First the Immortal Gods as ranked by law Honour, and use an oath with holy awe. Then honour Heroes which mankind excel, and spirits of the earth, by living well. Your parents next and those of nearest blood , Then other Friends regard as they are good.
Yield to mild words and offices of love, do not for little faults your friend remove. This is no more than what in you doth lie, for power dwells hard by necessity.
Do these things so ; but those restrain you must your appetite, your sleep, your anger and lust. From filthy actions at all times forbear, whether with others or alone you are; And, of all things yourself learn to revere.
In Deed and Word to justice have an eye; do not the lest thing unadvisedly. But know that all must go to the shades below, that riches sometimes ebb and sometimes flow.
Bear patiently what ill by Heaven is sent, add not unto your griefs by discontent Yet rid them if you can , but know withall, few of those thunderstorms on good men fall..
Oft good and ill do in discourse unite, be not too apt to admire, nor yet to slight. But if through error any speak amiss, endure it with mildness, but be sure of this, that none by word or action you entice to do or speak to your own prejudice.
Think before action folly to prevent; rash words and acts are their own punishment. That do, which done, after you'll never repent.
That which you know not, do not undertake, but learn what's fit, if life you'll pleasant make.
Health is a thing you ought not to despise, in diet use a mean, and exercise; and that's a mean whence does no damage rise.
Be neat, but not luxurious in your fare, how you incur men's censure have a care.
Let not thy state in ill timed treats be spent, like one that knows not what's magnificent, not by a thrift untimely rake too clean, 'tis best in everything to use a Mean.
Be not mischievous to yourself ; advise before you act, and never let your eyes the sweet refreshings of soft slumber taste, till you have thrice severe reflections past, on the actions of the day from first to last. Where in have I transgressed? What have I done ? What duty unperformed have I passed by, and if your actions ill on search you find, let grief, if good, let joy, possess your mind. This do , this think , to this your heart incline, this way will lead you to the life Divine. Believe it , I swear by him who did us show the mystery of four , whence all things flow, Then to your work having prayed Heaven to send, on what you undertake, a happy end.
This course, if you observe, you shall know then the constitution both of gods and men. The due extent of all things you shall see, and nature in her uniformity.
That so your ignorance may not suggest vain hopes of what you cannot be possest. You'll see how poor, unfortunate mankind to hurt themselves are studiously inclined, to all approaching good , both deaf and blind.
The way to cure their ills is known to few, such a besotting fate do me pursue. They're on cylinders still foll'd up and down, and with full tides of evil overflown, a cursed inbred strife doth work within, the cause of all this misery and sin, which must not be provoked to open field, the way to conquer here's to fly and yield.
And now from ill , Great Father, set us free, teach us all to know ourselves and thee. Courage, my soul; great Jove is their ally, their duty who by nature's light descry ; these rules if to that number you retain, you'll keep and purge your soul from every stain.
Abstain from meats which you forbidden find in our traditions, wherein are defined the purgings and solution of the mind.
Consider this; then in the highest sphere enthrone your Reason, the best charioteer. So when unbodied you shall freely rove in the unbounded regions above, You an immortal god shall then commence, advanced beyond mortality and sense.