Reflections on the writing of
1. Bateson: continuous, self-vibrating region of intensities w/
ateleological develoment
2. D/G: multiplicity connected to other multiplicities forming a
B. ATP as rhizome of plateaus
1. Not typographical experimentation
2. Words functioning like plateaus: rhizomatics = schizoanalysis =
pragmatics = micropolitics
3. Not a science, but assemblages
a. Machinic assemblages of desire
b. Collective assemblages of enunciation
4. Assemblages working on semiotic, material, and social flows
5. Book as assemblage with the outside, a rhizome-book
C. Against
1. History as sedentary, as State
2. Need a nomadology (e.g., rare successes on subject of Children’s
D. Cultural load: use it actively, for forgetting, for nomadism
E. State as
model for book vs. War-machine as assemblage making thought nomadic
F. Write with
G. Start and grow in the middle: and ... and ... and