Exorcism Exorcism
is mainly thought of as the rite involved in driving out the Devil and his
demons, or other evil spirits, from persons, places, or things, which are
believed to be possessed or infested by them, or are liable to become
victims or instruments of their malice. The rite of exorcism is one which
is not only practiced by the Roman Catholic Church. Many other religions
and other Christian denominations practice it as well.
Technically, exorcism is not driving out the Devil or demon, but it is
placing the Devil or demon on oath. The means employed for this purpose is
the solemn and authoritative adjuration of the demon, in the name of God,
or any of the higher powers in which he is subject. In the Christian sense
this higher authority is often Jesus Christ, this being based on the
belief that the Devil, his demons, and evil spirits are afraid of
The word “Exorcism" is derived from the Greek preposition "ek" with the
verb "horkizo" which means "I cause [someone] to swear" and refers to
"putting the spirit or demon on oath, "or invoking a higher authority to
bind the entity in order to control it and command it to act contrary to
its own will."
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BLAGRAVE, Joseph Astrological practice of
physick ... directing how to cast forth the said evil spirits out of
any one who is possessed ... London : Printed for Obadiah
Blagrave, 1671
A text on astrological medicine and the uses of herbs but
nevertheless a good portion of the book is made up of writing on
witchcraft & sorcery. Blagrave had a talent for breaking spells
& casting out devils, a talent that perhaps other
astro-physicians did not. Hence, as he became better known, he got a
large share of the business.

DARRELL, John A True narration of the strange and
grievous vexation by the Devil, of 7 persons in Lancashire and
William Somers of Nottingham ... London: printed 1600 Description

EYNATTEN, S. T. L., R.D. Maximiliani Ab Manuale
exorcismorum: continens instructiones, & exorcismos ad
eiiciendos e corporibus obsessis spiritus malignos, & ad quaeuis
maleficia depellenda, & ad quascumque infestationes daemonum
reprimendas. Antwerp: Ex Officina Plantiniana, 1619. Description

JOLLIE, Thomas, The Surey demoniack : or, An account of
Satans strange and dreadful actings, in and about the body of
Richard Dugdale of Surey, near Whalley in
Lancashire... London, Printed for Jonathan Robinson,
1697. Description

MENGHI, Girolamo Flagellum daemonum, exorcismos
terribiles, potentissimos, et efficaces ... accessit postremo pars
secunda, quae fustis daemonum inscribitur. Venice: Apud
Paulum Baleonium, 1663. Description

OLIVERIUS, Phillipus Coniuratio malignorum spirituum in
corporibus hominii existentium … Venice: Apud Dominicum de
Farris, 1567 Description

THYRAEUS, Petrus Loca infesta hoc est infestibus ob
molestantes daemonorum … Lugudunum: Apud Iohannem
Pillehotte, 1599 Description