Demonology Demonology
is the science or doctrine concerned with the study of demons. It can
comprise such features as a classification of their hierachy, of theior
powers and limitations, attributes, multiple names and derivations. It has
also come to mean a branch of magic that deals with malaevolent spirits.
The word itself derives from the Greek daimon, meaning simply a
supernatural spirit or power of an inferior sort, i.e., not a god. In the
Christian tradition, there was only one category of supernatural beings
inferior to God, namely the angels, who were divided between those who
joined in Lucifer's rebellion (a third of the heavenly host, according to
the Book of Revelation) and were condemned to Hell, and those who remained
loyal to their Creator and stayed in Heaven. Thus “demon'' came to mean
“fallen angel, an inhabitant of Hell”.
The relationship of demonology to witchraft was crucial. By addressing
the devil, or by supplications to his demons, witches were admitting to
their power and thus they were therefore committing heresy.
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AUBIN, Nicholas Histoire des diables de
Loudun, ou de la possession des religieuses Ursulines,et de la
condemnation & du suplice d’Urbain Grandier, Cure de la meme
ville A Amsterdam: Aux depens de Etienne Roger, 1716

BINET, Benjamin Traite historique des dieux et des demons
au paganisme Delft: Andre Voorstadt, 1696
A pro-witchcraft work which sets out to refute the views of
Balthasar Bekker. It strongly supports the continental view of
witchcraft and the conduct of trials.

COLLIN DE PLANCY, Jacques Albin Simon Dictionnaire
infernal: répertoire universel des êtres, des personnages, des
livres … Brussels: Chez tous les libraries, 1845
Collin de Plancy's celebrated dictionary was first published in
1818, and a second edition was issued in 1825 and the third in 1832.
This edition added more than 250 new entries. A rare and uncommon
reference book on the occult, this important work has never been
translated into English. The book contains around 550 engravings
with portraits of 72 demons.

DAUGIS, Antoine Louis Traite sur la magie, le sortilage,
les possessions, obsession et malefices… Paris: Pierre
Prault, 1732
This work arose from an edict by Louis XV concerning the
treatment of sorcerers, magicians and other practitioners of the
black arts. The inclination of the work is shown by the fact that
the author cites Jean Bodin as an

SINISTRARI, Lodovico Maria (1622-1701) Demonality; or, incubi
and succubi; a treatise. Paris: Isidore Liseux, 1879
Description |

VILLARS, Nicholas Pierre, Abbe de Comte de Gabalis, ou,
entretiens sur les sciences secretes ... Amsterdam: chez
Pierre De Coup, 1715
This work is most famous as the source used by Pope for his
mock-heroic poem The Rape of the Lock. It was originally
published in 1670 and purports to describe the spirits which the
Rosicrucians or Illuminati can command to do their bidding. It is
claimed that Villars was murdered by Rosicrucians a few years after
the publication of this work.