Apollo is the god of prophecy, of musical and artistic
inspiration, of archers and of healing. |
persecuted |
When the Titaness Leto had
been seduced by Zeus, she
was hunted over the whole earth by the jealousy of the god's wife Hera. And
after having wandered through many countries Leto came
to the rocky island of Delos, which is one of the so called Cyclades
Islands in the Aegean Sea, and there she gave birth to her twins,
first to Artemis
and soon after to Apollo.
This island came about, they say, when Leto's
sister Asteria 1, having flung herself into the sea in order to
escape Zeus'
amorous advances, was transformed into a quail and cast into the sea
by the god. From her a floating island sprang that was first called
Ortygia and later Delos, although some have said that Ortygia and
Delos are two different islands and that Artemis
was born in the former and Apollo in the latter. |
Birth |
This happened, some say, with great difficulty; for after nine
days of travail the goddess of childbirth Ilithyia had not yet
arrived, since she was kept in heaven by the envy of Hera. But
the goddesses who kept Leto
company bribed the heavenly messenger Iris 1
with a necklace strung with golden threads, and she brought Ilithyia
to Delos. On her arrival, Leto cast
her arms around a palm tree or an olive tree and, kneeling on the
meadow, gave birth first to Artemis
and then, with the help of Artemis'
midwifery, to Apollo. |
The Lycian peasants |
troubles did not stop after giving birth, for it is said that she,
having arrived with her newborns to a certain place in Lycia in Asia
Minor where there was a lake, was forbidden by the inhospitable
locals to quench her thirst. No matter how much she begged them to
let her drink, they would still forbid her to touch the water, and
as Leto
insisted the Lycian peasants threatened her and soil the pool with
their feet and hands, stirring up the mud from the bottom. And
seeing them so tight-fisted and mean, and at the same time so in
love with the pool, Leto turned
them into frogs so that they could live in its depth for ever
enjoying the water and the mud. |
Python |
But others say that the twins, so soon they were born, punished
all the men of that time who, when Leto was
pregnant and in the course of her wanderings, refused to receive her
when she came to their land. And it is said that only four days
after his birth Apollo went to Mount Parnassus and killed Python,
the dragon that gave oracular responses and that had followed the
pregnant Leto in
order to kill her. |
Prophecy |
It was then that Apollo took over Themis'
oracle in Delphi.
He then appointed Cretan sailors as the sanctuary's first priests.
For having seen a Cretan ship sailing from Cnossos in Crete to
in the Peloponnesus, he turned himself into a dolphin and brought
the ship into the Crisaean Gulf (the Phocian section of the northern
coast of the Gulf of Corinth).
So from Crisa, the Cretan sailors conducted by Apollo came to
Parnassus, and having become priests of Apollo, they called the city
for the god, having appeared to them in the shape of a dolphin, told
"I sprang upon the ship in the form of a
dolphin, pray to me as Apollo Delphinius; also the altar itself
shall be called Delphinius ..." [Apollo to the Cretan
sailors. Homeric
Hymn to Pythian Apollo 493] |
The Oracle |
Concerning the oracle says a Pythian priestess of Delphi
that the first to have prophetic powers was Gaia, who
appointed Daphnis 4, a Mountain Nymph (Oread), as prophetess. After
her came Themis,
and then the Titaness Phoebe 1, who gave her seat at Delphi to
Phoebus Apollo, called after her. But others say that Gaia and Poseidon
had the oracle in common and that it was Themis
who gave the oracle to Apollo as a gift, and that Poseidon
was compensated receiving Calaureia, that lies off Troezen,
in exchange for the oracle. |
The Bow |
Archers consider Apollo their lord, for this is the god who, as
they say, strikes from afar. And when Philoctetes,
for example, came to Italy after the Trojan
War, he founded a sanctuary of Apollo to whom he dedicated his
This bow had been Heracles
1's, but the one used by Odysseus
to massacre the SUITORS
OF PENELOPE had been first given to King Eurytus 4 of Oechalia
by Apollo. But Eurytus 4 (who was son of the archer Melaneus 5,
himself son of Apollo) challenged Apollo to a contest with the bow
and was killed by the wrath of the god. Others say that Eurytus 4
was slain by Heracles
1 for quite another reason, but in any case when Eurytus 4 died
he left the bow to his son Iphitus 1 who, before being thrown down
by Heracles
1 from the walls of Tiryns,
gave Odysseus
the bow; and with it Odysseus
ended the SUITORS'
pestering of Penelope
bathing his halls in their blood. |
The Bow, Healing and Music |
But when the god himself shoots his arrows with his silver bow
another is usually the result, as when he and his sister, punishing
the boasts and insults of Amphion
1's wife Niobe 2, caused the Royal House of Thebes to
be left desolate by plague after shooting the NIOBIDS
from afar.
Likewise, in the tenth year of the Trojan
War, Apollo came down from heaven darker than night (although he
is usually called the bright one) and, in order to punish the
arrogance of Agamemnon
who had humiliated and dismissed one of his priests, the god let his
arrows rain on the Achaean camp, decimating the army by means of a
pestilence that took many lives.
Such is the power of Apollo on the subject of health, which
otherwise could be thought to be preserved by following the counsels
of the same god which were engraved upon a column at Delphi:
"Know yourself" and/or "Nothing in excess". For these counsels are
believed to preserve balance and harmony, which are conditions of
health. And similarly: by bringing the same kind of consonance and
agreement among the sounds, the harmony of music is created, just
like the balance between the fast and the slow appropriately
combined produces its rhythm. All these agreements, in both medicine
and music, although the works of Love, are
ruled by Apollo, who has been called Musegetes (Leader of the MUSES) on
account of his musical and inspiring gift. |
Apollo, who is a primary source of healing, transmitted his
powers to his son Asclepius
who in turn carried the art among men to such a great pitch that he
not only prevented some from dying, but even raised up the dead.
This, they say, was not approved by Zeus who,
fearing that mortals might acquire the healing art from him and so
come to the rescue of each other, smote Asclepius
with a thunderbolt. Grieved at the death of his beloved son, and not
being able to raise his hand against his own father, Apollo, in
revenge, slew the CYCLOPES
who had fashioned the thunderbolt with which Zeus smote
Apollo the thrall obtains favour from the MOERAE
On account of this deed Zeus, who
would have hurled Apollo to Tartarus
had Leto
not intervened, ordered Apollo, as a penalty for having destroyed
to serve as a thrall to a mortal man for one year. And this man came
to be King Admetus 1 of Pherae, whom Apollo served as herdman. And
since Apollo found he had been kindly treated when given in
servitude to Admetus 1, he provided him with the wild beasts, with
which Admetus 1 bore off Alcestis
in marriage.
But in offering a sacrifice at his marriage, Admetus 1 forgot to
sacrifice to Artemis,
and consequently found his marriage chamber full of coiled serpents.
Apollo bade King Admetus 1 appease the goddess and meanwhile,
because Admetus 1 was such a kind master towards him, he obtained a
special favour of the MOERAE,
which was that when Admetus 1 should be about to die, he might be
released from death if someone should choose voluntarily to die for
him [see Alcestis].
The Lyre |
In the process of recovering the cattle that the newborn Hermes
had stolen from him, Apollo discovered the lyre that Hermes
had invented and was willing to give Hermes
the cattle in exchange for the musical instrument. So they did, and
went pasturing the cattle and he now made a shepherd's pipe for
himself; and this pipe was so amazing that Apollo desired it too. So
Apollo offered to give Hermes
the golden wand which he used while he herded cattle, but in the
bargain Hermes
received from Apollo, besides the wand, the art of divining by
pebbles. The golden wand, the Caduceus, is a splendid staff of
riches and wealth, which keeps Hermes
But although Hermes
invented the three-stringed lyre, it was Apollo, some say, who added
four more strings to it. Yet when Apollo quickly repented for what
he had done to Marsyas,
he, being distressed at his horrible deed, broke the four strings of
the lyre that he had discovered. These, however, were later
rediscovered by the MUSES,
when they added a middle string, by one Linus, who added the string
struck with the forefinger, and by Orpheus
and Thamyris 1, who discovered the remaining two strings that Apollo
had broken.
Otherwise it is said that it was Apollo who taught Orpheus
to play the lyre, and they add that after the death of the latter
the instrument was put by the MUSES
among the stars [see also CONSTELLATIONS].
Concerning the musical contest between Apollo and Marsyas
some have said that the latter was departing as victor when Apollo
turned his lyre upside down, and played the same tune, a prowess
that Marsyas
could not do with the flute. But others tell that Marsyas
was defeated when Apollo added his voice to the sound of the lyre.
they say, protested arguing that the skill with the instrument was
to be compared and not the voice. However, Apollo replied that when
blew into the pipes he was doing almost the same thing as himself.
And the argument presented by Apollo was judged by the Nysaeans or
by the MUSES to
be the most just, and that is why, after comparing their skills
again, Marsyas
was defeated, and subsequently flayed alive by the god. Some have
said that it was on this occasion that King Midas got
the ears of an ass for having judged against Apollo:
"You will have ears to match the mind you
have in judging" [Apollo
to Midas.
Hyginus, Fabulae
191] |
The Laurel |
Since Daphne
1, pursued by Apollo, changed into a Laurel tree, the god is
associated with the Laurel. For it is said that while Apollo pursued
her, she implored to Zeus to
disappear from sight, and as her prayers were heard, she was turned
into a laurel tree. That was all that remained of her, but Apollo
broke a branch from the tree and placed it on his head
"Since you cannot be my bride, you shall at
least be my tree. My hair, my lyre, my quiver shall always be
entwined with you, O laurel." [Apollo. Ovid, Metamorphoses
1 escapes Apollo by
turning into a laurel
tree | |
Amours impossibles |
1 was not the only girl to refuse Apollo:
For Marpessa 1 chose Idas 2 (the man who killed Castor 1, one of
before Apollo as husband of fear that Apollo might desert her in her
And Coronis 2 preferred Ischys to Apollo, who learned about it
when a crow told him that she had wedded Ischys. Then the god cursed
the crow, that became black instead of white, and killed the still
pregnant Coronis 2, snatching Asclepius
(her child by Apollo) from the funeral pyre as she was burning in
Also Cassandra
refused Apollo after having promised to consent if he would teach
her the art of prophecy; but when she, after having received the
gift, still refused, Apollo deprived her prophecy of the power to
persuade, thus making vain his gift. And so when later Cassandra
warned the Trojans about the nature of the WOODEN
HORSE, nobody listened and Troy was
destroyed by means of this clever device. |
Love for two young men |
Apollo loved Hymenaeus 2 and this distraction gave Hermes a
chance to steal his brother's cattle; and he also loved Hyacinthus
1; but him the god involuntarily killed with the cast of a
quoit, and in the place where his blood had stained the grass there
sprang a flower. |
The Cypress |
Of Cyparissus it is told that he could not find consolation after
the death of a stag who was dear to him and, having asked Apollo for
permission to grieve for ever, the god turned him into a cypress
deciding that his place would always be where others grieve. This is
still so since cypresses are a common sight in many cemeteries.
Some interventions related to Troy
It was Apollo and Poseidon
who fortified Troy; for,
as it is said, they wished to put King Laomedon 1 to the test. And
so, assuming the likeness of mortal men, they undertook to fortify
the city for wages. Yet when they had accomplished their work, the
king would not pay their wages, and that is why Apollo sent a
pestilence, and Poseidon
sent a sea-monster, which snatched away the people of the plain.
Later, during the Trojan
War, Apollo destroyed by pestilence a large part of the Achaean
army, in order to punish Agamemnon,
who, while refusing to give Chryseis 3 back to her father Chryses 3,
humiliated him who was a priest of Apollo. And in the tenth year of
the war Apollo, in conjunction with the archer Paris,
killed Achilles.
The god is also remembered for his warning to Diomedes
2 who wounded Aphrodite
when she protected Aeneas.
The goddess then handed over Aeneas to
Apollo, and as Diomedes
2 persisted in his attack, Apollo shouted at him:
"... Give way! Do not aspire to be the
equal of the gods. The immortals are not made of the same stuff as
men that walk on the ground!" [Apollo to Diomedes
2. Homer, Iliad
Apollo is also held responsible for the death of Laocoon
2 (who threw his spear against the WOODEN
HORSE) and his sons; for he sent snakes to kill his sons, and in
trying to help them, Laocoon
2 was also killed. But others say that these serpents were sent
by Athena.
The Oracle at Delphi
According to the Pythian priestess of Delphi
the first to have prophetic powers was Gaia, who
appointed Daphnis 4, a Mountain Nymph (Oread), as prophetess; and
after her Themis,
and then Phoebe 1, the Titaness, who gave her seat at Delphi to
Phoebus Apollo, called after her. But some say Gaia and Poseidon
had the oracle in common and that it was Themis
who gave the oracle to Apollo as a gift. It is said that Phemonoe
was the first prophetess of Apollo at Delphi. A
Delphian woman, Boeo, says that the Hyperboreans Pagasus 1, Olen and
Agyieus established the oracle of Apollo at Delphi
and that Olen was Apollo's first prophet. The seat of the oracle has
been described as a cave hollowed out deep down in the earth with a
narrow mouth, from which arose breath that inspired a divine frenzy.
Over the mouth a high tripod was placed, and when the Pythian
priestess mounted it she received the breath and uttered oracles, in
both prose and verse. The oracle at Delphi
was believed to be the most truthful, also because it was placed in
the geographical centre of Greece or, as some claimed, in the centre
of the inhabited world; for this reason it has been considered to be
"the navel of the earth". Many riches were deposited in
treasure-houses at Delphi,
and these were offerings dedicated, for example, from spoils of
[See also Delphi]
| |
Parentage |
Mates |
Offspring |
Notes |
Hypermnestra 2 |
["a)", "b)", etc. = different versions]
Hypermnestra 2 is daughter of Thestius 1. For Amphiaraus
see also SEVEN
Necklace of Harmonia 1. |
Dryope 1 |
Amphissus |
For Dryope 1 see NYMPHS.
Acalle |
Amphithemis 1 |
Acalle was loved by Apollo in the house of Carmanor. Fearing the
wrath of her father King Minos 2
of Crete, who
drove her from home to dwell in Libya, she exposed her son Miletus.
Rhoeo |
Anius |
Apollo lay with Rhoeo but her father, believing that her
seduction was due to a man, was angry and he shut up her in a chest
and cast her into the sea. However she gave birth at Delos, where
the chest was washed up. Anius was King of Delos and priest of
Apollo. |
--- |
Apis 2 |
Apis 2 took over power in the Peloponnesus, which he called after
himself Apia, but being a stern tyrant he was conspired against and
probably slain by his son Thelxion. |
Aristaeus |
Cyrene is
daughter of Hypseus 1, king of the LAPITHS.
Aristaeus received from the MUSES the
arts of healing and of prophecy. Grieved at the death of Actaeon
(who was destroyed by his own dogs), he migrated to Sardinia. He
competed with his honey against the wine of Dionysus
2 but Zeus gave
the first prize to the wine.
Aristaeus also discovered the olive. After dwelling some time near
Mount Haemus he never was seen again by men and received immortal
honours. Aristaeus married Autonoe 2, daughter of Cadmus
& Harmonia 1. |
a) Coronis 2 |
b) Arsinoe 2 |
Stilbe |
Centaurus |
Stilbe is a daughter of the River God Peneus. For Centaurus, who
is also said to be the offspring of Ixion and
Nephele 1, see CENTAURS.
Thero 2 |
Chaeron |
Thero 2 is daughter of Phylas 2, son of Antiochus 1, son of Heracles
1. Chaeron is the eponym of Chaeronea in Boeotia. |
Chryseis 3 |
Chryses 4 |
Chryseis 3 is the daughter of the priest of Apollo Chryses 3. She
is the one Agamemnon
refused to give back when her father demanded her. Because of that
refusal Apollo punished the Achaean army which besieged Troy with
pestilence. Chryses 4 is also said to be son of Agamemnon.
This Chryses 4, on account of his family ties, intervened to save Orestes
2, son of Agamemnon,
by killing King Thoas 3 of Tauris, who threatened his life.
Chrysorthe |
Coronus 2 |
Thalia 2 |
Hyrie |
Cycnus 7 |
Cycnus 7 was loved by Phylius who brought him many gifts but.
Cycnus 7 commanded him often to perform several tasks. But as
Phylius refused one of them he cast himself from a cliff and was
turned into a swan. Hyrie melted away in tears or else threw herself
into a lake and was also turned into a swan. |
a) Celaeno 3
b) Thyia 1
c) Melaena |
Delphus |
After Delphus the city of Delphi
was named. Celaeno 3 is daughter of Hyamus, son of Lycorus, son of
Apollo. Thyia 1 was Priestess of Dionysus
2 and the first to celebrate orgies in his honour; she was
daughter of the Phocian Castalius. Melaena is daughter of the River
God Cephisus. |
Phthia 2 |
Dorus 2 |
Dorus 2 is father of Xanthippe 1, wife of Pleuron, after whom the
city in Aetolia was named. Pleuron is son of Aetolus 2 & Pronoe
2 and brother of Calydon. Aetolus 2, who was king of Elis,
killed Dorus 2. |
Aethusa |
Eleuther 1 |
Aethusa is daughter of Poseidon
& Alcyone 1. Eleuther 1 was a singer who won a Pythian victory
for his loud and sweet voice. |
--- |
Epidaurus |
Arsinoe 2 |
Eriopis 3 |
Arsinoe 2 was daughter of Leucippus 2, son of Perieres 1 &
Gorgophone 2. |
--- |
Hilaira |
Hilaira was a priestess of Artemis.
Evadne 3 |
Iamus |
Evadne 3 is daughter of Poseidon
& Pitana. From Iamus descend the diviners
called Iamides. |
Idmon 2 |
For Cyrene
Idmon 2 was a seer who is found among the ARGONAUTS.
He was killed by a boar, in the land of the Mariandynians, or died
of disease during the voyage with the ARGONAUTS.
Urea |
Ileus 1 |
Urea is a Nymph, daughter of Poseidon.
Creusa 1 |
1 |
Creusa 1 is daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens.
From Ion
1 the Ionians derive their name. Ion 1 died
in Attica helping the Athenians in their war against the
Eleusinians. |
Phthia 2 |
Laodocus 2 |
Stilbe |
Lapithus 1 |
Urania 2 | |
Linus 1 |
Urania 2 is one of the MUSES.
Linus 1 (Oetolinus) won great reputation as a musician and master of
eloquent speech. Some say Apollo killed him, for being his rival in
singing. It is also said that Linus 1 was son of Amphimarus (son of
& Urania 2. |
Psamathe 2 |
Linus 3 |
Psamathe 2 is daughter of Crotopus, a king in Argolis.
Linus 3 was exposed by his mother and destroyed by the sheep-dogs of
Crotopus. Because of his death Apollo sent Poine (Vengeance) to
punish the Argives. |
Calliope |
Linus 4 |
Calliope is one of the MUSES.
Linus 4 taught Heracles
1 to play the lyre, but Heracles
1 killed him with a blow of the lyre. |
Parthenope 2 |
Lycomedes 3 |
Parthenope 2 is a Lelegian, daughter of Ancaeus 2, son of
Poseidon and King of Samos. The Lelegians lived about the river
Satnioeis in Asia Minor. Otherwise they were scattered over parts of
Greece and Asia Minor. |
Corycia |
Lycorus |
--- |
Melaneus 5 |
King of the Dryopians (people living between the Sperchius River
and Mount Parnasus). |
a) Aria
b) Deione
c) Acalle |
Miletus |
Miletus is the founder of the city of Miletus. |
Manto 1 |
Mopsus 2 |
Manto 1, daughter of the seer Tiresias,
is a seeress and Priestess of Apollo. Mopsus 2 was a diviner, who
drove the Carians out of their country and defeated Calchas
in the art of divination. He was killed in a fight with Amphilochus
2 (son of Alcmaeon 1, son of Amphiaraus,
son of Oicles or Apollo). Mopsus 2 and Amphilochus 2 killed each
other. |
Rhetia |
Nine of the CORYBANTES |
--- |
Oncius |
Oncius lived in Oncium in Thelpusian territory in Arcadia.
Chrysothemis 2 |
Parthenos |
Parthenos hurled herself down from a rock in fear of her father's
severity as a swine destroyed the wine she
was watching, and wine was a
drink which had only recently been discovered. |
Othris |
Phagros |
a) Chione 2
b) Leuconoe 3
c) Philonis |
Philammon |
Both Apollo and Hermes
fell in love with Chione 2 at the same time. Hermes
touched her face with his sleep-compelling wand and then made love
to her at once. But Apollo waited until night had come and, assuming
an old woman's form, made love to her. Artemis
killed Chione 2 for having criticized the goddess' beauty.
Leuconoe 3 is daughter of Eosphorus, who is Lucifer, that is the
morning and evening star (Venus).
Philonis is sister of Chione 2, daughter of Daedalion, a cruel
Philammon was famous for his song and zither. He was killed by an
armed force of Phlegyans that marched against the sanctuary at Delphi.
Acalle |
Philander |
The child Philander was suckled by a goat. |
--- |
Phoebe 2 |
A priestess of Athena,
wife of Polydeuces, one of the DIOSCURI.
Acalle |
Phylacides |
Phylacides was as a baby suckled by a goat. |
Phthia 2 |
Polypoetes 2 |
--- |
Pythaeus |
Sinope |
Syrus 1 |
Syrus 1 became king of the Syrians, who were named after him.
Melia |
Tenerus |
Melia is one of the OCEANIDS.
Tenerus was given the art of divination by Apollo. |
--- |
Tenes |
King of Tenedos. He was killed by Achilles.
Hecabe 1
Troilus |
Troilus, also called son of Priam 1,
was killed by Achilles
during the Trojan
War. |
--- |
Trophonius |
Trophonius built, together with his brother, the fourth temple of
Apollo at Delphi.
One day the earth opened and swallowed him. |
Syllis |
Zeuxippus |
Syllis is a Nymph. Zeuxippus became king of Sicyon
when Phaestus 2 migrated to Crete.
Album - High Resolution Genealogical Charts
Names in this chart
, Amphissus, Amphithemis 1, Anius, Apis 2, Apollo, Aristaeus,
Centaurus, Chaeron, Chryses 4, Coeus, Coronus 2, CORYBANTES
, Cronos,
Cycnus 7, Delphus, Dorus 2, Eleuther 1, Epidaurus, Eriopis 3, Gaia,
Hilaira, Iamus, Idmon 2, Ileus 1, Ion 1, Laodocus 2, Lapithus 1, Leto, Linus
1, Linus 3, Linus 4, Lycomedes 3, Lycorus, Melaneus 5, Miletus,
Mopsus 2, Oncius, Parthenos, Phagros, Philammon, Philander, Phoebe
1, Phoebe 2, Phylacides, Polypoetes 2, Pythaeus, Rhea 1,
Scylla 1, Syrus 1, Tenerus, Tenes, Troilus, Trophonius, Uranus,
Zeuxippus. |
Sources Abbreviations
Aes.Eum. passim; Aes.Supp.262; Apd.1.3.2-4, 1.4.1,
1.7.6-7, 3.1.2, 3.10.1-3, 3.12.5; Apd.Ep.3.10, 3.23-26, 6.3;
Arg.2.500ff., 4.1490ff.; Cal.Ar.37; Cic.ND.3.45; Col.35; Dio.4.69.1,
4.72.1, 4.81.1-3, 5.62.1, 5.74.5; DH.1.50.1; Eur.Ion.10-57;
Hes.Fra.1; Hes.The.918; Hes.WD.771; Hes.CWE.63, 83, 91; Hes.GE.13;
Hes.Mel.1; Nonn.5.215, 9.215, 13.298; Hom.Apo. passim; Hom.Od.8.224,
11.580; Hyg.Fab.14, 70, 73, 121, 140, 161, 200; Hyg.Ast.2.7, 2.15,
2.22, 2.25; Lib.Met.12, 13, 30, 32; Ov.Met.7.371, 9.356, 9.443,
13.640; Pau.1.43.7, 2.5.8, 2.6.7, 2.26.2, 2.35.2, 3.16.1, 4.2.2,
4.3.2, 7.4.1, 8.25.4, 9.10.6, 9.37.5-7, 9.40.5, 10.6.3-4, 10.16.5,
11.317; Pin.Oly.6.28ff.; QS.4.420; Stat.Theb.570ff.; Strab.9.5.22,
10.5.2, 14.1.27, 14.5.16; Vir.Geo.4.318. |
| |