Bithynian nymph. Mother by Poseidon of
Amycus 1, King of the Bebrycians, who compelled strangers to box as a way
of killing them. He was himself killed by the Argonaut Polydeuces, who is
one of the DIOSCURI.
Melie was as well mother of Mygdon, who also was King of the Bebrycians
and once fought with Priam 1 against
Mygdon was killed by Heracles
Apd.1.9.20, 2.5.9; Arg.2.1; Val.4.119. |
Melite 2.
A naiad, daughter of the River God Aegaeus. Some say she was mother of
Hyllus 1, son of Heracles 1.
Hyllus 1 killed Eurystheus
and later sought to effect the return of the HERACLIDES
to the Peloponnesus.
Arg.4.538. |
Daughter of Orion and mother
of Hylas.
[For more about Hylas see Dryope
4 above.]
Hyg.Fab.14. |
Mother of Aspledon after whom the place Aspledon near Boeotian
Orchomenus was named.
Pau.9.38.9. |
A nymph who having seen Tylos dead, asked Damasen for help in order to
kill the serpent which had killed Tylos. She could restore Tylos to life
using a lifegiving herb (the flower of Zeus) in the same
manner as a second serpent had done to give life back to its male partner,
the first serpent which had killed Tylos.
Nonn.25.481ff. |
Arcadian nymph.
Pau.8.31.4. |
Naiad 1.
According to some mother (by Endymion) of
Aetolus 2, who called Aetolia after himself and came to the throne after
his brother Epeius 1 was made to flee.
Apd.1.7.7. |
Naiad 2.
Wife of Magnes 1 after whom Magnesia was called. One of their sons,
Polydectes 1, colonized Seriphus and there became King. Polydectes 1 fell
in love with Danae and sent
Perseus 1
to bring the head of Medusa 1. Her
other son is Dictys 1.
Apd.1.9.6. |
Naiad 3.
Mother of Aglaus, Callileon, and Orchomenus 4 by Thyestes 1, son of Atreus and King
of Mycenae.
Apd.Ep.2.13. |
Naiad 4.
Mother (by Otrynteus) of Iphition 1, leader of a large contingent of
Trojans during the Trojan War.
Iphition 1 was killed by Achilles.
Hom.Il.20.381ff. |
Naiad 5.
This is the naiad who told Artemis that
Actaeon had
espied her when she was bathing. As a result Actaeon was
changed into a stag and mangled by his own hounds.
Nonn.5.309. |
Naiad 6.
A naiad who made a certain reflection about the love between Zeus and Semele.
Nonn.7.225. |
Water nymphs.
Nonn.2.54, 5.440, 5.489, 11.323; Ov.Fast.1.405ff.; Pau.8.4.2.
Nurse of Zeus according to
the Messenian account. From her the river takes his name. She is the
eldest of the NYMPHS.
Cal.Ze.33; Pau.4.33.1, 8.31.4, 8.38.3. |
Nephele 3.
A nymph in the train of Artemis.
Ov.Met.3.171. |
Huntress and nymph of Astacia with whom Hymnus fell in love. She grew
angry and killed him as he was declaring his love for her. Later, having
drunk wine,
she fell asleep and Dionysus 2
took her maidenhood. She had a daughter Telete by him.
Nonn.15.171ff., 16.265, 16.400, 48.811, 48.880. |
Nomia gave his name to the Nomian Mountains according to the
Pau.8.38.9. |
Nymph 1 Meliad.
Mother by Silenus of the
Centaur Pholus 1. Silenus, one
of the SATYRS, was the
adviser and instructor of Dionysus 2.
[For Pholus 1 see CENTAURS.]
Apd.2.5.4; Strab.12.4.8. |
Nymph 2 Symaethian.
Mother (by Faunus 1) of Acis, the young man loved by Galatea 1. Acis
was buried by a rock hurled at him by Polyphemus
2, out of jealousy, and was turned into a river. [For Galatea 1
including a portrait of her see NEREIDS].
Ov.Met.13.750. |
Nymphs 3 & 4 Hamadryads.
Their names were Atlantia and Phoebe 3, Hamadryad Nymphs. They were
wives of Danaus 1, father of the DANAIDS.
Apd.2.1.5. |
Nymph 5.
A naiad, mother (by Enops 1) of the Trojans Satnius and Thestor 3.
Satnius was killed by Ajax 2, and
Thestor 3 by Patroclus 1
in the course of the Trojan
Hom.Il.14.444. |
Nymph 6 Tritonian.
Mother (by Amphithemis 1) of Nasamon and Caphaurus. The latter is said
to have killed the Argonaut Canthus 1. Canthus 1 died wandering in the
furthest ends of Libya when he led off Caphaurus' sheep and the latter
killed him with a stone. But some say that Canthus 1 was killed by
Gesander during the war between Aeetes and
Perses 3. Caphaurus was killed by the ARGONAUTS.
Arg.4.1490ff. |
Nymph 7.
Wife of Hypseus 1, king of the LAPITHS, and
mother by him of Themisto 2, Astyaguia, and Cyrene.
Hyg.Fab.1, 4. |
Nymph 8 Sithnid.
Mother by Zeus of Megarus
who escaped the Flood in the
time of Deucalion
Pau.1.40.1. |
Nymph 9 Chian.
Mother of Chios by Poseidon.
Pau.7.4.8. |
Nymph 10.
Mother by Poseidon of
Melas 4 and Agelus.
Pau.7.4.8. |
Nymph 11.
Mother of Herophile, the second Sibyl at Delphi, who
said that Helen would be
the ruin of Asia and Europe. Herophile's father was Theodorus, a
Pau.10.12.7. |
Nymph 12 Tarentine.
Mother by Poseidon of
Taras, after whom the river and city in southern Italy are called.
Pau.10.10.8. |
Nymph 13 African.
Mother of Iarbas, a Moor king, son of Zeus-Ammon,
suitor of Dido
but rejected by her.
Vir.Aen.4.198. |
Nymph 14 Sicilian.
Mother of Daphnis 4, son of Hermes. Daphnis
4 was endowed with an unusual gift of song, and invented the bucolic or
pastoral poem. His lover (Echenais, see above) bade him never have to do
with mortal women; if he disobeyed, his fate would be to lose his eyes.
This happened when a Sicilian princess made him drunk and consorted with
him. Something similar happened to Daphnis 1, a shepherd-boy of Ida, who
was turned into a stone by a nymph, out of jealousy.
Dio.4.84.2. |
Nymph 15 Gygaean.
Mother by Talaemenes of Antiphus 4 and Mesthles, leaders of the
Maeonians against the Achaean invaders during the Trojan
Hom.Il.2.864. |
Nymph 16.
Mother by Satyr of the young man Ampelus, who grew up in the Phrygian
hills and was loved by Dionysus 2.
Ampelus was killed by a bull, and later turned into the vine.
Ov.Fast.3.409. |
Nymph 17 Indian.
A Hamadryad nymph who warned Dionysus 2
of an ambush prepared by the Indian army.
Nonn.22.85ff. |
Nymph 18.
Mother by Agamestor of Clitus 5, a Trojan who was killed by Podalirius
during the Trojan
QS.6.465. |
Nymph 19 Heliconian.
Mother of Aetion, a defender of Thebes against
the SEVEN. He
was killed by Amphiaraus
and Apollo
at Thebes.
Stat.Theb.7.756. |
Nymph 20.
Mother (by a mortal father) of Echo.
Long.3.23. |
Nymph 21.
Mother by Dionysus 2
of Priapus.
Strab.13.1.12. |
These Nymphs are the daughters of the CABIROI who in turn are the
children of Hephaestus
& Cabiro.
Strab.10.3.21. |
Parnassian nymphs. Daughters of Pleistus and attendants of Apollo or Dionysus 2
on Mount Parnassus. When the Flood was over
and here Deucalion 1
came to land, he first worshipped these mountain deities.
Arg.2.711; Nonn.9.287; Ov.Met.1.320. |
These nymphs were nurses of Dionysus 2.
They are said to have been put to flight by Lycurgus 1 and all except
Ambrosia took refuge with Thetis, one of the NEREIDS. It is
also said that they brought Dionysus 2
to Thebes
and delivered him to Athamas 1's
wife Ino, and for this reason Zeus rewarded
them by putting them among the CONSTELLATIONS.
The NYMPHS DODONIDES were: Ambrosia, Arsinoe 6, Bromie, Cisseis,
Coronis 1, Erato 6, Eriphe, Eudore 1, Nyse, Pedile, Phyto, Polyhymno,
Polyxo 2, and Thyone 2.
Hyg.Ast.2.21; Hyg.Fab.182. |
Naiads, daughters of Lamus 3. They were in charge of taking care of the
child Dionysus 2,
but having been maddened by Hera would have
chopped up the baby had not Hermes come and
stolen Dionysus 2.
1 were also said to have been the nurses of Dionysus
Hyg.Fab.192; Nonn.9.28ff., 14.143ff. |
One of the nurses of Dionysus 2
who followed him in his Indian campaign.
Nonn.14.219ff. |
Ocyrrhoe 3. Mother, by Hippasus 6, of Charops 1, Socus 1,
Apisaon 2, Agelaus 10, Pammon 2, and Hippomedon 3.
QS.11.36. [see also Hippasus 6]. |
Oenoe 1.
A naiad, one of the Nurses of Zeus. Mother (by
Thoas 3) of Sicinus who renamed the island Oenoe [one of the Cyclades] and
called it Sicinus after himself.
Arg.1.623; Pau.8.47.3. |
Oenone 1.
Daughter of the River God Cebren. Oenone 1 had learned from Rhea 1 the art
of prophecy, and warned Paris no to sail
to fetch Helen; but
failing to persuade him, she told him to come to her if he were wounded,
for she alone could heal him. When he had carried off Helen from Sparta and Troy was
besieged, he was shot by Philoctetes
with the bow of Heracles 1,
and went back to Oenone 1 on Mount Ida. But she, nursing her grievance,
refused to heal him. Some say that afterwards she repented for not healing
Paris and
hanged herself when she found him dead, but others say that after having
repented for not healing him she leapt onto his funeral pyre and burned to
death. Paris
& Oenone 1 had a child Corythus 4 who came to Troy to help the
Trojans, and there fell in love with Helen. But Paris, having
detected him and his aims concerning Helen, killed
him. However others say that Corythus 4 was the son of Paris & Helen.
Apd.3.12.6; Ov.Her.5.3; Parth.4.1-7, 34; QS.10.284, 10.308ff.,
10.458ff.; Strab.13.1.33. |
Oenone 3.
Mother of Melantheus 2.
[Nonn.43.62.] |
Opis 3.
Hyperborean nymph, daughter of the North Wind Boreas. Orion tried to
rape her but she joined the train of Artemis.
Apd.1.4.5; Cal.Del.292; Hdt.4.35; Nonn.48.331. |
Mountain nymphs.
Nonn.6.259, 42.62; Soph.OT.1108; Vir.Aen.1.499. |
Orithyia 3.
According to some she was grandmother of Adonis.
Lib.Met.34. |
Avernal nymph, mistress of the River God Acheron [a river in the Underworld].
Ov.Met.5.539. |
Wife of Hellen 1, who named Hellenes those who are called Greeks.
Apd.1.7.2-3. |
Consorted with both Zeus and Apollo. By Zeus she gave
birth to Meliteus, and by Apollo to
Phagros. She had to expose Meliteus by fear of Hera but the
child was fed by bees and he later founded the city Melite in Phthia.
Phagros brought up Meliteus, as some say.
Lib.Met.13. |
Concubine of King Minos 2 of Crete.
Apd.3.1.2. |
One of the Ionides Nymphs in Elis. They were believed to cure diseases.
(These were: Calliphaeia, Synallasis, Pegaea and Iasis.)
Pau.6.22.7; Strab.8.3.32. |