Descents of Odysseus, Aeneas, and Heracles
1 |
Odysseus in Hades
came to the Underworld
in order to meet the seer Tiresias
and learn about the outcome of his wanderings. It was the witch Circe who gave
this task, and the instructions as to how to do it. She also sent the
wind who carried Odysseus'
ship to the farthest realm of Oceanus,
allowing him and his crew to find the Grove of Persephone
that Circe
had indicated. Circe
instructed Odysseus to
go to a rock which is located in the place where the rivers
Pyriphlegethon (or Phlegethon) and Cocytus flow into Acheron. In that
place Odysseus
dug a pit around which he poured a libation to all the dead, first with
honey and milk, then with wine, and
finally with water. Then, having sprinkled white barley over the
libation, he invocated the spirits of the dead, and after the invocation
he cut the throats of a ram and an ewe. Then the souls of the dead came
gathering about the pit.
These are the souls of those whom
Odysseus met when he descended to Hades: |
On seeing Achilles'
soul said Odysseus:
"... Achilles, the most fortunate man that ever was or will be
... honoured as though you were a god ... and now you are a mighty
prince among the dead. For you ... Death should have lost its
sting." [Odysseus
to Achilles.
Homer, Odyssey 11.480]
But Achilles
"Do not speak soothingly to me of death,
Odysseus. I should choose to serve as the serf of another,
rather than to be lord over the dead." [Achilles
to Odysseus.
Homer, Odyssey 11.486]
And after that salutation, Odysseus
told him what had happened in Troy after
death. |
described to Odysseus
how he had been murdered by Aegisthus
and his own wife during a banquet. His wife's treason inspired him
to lecture Odysseus
about marriage:
"Never be too gentle with your wife, nor
show her all that is in your mind." [Agamemnon
to Odysseus.
Homer, Odyssey 11.440]
And the soul of the man who had always taken women through
violence dared to add:
"Women, I tell you, are no longer to be
trusted." [Agamemnon
to Odysseus.
Homer, Odyssey 11.455] |
1, still embittered by the defeat Odysseus
inflicted on him on account of the arms of Achilles,
refused to talk, and that is why Odysseus
said to him:
"So not even death itself could make you
forget your anger with me on account of those accursed arms."
to Ajax
1. Homer, Odyssey 11.554]
But Ajax
1 left without a word. |
Mother of Heracles
1. |
Anticlia 1 |
was stirred to compassion when he saw his mother's soul, for she was
still alive when he left Ithaca. And yet Odysseus
did not allow the soul of his own mother to approach the sacrificial
blood before he had talked to Tiresias.
But later, when she was allowed to approach, she told him news about
his father Laertes, who lived the life of a recluse and yearned for
his return home. Likewise she told him that the cause of her own
death had been her heartache for him.
tried to embrace her, but the ghost slipped through his arms, and as
he cried to his mother in despair she explained:
"We no longer have sinews keeping the bones
and flesh together, but once the life-force has departed from our
bones, all is consumed by the heat of fire, and the soul slips
away like a dream ..." [Anticlia 1 to Odysseus.
Homer, Odyssey 11.219] |
Antilochus |
Son of Nestor
and leader of the Pylians
against Troy. He
was killed in the war by Hector
1, or by Memnon.
Antiope 3 |
Mother of Amphion
1 and Zethus. |
Daughter of Minos 2
who helped Theseus
to find his way out of the labyrinth. She was deserted by the man
she saved, but Dionysus
2 loved her, though some say that in such a way that he had Artemis
kill her, which means that Ariadne
died of a sickness. |
Chloris 1 |
Chloris 1 survived the killing of the NIOBIDS,
and having married Neleus,
became queen of Pylos. She
is the mother of Nestor.
Elpenor |
Elpenor was one of Odysseus'
companions. He fell from the roof of Circe's
house and broke his neck. As he had been left behind unburied, he
now asked Odysseus
to bury him on his return to the island of Aeaea. |
Eriphyle |
[The story of hateful Eriphyle is at Robe &
Necklace of Harmonia 1.] |
saw in Hades
just the wraith of Heracles
1, for the real Heracles
1, who married Hebe in
heaven, is always banqueting with the OLYMPIANS,
having been made immortal. |
Iphimedia |
Mother of the ALOADS, who had the ambition of piling Mount Ossa
on Olympus, and Mount Pelion on Ossa, and in that way reach up to
heaven [see Zeus, for
their attack against his rule]. |
Jocasta |
Jocasta, also called Epicasta 3, is mother and wife of Oedipus.
She hanged herself obsessed by the idea of having married her own
son. |
Mother of Helen, Clytaemnestra,
and the DIOSCURI.
Maera 3 |
Megara |
1's wife. |
saw this former king of Crete
sitting with a gold sceptre in his hand, delivering judgement to the
dead [see also Underworld].
saw Orion
driving together over the field of asphodel wild beasts which he had
slain, holding in his hands a club of bronze that could not be
broken. |
1 |
Wife of Theseus
who fell in love with her stepson. |
Wife of Cephalus 1. She was killed accidentally by her husband.
Cephalus 1 was son of Deion, son of Aeolus
1, son of Hellen 1, son of Deucalion
1, the man who survived the Flood.
Cephalus 1, after whom was named the island of Cephallenia, which is
a part of Odysseus'
kingdom, is related to Odysseus,
for he is father of Arcisius, father of Laertes, who is Odysseus'
father. Procris
2 is Odysseus'
great grandmother. |
saw him being punished by rolling a stone with his hands and head in
an effort to heave it over the top of a hill, but as he pushes it to
the top it rebounds backward. |
also saw impious Tantalus
1, who is punished by not being able to eat or drink as the
water in the lake dries out, and the fruits in the trees are lifted
by the wind each time he tries to reach either. |
whose mind was unchanged since Persephone
had granted him to keep his wits in Hades,
warned Odysseus
of the wrath of Poseidon,
who was angry at him because he had blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus
2, a son of the god. Tiresias
also advised Odysseus
not to harm the cattle of Helius in
Thrinacia (Sicily), and told him about the conditions of his home in
Ithaca, where many SUITORS,
wishing to marry his wife, lived at his expenses. He also prophesied
that Odysseus
death would come in his old age, far from the sea, and in a gentle
way. |
Tityus |
saw this son of Gaia being
punished in the Underworld
for having attacked Leto,
mother of Apollo
and Artemis.
There a pair of vultures eat his liver and he is powerless to drive
them off. |
Tyro |
Mother of Neleus
and Pelias
1. |
Aeneas in Hades
"Easy is the descent to Hades: night and day the door stands open; but to recall
the steps and pass out to the upper air, this is the task, this the
toil!" [The Cumaean
Sibyl to Aeneas.
Aeneid 6.126] |
descended to the Underworld,
guided by the Sibyl,
through a cave in Cumae (Italy). After having passed the entrance where
Grief, Anxiety, Diseases, Old Age, Fear,
Hunger, Death, Agony, Hypnos, and
other creatures dwell, he came to the Elm from which False Dreams cling.
Next he followed the road to the river Acheron where he saw the souls of
the unburied whom Charon refused to take to the other side. Charon
accepted to ferry Aeneas when
he saw the Golden Bough that Aeneas was
carrying. On the other bank, they first met the hound Cerberus 1, whom
the Sibyl
put to sleep with a cake of honey and wheat infused with sedative drugs.
In the fields behind the cave of Cerberus 1, Aeneas saw
those who died in childhood, those who had been condemned to death on a
false charge, and those who killed themselves. Next he came to the Vale
of Mourning where those who were consumed by unhappy love dwell, and in
the farthest fields, before the dividing road, he saw those who were
famous in war. Then Aeneas came
to the place where the road forks, the left hand leading to Tartarus,
and the right, beneath the Palace of Hades to
Elysium. In the entrance of the Palace, Aeneas put
down his passport, the Golden Bough, and then he proceeded to Elysium,
where he met his father Anchises
1, saw souls who were not yet born, and other souls drinking from
the waters of the river Lethe (Oblivion) before they were
Vision of Aeneas at the Elysian Fields: his father shows him
both past and future. Behind them is the Cumaean
Sibyl | |
These are the souls of those whom
Aeneas met in the Underworld: |
1 |
King of Argos who raised the army of the SEVEN
father. |
Caeneus 1 |
Once a woman called Caenis, she was turned into an invulnerable
man by Poseidon.
Capys 2 |
Future King of Alba. |
Deiphobus 1 |
Son of Priam 1
who married Helen
after Paris'
death, and was himself killed by Menelaus
at the end of the Trojan
War. |
Queen of Carthage. |
Eriphyle |
For the story of this woman see Robe &
Necklace of Harmonia 1. |
Glaucus 6 |
A Trojan, son of Antenor
1. |
Idaeus 1 |
A Trojan herald during the war. |
Leucaspis 2 |
One of Aeneas'
companions, lost in shipwreck. |
Medon 4 |
Son of Antenor
1, killed by Philoctetes
at Troy.
Musaeus |
A famous bard, perhaps son of Orpheus.
Numitor 2. |
Son of Proca, brother of Amulius and grandfather of Romulus
and Remus 1, the founders of Rome. |
Orontes 1 |
One of Aeneas'
companions, lost in shipwreck. |
Palinurus |
Palinurus was the steersman of the exiled Aeneas,
during the latter's trip from Troy to
Latium. On approaching Italy Palinurus fell asleep and was hurled
into the sea, and apparently he swam to the coast where he was
killed by the locals. A harbour Palinurus in Italy was named after
him. Palinurus had a brother, Iapis, who received from Apollo
the gifts of music and divination, and certainly he was also a
healer, because he is reported to have applied, on one occasion,
curative herbs to Aeneas'
wound. |
Parthenopaeus |
One of the SEVEN
AGAINST THEBES. He was killed in that war. |
Pasiphae |
Queen of Crete. Daedalus
constructed a hollowed wooden cow on wheels for Pasiphae so that she
could couple with a bull [see Daedalus
and Minotaur]
Wife of Theseus.
She fell in love with Hippolytus 4, her stepson, and as he refused
her, she falsely charged him of having assaulted her. Phaedra
hanged herself when her passion for Hippolytus 4 was made public.
Polyphoetes |
A priest of Demeter
at Troy.
Proca |
Proca Silvius. King of Alba and Latium. Succeeded his father
Aventinus 2. At his death, his younger son Amulius seized the
kingship by violence. His other son was Numitor 2. |
Bribed by a golden crown, Procris
2 admitted a lover in her bed, and having being detected by her
husband, she fled to Crete
where Minos 2
was king. Minos 2
fell in love with her, and offered her a swift dog and a dart that
flew straight; and in return for these gifts, Procris
2 let herself be bribed again, sharing his bed. But afterwards,
fearing Queen Pasiphae, she came to Athens,
and being reconciled with her husband Cephalus 1, she went with him
to the chase. During the hunting she met her death, for Cephalus 1
accidentally killed her with the dart that flew straight, which she
had got from Minos 2.
Silvius Aeneas |
Son of Silvius [see also Aeneas].
Silvius |
Succeeded Ascanius 2 on the throne of the Alban and Latin state.
Son of Aeneas
and Lavinia 2. He was father of Latinus 2, and of Silvius Aeneas.
Sychaeus |
First husband of Dido.
Thersilochus 1 |
Son of Antenor
1, killed by Achilles
during the Trojan
War. |
2 |
Father of Diomedes
2 and one of the SEVEN
was killed in that war by Melanippus 1.
Heracles 1 in Hades
Ordered to fetch the Cerberus 1, the three-headed dog
1 descended to the Underworld
because his tormentor Eurystheus
imposed on him the task of capturing and bringing up to our world of
light Hades'
three-headed dog Cerberus 1, offspring of Typhon and Echidna. Some
say that this bronze-voiced hound had in fact three heads of dogs,
the tail of a dragon, and on his back the heads of all sorts of
snakes, but others affirm that this raw flesh eating monster had as
many as fifty heads. |
At the Eleusinian Mysteries |
In any case, to accomplish this task, which is one of his LABOURS,
1 thought it convenient to be initiated in the mysteries at Eleusis,
so that he should be prepared and understand better the world he was
about to set his foot upon. However, since it was not lawful at the
time for a foreigner to be initiated, he became the adoptive son of
Pylius, otherwise an unknown man. And since he still was polluted
because of the slaying of the CENTAURS,
he was purified, before his initiation, by Eumolpus 1, son of Poseidon
and Chione 1, daughter of Boreas 1, one of the WINDS. At
the time, Orpheus'
son Musaeus was in charge of the initiatory rites of the Eleusinian
Mysteries, a man who could fly, since Boreas 1 had taught him how,
and who having been trained by Apollo
and the MUSES,
wrote poems and songs. |
Descends somewhere |
Having been initiated, Heracles
1 came to Laconia in southern Greece where an entrance to the Underworld
could be found at Taenarum. Yet others have said that he entered the
in a place at the Acherusian Chersonese on the Black Sea. |
It is said that the souls of the dead fled on seeing Heracles
1; and when he saw Medusa
1, he wished to draw his sword against her, but he learned from
that he was only seeing her empty phantom, and let it go. Likewise,
on seeing Meleager
shining in his armour, Heracles
1 prepared to shoot at him, but Meleager
calmed him saying:
"Son of great Zeus, stand where you are,
and calm your spirit. Do not shoot a harsh arrow from your hands
in vain against the souls of those who have perished. You have no
need to fear." [Meleager
to Heracles
1. Bacchylides, Odes 5.80] |
1 not only found dead souls; for he also met Theseus
and his accomplice Pirithous.
The latter had come to the realm of shadows, also through the
entrance at Taenarum, having in mind the bizarre idea of marrying Persephone.
On account of this great insolence, they were both bound fast in the
before they were dead, and when they saw Heracles
1, they, wishing to be raised from the dead, stretched out their
hands towards him. Some have said that Heracles
1 rescued both, but others assert that he could only raise Theseus;
for when he wished to save Pirithous
the earth quaked, and he desisted. Still others affirm that neither
of them ever returned.
Ascalaphus 2 |
1, who often protected those in need, also rolled away the stone
of Ascalaphus 2, the son of the river god Acheron. Ascalaphus 2 bore
witness against Persephone,
confirming that she had eaten the seed or seeds of pomegranate that
had given her, not knowing that for doing so she would be bound to
the Underworld.
For giving that testimony, Demeter
laid the heavy rock on him in Hades,
which Heracles
1 rolled away. Yet, when Ascalaphus 2 was free again, Demeter
turned him into a short-eared owl. |
Herdsman Menoetes 1, again |
1 wished to provide the thirsty souls with blood, and for that
purpose he dared to slaughter one beast of the cattle of Hades. But
the herdsman Menoetes 1, the same who had exposed him when he had
come to fetch the Cattle of Geryon [see LABOURS]
challenged Heracles
1 to wrestle, which resulted in Menoetes 1 having his ribs
broken when Heracles
1 seized him round the middle. |
Captures the dog |
After these minor incidents, Heracles
1 asked Hades for
Cerberus 1, and the god replied that he could take it if he could
master it without weapons. So finding the three-headed hound at the
gates of the river Acheron, he grasped it without relaxing his grip,
and although the dragon in Cerberus 1's tail bit him, he at last
gained control over the brute. Yet it is also told that Heracles
1 received Cerberus 1 in chains by the favour of Persephone,
who had welcomed him, as some say, like a brother. |
Return to the upper world |
It is uncertain whether Heracles
1 returned to this world through the exit at Troezen,
through that at Hermione (the city facing the island of Hydra in
eastern Argolis), or through the exit at Mount Laphystius in
Boeotia. In any case, Heracles
1 came with the hound to Mycenae,
and after showing it to Eurystheus,
he carried it back to the Underworld.
| |
Sources Abbreviations
Apd.2.5.12; Dio.4.25.1, 4.63.5; Hom.Od.11 passim;
Hyg.Fab.79; Pau.2.35.10, 9.34.5; Plut.Thes.33.2; Vir.Aen.6 passim;
Xenophon, Anabasis 6.2.2. |
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