Early Witchcraft Texts Early
writers on witchcraft and demonology had, by 1550, evolved the concept of
witchcraft as being a heresy because it involved a pact with the devil,
and thus it had to be ruthlessly exterminated. Nearly all these early
works were written in Latin but translations of these titles soon spread
the concept to the general public. It is from these early works that many
of the concepts which were to become familiar, such as the witches
sabbath, were to emerge.
Surprisingly, the views they proposed were often resisted by the common
people; the witchcraft persecutions were originally driven by the Church
and its theologians, especially the Dominicans and there was a
considerable degree of skepticism. It was only later, when these extreme
views had been propounded for a number of years, that popular support for
the witchcraft delusion was to
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The Malleus
Maleficarum |

INSTITORIS, Henricus & SPRENGER, Jacobus Malleus
maleficarum, maleficas, & earum haerisim, ut phramea
potentissima conterens Cologne: Excudebat Joannes Gymnicus,

INSTITORIS, Henricus & SPRENGER, Jacobus Malleus
maleficarum. Translated, with an introduction and notes by the
Rev. Montague Summers London: John Rodker, 1928

BINSFELD, Peter Tractatus de confessoribus maleficorum et
sagarum, secundo recognitus, & auctior redditus….. quantanta
fides ijs abhihenda sit Augustae Trevirorum: Ex Officina
Typographia Henrici Bock, 1605 Description

BODIN, Jean De la demonomanie des
sorciers A Anvers: Chez Arnould Coninx, 1586 Description |
BOGUET, Henri (1550-1619) An examen of witches: drawn
from various trials of many of this sect ... edited by the Rev,
Montague Summers London: John Rodker, 1929 Description |

DEL RIO, Martin Antoine Disquisitionarum magicarum libri
sex: quibus continentur accurata curiosum artium, et vanarum
superstitionum confutatio Coloniae Agrippinae: Sumptibus
Hermani Demen, 1679 Description |

GRILLANDUS, Paulus Tractatus de hereticis et sortilegis,
earumque poeni. In Mallei maleficarum tractatus
... Lyons: Claude Landry, 1620. pp.344-506. Description |

LE LOYER, Pierre A Treatise of specters or strange
sights, visions and apparitions ... also of witches, sorcerers,
enchanters and such like London: Val. S[immes] for Matt.
Lownes, 1605. Description |

MAZZOLINI, Sylvestro De Strigimagarum, daemonumque
mirandis libri tres: una cum praxi exactissima, et ratione formendi
processus cintra ipsas, a mendis innumeris quibusscantebant, in hac
ultima impressione purgati, & indice locupletissimo
illustrati Rome : In aedibus populi Romani, 1575 Description |

NIDER, Johannes Formicarius. In Malleus
Maleficarum, maleficas et earum haeresim framea contens, ex variis
auctoribus compilatus… Lyons: Claude Bourgeat, 1669 Description |

NODE, Pierre. Declamation contre l'erreur execrable des
maleficiers, sorciers, enchanteurs, magiciens, devins, &
semblables observateurs des superstitions: esquelz pullulent
maintenant couuertement en France: à ce que recherche, &
punition d'iceux soit faicte, sur peine de rentrer en plus grands
troubles que iamais Paris: Jean du Carroy, 1578. Description |

PERERIUS, Valentinus De Magica. De observatione
somnorium, et de divinatione astrologica libri tres, adversus
fallaces, et superstitiosas artes Cologne: Joannes Gymnicus,
1598 Description |

REMY, Nicholas Demonolatry... in three books.
translated by E.Ashwin London: John Rodker, 1930 Description |
SPINA, Bartholomaeus (1475-1546) Questio de strigibus ...
apologia de lamiis contra Ponzinibium Rome: In aedibus
populi Romani, 1576. Description |

VAIRO, Leonardo (De Fascino libri tres) Trois livres des
charmes, sorcelages ou enchantements… Paris: Nicholas
Cheaneau, 1583 Description |
WIER, Jean Histoires disputes et discours des illusions
et impostures des diables, des magiciens infames, sorcieres et
empoisonneurs… Paris: Bureaux du Progrès Médical,
1885. Description |