640. Firenze. R. Galleria Uffizi. Sposalizio della Vergina. (Beato Angelico)
774. Firenze. R. Galleria Uffizi. La Madonna che adora il divin Figlio. (Fra Filippo Lippi)
604 Firenze. R. Galleria Uffizi. Ritratto di Alessandro Botticelli nel quadro l'Adorazione de' Magi
592. Firenze. R. Galleria Uffizi. La Giuditta. (Botticelli)
2667. Firenze. Galleria Uffizi. La Nascita di Venere; Sandro Botticelli
1456. Firenze. R. Galleria Antica e Moderna. Allegoria della Primavera (Botticelli)
7559. Firenze (Accademia [now, Uffizi]). Dettaglio del quadro allegorico; la Primavera; Botticelli. (Edizioni Brogi)
7558. Firenze (Accademia [now, Uffizi]). Dettaglio del quadro allegorico; la Primavera; Botticelli. (Edizioni Brogi)
2658. Firenze. Galleria Uffizi. La Vergine col Divin Figlio; Sandro Botticelli. Edizioni Brogi
613 Firenze. R. Galleria Uffizi. L'Annunziazione. (Botticelli)
611 Firenze. R. Galleria Uffizi. La Fortezza (Botticelli)
2 copies, one more magenta than the other
347. Firenze. R. Galleria Uffizi. La Visitazione. (M. Albertinelli)
6123. Firenze. Galleria Uffizi. Madonna detta dell'Arpie; Andrea del Sarto
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Book and CD Sales Catalogue
Contact Julia Bolton
Beata Umilta: Sguardo sulla Santa Umiltà: Contemplating on Holy Humility. In Italian and English. Julia Bolton Holloway. Trans. Fabrizio Vanni. Florence: Editoriale gli Arcipressi, 2004. Colour Plates of Pietro Lorenzetti's Altarpiece Panels. Pp. 32. Purchase from Julia Bolton Holloway. 10 euro/$10.
Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love, translation in paperback (ISBN: 0-8146-5169-0), xxxiv+ 133 pp, three colour printing, 2003. Order, in America, The Liturgical Press, St John's Abbey, $19.95; in England, etc., Darton, Longman and Todd, available at bookshops, £9.95.
To see inside this book, where God's words are
in red, Julian's
in black, her
editor's in grey, click here.
Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love , definitive edition and translation, Firenze: SISMEL, 2001, available from SISMEL or from Julia Bolton Holloway.
To see an example of a page inside with parallel text in Middle English and Modern English, variants and explanatory notes,click here.
To Julian
of Norwich, Showing of Love: Extant Texts and Translation,
ed. Sister Anna Maria Reynolds,
C.P. and Julia Bolton Holloway (ISBN 88-8450-095-8), 848 pages, 18
full colour plates of the manuscripts, from University of Florence, SISMEL
Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2001, 191 euro, e-mail
Bolton Holloway
Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love, Westminster Text, translated into Modern English, set in William Morris typefont, hand bound with marbled paper end papers within vellum covers, in limited, signed edition. A similar version available in Italian translation. Can be accompanied by CD of a reading of the text. To order, click here.
To view sample copies, actual size, click here.
Saint Bride and Her Book: Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations. Translated from Latin and Middle English with Introduction, Notes and Interpretative Essay . Library of Medieval Women. Series Editor, Jane Chance. Boydell and Brewer , 2000. Revised, republished, third edition. xvi + 151 pp. ISBN 0-85991-589-1
Two books on Dante Alighieri:
The Pilgrim and the Book: A Study of Dante, Langland and Chaucer (ISBN0-8204-2090-5); illustrated, indexed, third edition, available from Julia Bolton Holloway. $25, 25 euro.
Twice-Told Tales: Brunetto Latino and Dante Alighieri (ISBN 0-8204-1954-0), illustrated, indexed, available from Julia Bolton Holloway. $25, 25 euro.
Julian Library CD, 1996/2003, available for general readers, contemplatives, scholars, and libraries for off-line reading, computer browsing (includes Umilta Website);
Julian Library Portfolio, booklets of essays in a hand-bound portfolio, either in Florentine printed paper, or our marbled paper, as shown below;
The City and the Book I, II, III, Florence, International Congresses, Proceedings, CD;
English Cemetery, Florence, CD;
Florence in Sepia
Concentrating on Florence, this
CD contains e-books, such as Augustus J.C. Hare's Florence, Susan
and Joanna Horner's Walks in Florence, an album of nineteenth-century
photographs of Italy purchased by the Mother Foundress of the Community
of the Holy Family, illustrative materials on Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
etc. It is a useful guide for scholars of medieval, Renaissance and Victorian
Florence and for tourists to modern Florence.
Bolton Holloway , Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei, 2004.
To rocking
cradles, hand-wrought-iron lilied-cross shelf joins, marbled paper,
etc., from Julia Bolton Holloway, illustrated
and described in How to Build
Cradles and Libraries, and handmade colourful rosaries from Nairobi,
Africa, illustrated and described in Portfolio.
e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei Marbled Papers
Donations for above CDs and Portfolios benefit the Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei (of which you become a member through the gift to the library of a book), and the historic "English Cemetery ", Piazzale Donatello 38, I-50132 Florence, Italy
Updated St Agnes' Day 2004; Epiphany 2005