The End of Europe's Middle Ages
Please take a few minutes to read the following information. What you need to know about the links found within this tutorial: Within this tutorial are various links that have been colour-coded according to priority and source. The following is the legend for each link colour.
What you need to know about how your browser displays this tutorial: This tutorial uses client-side imagemaps, frames and JavaScript 1.2 and because of this users will have different results depending on the web browser and the version of web browser used. Client-side imagemaps and frames work best with at least Netscape 3.0 or Explorer 3.0. Users with Netscape 2.0 will find more information below on what differences to expect and what alternatives are provided. Throughout this tutorial, JavaScript is used to provide roll-over windows for the glossary definitions. JavaScript works satisfactorily with Netscape 3.0 and ideally with Netscape 4.03. Microsoft Internet Explorer does not support the JavaScript functions used for these glossaries, but users of this browser will find more details below on an alternative way of accessing the tutorial's glossary.
If you are using Netscape 4.03: To print selections of this tutorial, use the mouse to click on the right frame (the text) before choosing the Print option on the Netscape toolbar. If you are using Netscape 3.0: JavaScript will open roll-over text windows although the windows may not resize properly depending upon the vicinity of other trigger words (links). To print sections of this tutorial within Netscape 3.0, use the mouse to click on the right frame (the text) before choosing the Print option from the Netscape toolbar. Failure to do so may result in the chapter buttons being printed instead of the main text. The chapter buttons located on the left of the screen correspond to the primary chapters only, not any additional links. If you are using Netscape 2.0: Alternative links are provided below the imagemap on the Home Page. JavaScript is not understood therefore the roll-over windows will not open. Read the glossary definitions, instead, by clicking on the underlined word (link). To print sections of this tutorial, the Print button of the Netscape toolbar cannot be used. Instead, use the mouse to select the right frame (the text) before selecting Print Frame under the File menu. Unlike Netscape 4.3 and 3.0, the chapter buttons in Netscape 2.0 will not highlight to indicate the active chapter. As well, the back button of the Netscape toolbar will return the user to the previous chapter instead of the previous screen. If you are using Netscape 1.0: The display of this tutorial is dependent upon a browser capable of displaying tables and frames. Use of a browser at this level will result in a less than optimum display of information, and the possible omission of information due to the limitations presented by the technology of the browser. What you need to know about the glossary used within this tutorial: The underlined words (links) found within the paragraphs of the tutorial indicate that the word has been defined in a glossary. There are two ways to view the glossary definition. If your browser is Java-compatible (Netscape 3.0 or 4.03), placing your mouse upon the linked term will cause a window to open with the glossary definition. Moving the mouse off the linked term will cause the window to disappear. In Netscape 3.0, the window may not resize properly depending upon the vicinity of other links. If your browser is not Java-compatible, or if you'd prefer another way of viewing the glossary definition, clicking on the link with the mouse will enable you to view the glossary term within the same window that the main text had been displayed in. The chosen glossary term should appear near the top of the window. For browsers less than 3.0 remember that the toolbar Back button will return the user to the previous chapter, not the previous screen. Instead, use the navigational option found at the bottom of the glossary. What you need to know about the Britannica search box in this tutorial: has selected this site as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability. A Britannica search box is available on each page of this tutorial, at the bottom of the index frame on the left side of the screen. With it you will gain direct access to Britannica's award-winning content, including the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Your query will open another browser window so you will never have to leave this site to access Britannica content.
The End of Europe's Middle Ages / Applied History Research Group / University of Calgary Copyright © 1997, The Applied History Research Group |